Sol: 2
Summary Title: Rain on Mars???
Author’s name: Madison Rooth
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: This morning our crew gathered around our kitchen table and discussed our EVA plans over a breakfast of coffee and Cliff bars. EVA Team 1, consisting of CO Crisman, XO Rooth, and MCA Murphy, headed out via rovers Curiosity and Perseverance to Kissing Camel Ridge on the East side at 0900 to sample the regolith for later analysis. Team 1 returned at 1200 and relaxed over a lunch of cheese and broccoli soup.
EVA Team 2 consisting of GHO Montanez, ENG Moga, and HSO Milne embarked for their EVA to the West side of Kissing Camel Ridge at 1300. However, though the wind started at 10 mph at EVA start, it increased to around 15 mph shortly after embarkation with light rain while on EVA, so Team 2 turned around per EVA Briefing and returned to Hab. They arrived back at base at 1340.
After this, the crew worked on individual research for the rest of the day.
Look Ahead Plan: Conduct EVA to West side of Kissing Camel Ridge for EVA Team 2
Anomalies in work: Poor weather lead to an aborted EVA
Weather: Windy with a little bit of rain
Crew Physical Status: All good, 1 minor abrasion during morning EVA
EVA: 2 to Kissing Camel Ridge, the second one was aborted after about 30 minutes
Reports to be filed: Operations Report, HSO report, Images for SOL 1 and SOL 2
Support Requested: None at this time