Science Report

Science Report:

3D Printing:

3D printer has been fully repaired. We are able to print pieces for both the water recycling experiment and the atmospheric experiment. We have also been able to show that 3D printing is useful for space missions by taking pictures of small holes on the outside surface of the Hab and creating pieces to fix them (we did not actually put the pieces on the Hab).

Drone Experiment:

We have been able to do a first run of the experiment by having one group climbing North Ridge with the 3D map and another group with only the 2D map and compare them. We have also mapped another site where we will perform another run next week.


The last 3 Aquapad have shown that the water is safe to drink and the 4th one is currently incubating.


We are still tracking all the calories from our food, our sleep and our physical activity with a Fitbit. We are also still filling out the questionnaires to record how we feel after a night’s sleep.


Experiment teleoperating a rover on the Moon. We have run the second week of testing for this experiment.

University of Bourgogne:

We are still filling out the daily questionnaires and sent the researchers a first set of recorded answers.

University of Lorraine:

We have just finished up our 4th session for this experiment where they look at our ability to adapt both psychologically and physiologically to Mars.

Water Recycling:

We created a set up with some cardboard, funnel and water containers so as to make it faster.

Toopi Organics:

For the soy beans treated with stabilised and filtered urine from Toopi Organics, they are growing faster than the none treated ones which is great. However, for the spirulina, there was an error in the protocol we were given and the solutions have to be redone.

Atmospheric experiments:

The experiment measuring the size and flow of small particles in the air still works. We installed the PurpleAir device which measures air quality. We also installed an electric field mill experiment which measures electric field around the ground. This one is similar to the MegaAres experiment which we are still trying to get up and running.


Not possible to perform the supernovae experiment with the New Mexico telescope so no change here.

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