Crew 260 Journalist Report for November 2nd

Sol: 1 02 NOV 2021

Summary Title: Suit Up!

Author´s Name: Adela Genoves

The day began with the crew drinking coffee around 8 a.m. around the dining table. Folks nibbled on some breakfast items and chatted. Theo informed the team that she injured herself climbing down the stairs and planned on leaving early to avoid greater injury to her knee. We brainstormed as a team and decided that we would move the upstairs couch downstairs for Theo to sleep on and avoid the stairs. She would be a support member for the crew.

After breakfast the crew met at the lab where they studied common rock samples that can be found on Mars. The groups looked at sulfur, breccia, hematite, sandstone, vesicular basalt, and gypsum. Shannon presented the day´s challenge for collecting rocks while on EVA. The a.m. crew was scheduled to leave at 10 a.m. and the p.m. crew was scheduled for a 2 p.m. departure.

The crew prepared to suit up for the first EVA. Katie, Atila, and Adela suited up and secured on their packs for the a.m. expedition. The crew members each drove a Rover to the first location for rock collecting.

First location was at Purple Galaxy Rock Mountain. The a.m. crew explored and collected their first samples. The crew spent about 30-40 minutes scouting for black, red, and purple basalt, conglomerate, hematite, and berries.

At the second location, Kissing Camel, the team walked through a large wash where petrified wood was collected. The challenge called for collecting yellow pieces and pieces with bark. They walked back quickly and the crew carried back an assortment of petrified wood pieces.

The a.m. crew drove back to the MDRS and was greeted by the p.m. crew.

The p.m. crew had lunch ready and the whole crew ate together before the p.m. crew´s EVA.

Around 2, the p.m. crew suited up and secured their packs. Brandon, Tracy, David, and Jen made up the p.m. team. They drove the Rovers to the same locations as the a.m. crew to scout and collect rocks specified in the rock challenge. The p.m. crew returned early due to the Opportunity Rover heating up at Kissing Camel. The crew rode back together on the remaining two Rovers and were greeted back to MDRS by the a.m. crew.

The team gathered back at the lab around 4 to inventory their rock samples. Baggies were labeled and used to store the best samples from the haul.

Dinner was made, while some crew members engaged in conversation and other small duties. Shannon and Atila rode back to collect Opportunity. When they returned, dinner was ready and the crew ate communally. The team continued the evening with light cleaning, conversations, report writing, and overall relaxation.

Crew 260 Journalist Report for November 1st

Sol: 0 01 November 2021

Summary Title: On the Threshold of the Mission

Author’s name: Adela Genoves

We began the day with a crew breakfast and sampled some of the freezer dried blueberries with our pancakes. Had coffee and met all the crewmembers that arrived last night and this morning.

After breakfast, we met as a crew to formally introduce ourselves and learn more about the sim experience. The crew member were each given a gift of several Mars themed books and pre-sized space suits. We visited the lab, greenhouse, and utility shop. We tried on the different space suits and helmets to determine size.

Lunch was around noon. The crew ate fresh baked bread and quesadillas.

After lunch the crew received a tutorial on how to use the Rovers. We partnered up and drove the rovers to the lookout point, then we continued on the road to the quarry. We explored the quarry for about 20 minutes and handled some bone fossils that Jen identified. We drove the Rovers back to MDRS.

Once we were back on campus, crew members walked around the site, chatted with one another, cleaned batteries for the Rovers, worked in the greenhouse, and overall, the crew made themselves useful.

The crew prepared their first freeze dried dinner, inventoried the food supplies, and wrote a meal agenda. The crew determined jobs and expectations for the sim.

After dinner, the team gathered around the table to discuss rules of sim, write bios, and type up summary reports


Crew 206 Operations Report for November 2nd

MDRS Operations Report 2Nov2021

Name of person filing report: Atila Meszaros

Reason for Report: Daily

Non-nominal systems: Oppy

Action taken for non-nominal systems: Overheated and recovered

ScienceDome Dual Split: Off

Solar—Nominal, supplying all power

Solar— SOC %: 70 at 20:30

Notes on solar: Nothing to report

Notes on power system: Shannon worked through the day in getting the Generator Autostart online and the configurations have been set. We are waiting for the generator to start running soon tonight.

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 1 gallons

Water (loft tank): 50 gallons

Water Meter: 0152938.5

Water (static tank) – 290 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water in GreenHab – 80 gallons

Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons

Water (Outpost tank) – 90 gallons

Hab toilet tank emptied: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 222.9

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 89

Currently charging: No

Sojourner rover used: Yes


Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 98

Currently charging: No

Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 143.2

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 95

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes


Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 95

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 151.4

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 94

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Opportunity overheat problem appeared during our second EVA, it was parked as procedure south of Kissing Camels and brought back home thanks to the Outpost efforts.

General notes and comments:

Summary of internet: All accounts are nominal.

Summary of suits and radios: Suits #6 and #1 were not charging. Charger malfunction detected and solved.

Summary of general operations: Nothing to report

Summary of Hab operations: Geology Training and EVAs. Our base of operations has been placed on the lower deck.

Summary of Outpost operations: Nothing to report

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Geology class briefing in the morning and Generator AutoStart work.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Knee incident on a crewmember. See HSO Report for more information.

Questions, concerns, supplies needed and requests: Nothing at this time.

Crew 260 EVA#1/2 Report for November 2nd

Crew 260 EVA Report 02-11-2021

EVA # 1

Author: Commander Jen Carver-Hunter

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 10:30

End time: 12:30

Narrative: The EVA team departed the Hab 10:40, taking Cow Dung Road in medium-range speed, to see how Oppy would perform after the overheating during the training day. After crossing Robert’s Rock Garden, we incremented the speed and reach the 1101 intersection (Note for future EVAs and crews to take the southern entrance to not disrupt the natural wash). We reached our desired location where we collected our first geological targets as part of our mission objectives. After finding the needed samples, we went back to the main road and on our way North we stopped just before the Kissing Camels to go West and collect our petrified wood samples. We explored all the way to the beginning of the wash and noticing what time was it, we proceeded to return to the Hab after a successful EVA.

Destination: Road to Barranca Butte and Southwest Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519700, 4247300 and 518200, 4249300

Participants: Atila, Katie, Adela

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab road to Cow Dung Road to 1101 and back

Mode of travel: Rovers on roads, on foot off road

EVA # 2

Author: Commander Jen Carver-Hunter

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 2:00

End time: 3:30

Narrative: The EVA team departed the Hab at 14:00. We followed Cow Dung Road to the 1101 intersection, and followed 1101 a few hundred yards to our first destination. We collected samples as part of our science mission objectives. Then we returned to the main road and turned to the north. The Opportunity Rover overheated just south of Kissing Camel Ridge, and we safely moved her to the side of the road. We piled into the remaining 2 rovers and continued on to Kissing Camel Ridge, where we collected samples at the base of the wash. Due to the onset of headaches and thirst, the EVA team returned to the Hab earlier than expected at 1530.

Destination: Road to Barranca Butte and Southwest Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519700, 4247300 and 518200, 4249300

Participants: Jen, Tracy, David, Brandon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab road to Cow Dung Road to 1101 and back

Mode of travel: Rovers on roads, on foot off road

Crew 260 Sol Summary for November 2nd

[category Sol Summary – report}

Crew 260 Sol Summary Report 02-11-2021

Sol: 1

Summary Title: I got a rock!

Author’s name: Jen Carver-Hunter

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Our morning started with a lesson about Mars’ geologic periods and analogous processes that occurred at MDRS, forming the specimens we decided to collect on EVAs. Both EVA teams successfully completed their missions. After successful EVAs, crew members identified and labeled their samples, which they added to their “Mars rocks” kits.

Look Ahead Plan: Finish sample collection (EVA 3), sample categorization and analysis, rocket construction

Anomalies in work: No anomalies

Weather: Sunny, warm, and pleasant

Crew Physical Status: One crew member fell down a few stairs during the night and injured their knee. Injury was not serious enough to need professional medical attention, but has limited crewmember’s ability to participate in EVAs. The rest of the crew has made modifications to support all crew members while maintaining sim.

EVA: Geologic sample collection on the road to Barranca Butte and Kissing Camel Ridge.

Reports to be filed: Operations report, Journalist report, EVA request

Support Requested: None at this time.

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