Mission Plan – April 25th

Crew 265 – Mars Society

Crew Commander/Cartographer: Marc Levesque (United States)

Executive Officer/Crew Engineer: David Laude (United States)

Crew Engineer/Health and Safety Officer: Sergii Iakymov (Ukraine)

Crew Journalist: Sarah Treadwell (United States)

Mapping Technician: Benino Blanco (Mexico)

Mapping Technician: Isai Licea (United States)

MDRS Crew 265 is a diverse group of individuals selected from individual applications. Two members (Levesque and Laude) have been part of previous missions at MDRS, while all others will be at MDRS for the first time. The mission’s primary objectives will be to improve operations and media awareness of MDRS. Projects will include testing a new radio communications system, updating the EVA planning map, tracking energy consumption, testing station device batteries, and increasing social media presence. The crew’s daily priority will be to maintain all MDRS facilities, vehicles, and equipment in a safe and operable condition.

Below is a detailed summary of planned projects during the mission.

Radio Communications Project

Marc Levesque

The Mars Desert Research Station is situated in a secluded area surrounded by low hills. Radio communications between the Hab and EVA teams use small handheld radios on a UHF frequency of the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) band. These handheld radios are limited to five watts of power and rely upon line-of-sight communications. Previous MDRS crews have noted communications issues between the Hab and EVA teams, however. Of significance is the loss of communications between the Hab and EVA teams when the latter have traveled into areas beyond hills that block transmissions and reception, a common issue with UHF frequencies and line-of-sight communications in such terrain.

This problem has been noted by Station Support personnel and other crews. In 2016 Bernard Dubb offered solutions to improve communications at MDRS using a more powerful radio system retaining the handheld GRMS radios but adding a more powerful base station radio inside the Hab with an outside antenna. An alternative solution was the installation of a small repeater system away from the Hab.

During MDRS 216, the crew identified a location through geospatial analysis for the installation of a small radio repeater to potentially extend the range of communications between the Hab and EVA teams. This location on North Ridge was reached on foot during an EVA to determine the feasibility for the installation of a temporary repeater at that site, as well as for any maintenance required during its period of operation.

During MDRS 265, a small repeater will be installed on the North Ridge. It will operate in cross-band mode that allows a UHF signal to be re-transmitted to a VHF signal and vice versa. This will permit the Hab to transmit line-of-sight to the repeater on the currently-used GMRS UHF channel. EVA teams will then use dual-band VHF/UHF handheld radios programmed to transmit to the repeater using a VHF frequency licensed to Western New Mexico University. Because these project radios will transmit on a VHF frequency to a repeater located on a high point, it is expected that EVA teams will be able to travel much farther while still remaining in radio communication with the Hab.

The project radios will include the currently-used GRMS UHF channel, providing the ability to talk directly with the Hab, rather than through the repeater if necessary. These radios will also use longer antennas than the current MDRS radios and can transmit up to five watts.

During MDRS 265, EVA teams will travel to sites normally visited by EVA teams and beyond. Teams will carry an existing MDRS radio and a project radio to test the signal strength and voice clarity of each with a Hab communications operator. These indices and location coordinates will be noted on a project map to capture the difference in communication between the two radios. The intent is to determine the value of a new communications system using a VHF frequency for enhancing crew safety during EVAs.

EVA Planning Map

Marc Levesque, Benino Blanco, and Isai Licea

Prior to entering sim, the crew cartographer and mapping technicians will meet with the Station Director to review and assess needed changes to the current EVA Planning Map. During sim, the mapping cadre and other crew members will then conduct several EVAs to collect or ground truth via GPS various features, points of interest, road conditions, and other desired changes to provide the needed edits and additions. This work will build upon the GIS files developed by Henrik Hargitai and others from 2006 to 2016 to create the current EVA map. To leverage time in the field, the mapping project EVAs will run concurrently with the radio communications EVAs that will capture radio signal strength and clarity. After a review of the collected data by the Station Director, a map will be generated post-mission and submitted for approval and final printing.

Smart Home Technologies for an Analog Mars Habitat

Sergii Iakymov

Space exploration is hard on systems, and all manned spacecraft are automated. Automated technologies do most of the routine procedures on their own and only notify crew and ground control if something is wrong. No doubt future habitats on Mars will be very smart to free up time for the crew to do research. Analog astronauts at MDRS also require extra time for research. That time can be gained by implementing Smart Home technologies that will take over some routine procedures.

The project goal is to implement Smart Home technologies during an analog simulation at MDRS. We will study how automated technologies can improve daily life at the station, how much time it will free for the crew, and how it will help ground control to collect data from the station.

For this engineering research, currently available Smart Home devices will be used. Main points of this approach include:

1) Analog simulation at MDRS is relatively short, up to two weeks. Therefore, simplified setup procedures are necessary.

2) The approach will not interfere with station construction.

3) In case of a malfunction, any device will be easily replaced from inventory.

4) There is no need to design new devices.

5) Minimizing system development time by using existing free tutorials.

6) Research will show how this system will improve analog simulation.

7) Using plug-and-play devices where possible.

8) In some cases, where plug-and-play devices cannot be used, permission to wire into the power circuit will be obtained.

The type of Smart Home devices to be used include a Raspberry Pi server, control terminal, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, air pressure sensors, door sensors, smart plugs, smart light control, and remote controls.

The proposed engineering research will have two main phases:

1) The first phase will observe daily crew routine and how different electrical equipment is being utilized. Every day meetings will be conducted to survey crew requirements for the Smart Home system. At the same time, a Smart Home server and environmental sensors will be installed and configured.

2) The second phase will install Smart Home technologies based upon crew recommendations. After installation, crew training will be conducted, and the devices turned on. During phase two, all systems will be monitored daily, and crew feedback logged.

At the end of the project, all Smart Home devices will be unplugged and collected. Later, a project report will be submitted to the Station Director.

Battery Testing

Dave Laude

The many portable devices at MDRS use batteries, all with finite life and various ages, resulting in some device failures for nearly every crew. For this project a battery analyzer will be used to test all suspected failed EVA suit and all operating radio batteries. All batteries installed in EVA suits will be tested in parallel by charging to full and then running the fans continuously, checking battery voltage at time intervals for up to four hours. Following the tests, labels will be attached to each radio battery and suspect EVA suit battery indicating a test serial number, date of test, battery capacity, and “good”, “fair” or “failed”. All results will be sent to mission support.

Social Media Presence

Sarah Treadwell

This project will document the MDRS experience in a journalistic style, conducting interviews and issuing daily reports. Of particular interest will be to look at the human condition, examining the mentalities and psyches throughout the course of the crew’s mission. The project will utilize modern social media methods to share the experience for promotional purposes and to educate the public via YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and others. A connection to Blue Marble Space platforms will also help promote coverage of the experience and connection between the organizations. Permission to be interviewed and filmed will be obtained from each crew member prior to project commencement.

Submitted by:

Marc Levesque

Crew 265 Commander

Sol Summary – April 25th

Crew 265 Sol Summary Report 04/25/22

Sol: 1

Summary Title: Starting Sim

Author’s Name: Marc Levesque, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Crew 265 met with Station Director Rupert this morning to review the mapping project and its objectives. Chief among these will be to collect new feature points and determine the condition of roads used for EVAs. This information will be used to update the current EVA planning map at MDRS. The crew then completed their training on handheld radios, EVA suits, and Rovers before starting sim at 1200. The afternoon was spent conducting battery checks on the EVA backpacks and preparing the equipment for the radio communications project.

Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs are planned for tomorrow. The first will set up the radio repeater on North Ridge in the morning to begin the communications project. The afternoon EVA will undertake a mapping project objective at The Peanut and then start communications testing and road mapping from there to the Candor Chasm.

Anomalies in work: None

Crew Physical Status: Good.

EVA: None

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Operations Report

HSO Report

Crew Journalist

EVA Requests

Pictures with Picture of the Day

Support Requested: Large quantity of white flour (Previous crew did not accurately record its quantity in their concluding food inventory.)

Journalist Report – April 25th

Sol: 01

Summary Title: And so it begins…

Author: Sarah Treadwell, Crew Journalist

Sim officially started today at 12:00 p.m. and the crew was prepared and eager to begin. After spending the morning and the previous half day training and settling in, we began our mission preparing for the busy two weeks ahead.

Battery tests were performed on the EVA suits. In addition, current radio systems functions were briefed to us by Commander Marc and Executive Officer Dave. Maps were reviewed and plans were made for destinations for upcoming EVA’s that will test new radio systems that may eventually replace the old.

Our crew so far is very cohesive. None of us knew each other prior to being assigned to this mission and we all come from varying backgrounds and experiences. The scent of our dinner cooking accompanies quiet conversation as I type, and I’m certain that these two weeks will ebb and flow with few difficulties.

Everyone is looking forward to a warm up in the weather over these next couple of days. Personally, I am looking forward to a good night’s rest as the past week and the journey of getting here to Mars was extremely stressful and I had a hard time sleeping last night adjusting to all the new noises of the station. I will be giving some thoughtful interviews amongst my crew members and hope to highlight the hopes and goals they have for themselves and our group as a whole.

To finish and inspired by the crew journalist that preceded me, I decided I wanted to share some favorite space themed quotes over the course of these two weeks:

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there–on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” – Carl Sagan

Crew 265 Sol Summary 24 APR 2022

[Crew 265 Sol Summary April 24th]

Crew 265 Sol Summary Report 04/24/22

Sol: 0

Summary Title: Arrival at MDRS

Author’s Name: Marc Levesque, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Crew 265 arrived at MDRS over the weekend and settled into the Hab this afternoon. Three water runs were made to fill the water tank, with a potential fourth run required before going into sim. Some of the crew tried on their EVA gear, with the rest scheduled for tomorrow. The crew also expressed their appreciation for the fast Internet service.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew will meet with Station Director Rupert to complete their orientation on EVAs and Rovers and will conduct an additional water run if needed. Following that, we expect to go into sim at noon.

Anomalies in work: None

Crew Physical Status: Good and excited to be starting their mission.

EVA: None

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Operations Report

HSO Report

Support Requested: None

Crew 265 Operations Report 24 APR 2022

[Crew 265 Operations Report April 24th]

Crew 265 Operations Report 24-04-2022

SOL: 0

Name of person filing report: Dave Laude

Non-nominal systems: Heating system.

Notes on non-nominal systems: The heating system is now functional after non-functioning with previous crew. I used the first new thermostat that was ordered as that is correct for this system. However, it does not have fan switches like the original did. The main issue is that the exhaust gas fan to the outside cycles on and off because the fan operation pressure sensing switch is stuck closed and so the furnace senses this as a fault. For operation I have to fake the opening and closing during start-up as it is being checked by the electronics. We only use the furnace in the morning for a few hours if very cold in the hab and when I can tend to it. Warm temps are coming soon and so we may not need it. It will not be run overnight as is. No replacement part is planned to be ordered because the entire furnace is to be replaced after this crew season is over.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: (before EVA)

Beginning charge: (Before EVA)

Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

General notes and comments:

Summary of Hab operations:


Water (static tank): Not full. ~480 gallons. Does this warrant a special trip for water

Water (loft tank): 20 gallons

Water Meter: 0158026.1 units

Static to Loft Pump used – No

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): Off

Static tank heater (On or off): Off

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Awesome!

Summary of suits and radios: Batteries charging. One radio in RAM seems to have a very weak battery battery. Will need to test it. Radio replaced with one from lower hab deck. Testing of some currently unused EVA suit battery capacity in inventory has started. Scott Davis has asked for this on a sample basis to confirm or not that batteries labeled dead are of no use. Will start some radio battery capacity testing soon.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Not used, nothing to report

WATER USE: gallons

Heater: On or Off

Supplemental light: On or Off


Summary of ScienceDome operations: Not used, nothing to report

Dual split: Heat or AC, Off

Summary of RAM operations: Tools used for furnace work. DMMs used for battery checks.

Summary of any observatory issues: Won’t be using, nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Star Link cable has been taped to the floor on the lower deck to prevent tripping upon it.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: (note trash pickup)

Water (static tank): Not full. ~85% or ~470 gallons. Maybe needs another 6-8". Does this warrant a special trip for water tomorrow or can someone deliver some during the mission?

Minutes ago we smelled natural gas or propane on the lower deck only. The gas detector alarm was not set off. Manual detectors read null and the gas dissipated in about 10 minutes. This same situation has occurred on other crews. We will check periodically for the same occurance.

Crew 245 Final Mission Summary

Crew 245 rotation, planned between April 10th and 23rd, had officially started the simulation on April 12th due to a delay in the delivery of some equipment needed for the experiments and completed the simulation on Friday 23rd morning. During these 10 days of simulation, the crew successfully completed 15 EVAs to perform the targeted experiments and visited several areas in the West, North and East of the habitat. 

The SMOPS crew had initially planned 13 experiments, both passive and active, mainly focused on crew monitoring and support, but two of them were cancelled during the mission for several reasons. The experiments can be divided in four main categories: crew health, space suits and monitoring, space support technology and planetary science. For the first category, the crew had performed a spit test for cortisol measurement to estimate two crew members’ stress levels before and after an EVA in which they had to navigate in an area using only a map (a standard and a drone generated one) and a compass. The saliva samples had been collected by the HSO crew and they will be shipped to a laboratory for the analysis. In the second category, crew gear (prototype flight suit and boots) and wearable sensors have been tested to monitor the movements of crew members during EVAs, data have been downloaded after each EVA and it will be delivered to Mars Planet for the post-processing. During the entire mission, each crew member also wore an undergarment for continuous monitoring of physiological parameters (e.g. heart rate, breathing, oxygen level in the blood). The data have been downloaded by the HSO crew that will post-process it after the mission. The crew has also tested some technologies that will support astronaut activities in future missions, such as purification of air from bacteria that had been installed in the upped deck of the habitat. The air purifier also monitored the quality of the air and the measurement will be compared with the manual measurements performed by the crew Engineer with another device every other day.

In the first days of the mission, a satellite communication system has been installed by the crew (an external antenna next to the RAM and a ground station inside the RAM module) during multiple EVAs, however due to the complexity of the system it was not possible to fully troubleshoot the system and connect with the targeted satellite.

Another tested technology was the 3D scanning of station modules and geological features, data have been collected with the 3D scanner and it will be processed after the mission to generate 3D models of the station and of the geological formations.

The crew also brought a 3D Printer that was used to produce tools in support to other experiments (e.g. a scoop and collection tools for the geological samples) and a drone (a small quadcopter) that was used to map a couple of areas (the station and Tank wash areas). Last but not least, the crew collected and processed twelve geological samples that were processed by the crew scientist that found some magnetic particles and separated them from the main samples. The samples will be shipped to the principal investigator that will assess the origin of the microparticles (if micrometeoroids or simply ferromagnetic material). 

Also ten biological samples were collected and the crew scientist had processed them following the principal  investigator procedure to extract DNA material that will be further analysed by the researcher after the mission.

Throughout the mission we also performed outreach and filming activities: the crew journalist Benjaman is currently working on a documentary on analogue missions and he filmed the crew performing operations with cameras and drones, but also nice feature of the environment around the station, like a sky timelapse. 

Crew 245 Research Report April 22nd

Crew 245 Mid-mission Research Report

– 3D Printed objects utility

Research objectives: The experiment aims to test various 3D-printed objects for EVAs (surface sampling activities, drone’s spare) and medical activities. Each 3D-printed material will be tested immediately after printing, then use during nominal operations. The raw material used for the experiment are from polymers which offer similar mechanical properties as metals. After each use, fill a questionnaire and pictures of the object to analyse the degradation of the object with the use.

Achieved so far: Successfully tested the several geology tools for sample collections and storage. Crew 3D printed some of them before the mission but also during the missions.

– 3D Scan

Research objectives: The experiment aims to perform a detailed scan of the Habitat (internal and external) and generate a detailed 3D map of it. Potentially, other geological features might be scanned and mapped.

Achieved so far: Crew performed a scan of the internal part of the habitat, of the RAM and Science dome together with four geological formations during EVAs. The crew has downloaded the data and advanced in the post-processing of the data with a dedicated software and a python script adapted by the crew.

– Air Purification for Life Support systems

Research objectives:
The experiment focuses on three main parts or “sub-experiments”:
• Experiment 1: monitoring the quality of the air by measuring the degree of contamination (or particulate matter PM) carried by the crew members.
• Experiment 2: Bacteriological detector for the evaluation of the bacterial concentration.
• Experiment 3: Bacterial cultivation in a controlled environment.

Achieved so far: the air purifier has been installed in the crew quarters of the habitat and it was activated right after. In addition to the daily filtering routine, the crew performs every other day manual measurements with a separate device to compare the two measurements. The crew has also performed the last part of the experiment (#3) in a controlled environment

– Biomonitors for continuous care

Research objectives:
The purpose of the experiment is to continuously monitor the health of the crew members through a biomonitor device that includes integrated sensors designed to measure the body activity, heart rate, and body temperature and pressure of the crew members.
The members wear the biomonitor sensors undersuite and as a head band.
The data collected from the body monitoring are processed through a dedicated available software, and then transmitted to the principal investigators to be analyzed.

Achieved so far: Crew wore the sensors (on a T-shirt and headband) for the whole mission with the Crew HSO checking the correct functioning and recording of the data and values from time to time. The downlinked data will be processed post mission.

– BGM Mark 1 suits

Research objectives: Tests of a flightsuit simulator designed by Radici and shoes provided by calzaturificio King. These parts are worn and tested with sensors to measure quantities relevant for spacesuit simulator R&D. In particular, crew members wear an Emotibit sensor on their arm, and a custom made accelerometer on the right foot. A helmet with integrated air filtering and ventilation system is tested.
This experiment is part of a larger program for the development of a space suit simulator for analogue missions.

Achieved so far: crew members have been wearing the experimental flight suits and boots during EVAs. The helmet has been also successfully tested. Crew continues to wear the sensors (arm and shoes) during EVAs and the Crew Executive Officer (XO) downloads the data at the end of each EVA session. The crew will continue to wear them for the rest of the mission and data will be processed post mission. Feedback on the use of suit, boots and helmet are being collected by the XO.

– Evaluation of drone operations and questionnaires

Research objectives:
Mapping (1)* of terrain and inspection (3) of the station and its elements (e.g. solar arrays) during Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs), also simulating possible search and rescue (2) events.
Acquisition of the martian base camp outside environment monitoring sandstorms through a warning weathercast system (4).
For the scenarios, a commercial drone is used for photogrammetry and surface analysis and exploration. The images produced are used in support of other experiments.
Note: () Numbers indicate priority

Achieved so far: Crew performed a test for the mapping function and a first full mapping session on Sol7. The generated map was used for the navigation test required for the Spit test experiment.

– Micrometeorites from the Solar System

Research objetives: The main purpose of the experiment is find the extra-terrestrial materials on the earth’s surface through the search of micrometeorites in the analog field.
The crew will collect minimum 10 and maximum 30 geological samples in different locations in the area of the Mars Research Desert Station that will be then analysed inside the station to search for micrometeorites.
All the samples will be stored and delivered to the PI after the mission.
Similar investigation and sample collection will be carried out in other analog environments (e.g. AMADEE20 performed by the Austrian Space Forum) and these different analog areas will be compared by extra-terrestrial traces. The final goal is to establish an analog mission micrometeorite archive.

Achieved so far: Crew collected a total of twelve samples out of the ten minimum required. The collected samples have been analysed by the crew scientist that has found several particles that were attracted by the magnetic field generated by the portable magnet. Those particles have been separated from the main samples and they will be further analysed by the principal investigator.

– Portable DNA analyser in search for Extraterrestrial life

Research objetives: This experiment aims to optimize research methods based on the restrictions of human-robotic exploration mission. Here, we focus on the easy-to-do methods including classical microbiology and NGS (next generation sequencing) techniques to identify extremophile bacteria, archaea, tardigrades, and slimemold. During this mission we aim to analyse sand samples on traces of microbial DNA. The experiment contains the following steps (1) sample collection; (2) DNA extraction; (3) sequencing, (4) analyses and interpretation (post-mission)

Achieved so far: Crew collected the maximum required number of samples (ten) and they were processed by the crew Scientist that has extracted the DNA by following the procedure prepared by the principal investigator. Unfortunately, due to an anomaly with one of the components of the portable sequencer, the crew was not able to sequence the DNA on-site, but the library of extracted DNA samples has been shipped to the principal investigator that will perform the troubleshooting and complete the DNA analysis.

– Satellite communication and data exchange

Research objetives: The purpose of the experiment is measuring the communications level between the GCS and the on-orbit satellite (D-orbit) through the amateur radio frequency. The software tool required by the experiment is also provided by D-Orbit.

Achieved so far: The crew installed the antenna and the ground station, it also attempted to connect a few times with the satellite during its pass above the station but without success. Troubleshooting activities have been attempted, but without much luck.

– Spit cortisol test

Research objectives: Measuring the cortisol level affecting the crew members. This test plays an important role in understanding (but also preventing) potential health risks, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, muscle weakness etc. The test could be done through blood samples combined with cyclomatic tests for the crew.

Achieved so far: The collection of the samples for the cortisol tests have been performed on the two targeted subjects after the successful execution of the navigation tests using a standard and a drone generated maps.

– EEG set during meditation

Research objectives: The purpose of this experiment consists of theoretical and practical study of the use of portable EEG headsets for neurofeedback experiments in isolated, confined and extreme environments. The aim of the research is to inquire about new non-intrusive methodology to countermeasure stress in isolation to enhance human performances in future long length space missions.

Achieved so far: due to technical issues with the EEG sent and a mishap in communication with another partner, the experiment was canceled.

Crew 245 Operations Report April 22nd

category operations-report]

Crew 245 Operations Report 22-04-2022
SOL: 12
Name of the person filing report: Luca Rossettini

Non-nominal systems: Heating system.
Notes on non-nominal systems: –
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 173
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 95.6
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: 185.5
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: 235.6
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: -%
Currently charging: –
General notes and comments: Not used today
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 323 gallons
Water (loft tank): 12 gallons
Water Meter: 157955.8
Static to Loft Pump used: Yes
Static tank pipe heater: Off
Static tank heater: Off
Toilet tank emptied: No
Summary of internet: nothing to report
Summary of suits and radios:
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 0 gallons
Heater: Off
Supplemental light: Off
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report
Dual split (Heat/AC): Off
Summary of RAM operations: nothing to report
Summary of any observatory issues: Not used, nothing to report
Summary of health and safety issues: nothing to report
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: –

Supplemental Operations Report April 24th

Supplemental Operations Report 24 April 2022

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Reason for Report: Routine

Non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Action taken for non-nominal systems: n/a

Generator: Still being manually run at night from about 9 pm to 7:30 am

ScienceDome Dual Split: Off

Solar—Charge controllers off at night.

Solar— Nominal

Notes on power system: Nothing to report

Propane Reading, station tank – 57 %

Propane Reading, director tank— 58 %

Propane Reading, intern tank— 68 %

Propane Reading, generator—43 %

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 0 gallons.

Water (Outpost tank) – 500 gallons

Sojourner rover used: no

Hours: 167.7

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 100

Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: All rovers were serviced. The batteries were cleaned, neutralized and the cells of the batteries were refilled.

Spirit showed some corrosion and batteries were evenly depleted of water.

Curiosity showed some corrosion and batteries were unevenly depleted of water. The driver’s side had water levels equal to that of Spirit, but the passenger’s side were much more depleted. I think they were accidentally not filled the last time.

Percy showed limited corrosion and batteries were evenly depleted of water. One battery took some effort to refill due to a rusted bolt.

Opportunity showed some corrosion and batteries were evenly depleted of water.

Sojourner showed heavier corrosion and batteries were evenly depleted of water.

It took about 70 gallons of water to clean them and 13 gallons of distilled water to fill them. They will need to be serviced again during the work party.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): none

Reason for use: n/a

Oil Added? No.

ATV Fuel Used: 0 gallons

# Hours the ATVs were Used: 0 hours

Notes on ATVs: Nothing to report

HabCar used and why, where? Yes, to town for garbage and water

CrewCar used and why, where? Yes, to Grand Junction. I fixed the broken piece on the interior driver’s side by the windshield. It just needed to pushed securely back into place.

Luna used and why, where? Yes, to Denver. Got a warning that the tire sensor is inoperable and needs to be reset. I will work on figuring this one out. Also the tires showed four different pressures right before this, so I will adjust them as needed.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why? Nothing to report

General notes and comments: Dave and Sergii got here on Saturday and helped me do things before the arrival of the crew. This was deeply appreciated.

Summary of general operations: Nothing to report

Summary of internet: We removed the multiple sets of HudgesNet and old internet wiring throughout the Hab. We also removed the blue ethernet wire that had been put in place for the webcams that could not be used. Things look much neater as a result.

Summary of suits and radios: Dave is working with Scott on some troubleshooting of some of the suits and batteries.

Summary of Hab operations: Dave did some troubleshooting of the furnace and it is semi-operational. It can be turned on to warm the Hab but it is not completely safe as he had to bypass an exhaust sensor to do so. In addition, the new thermostat does not have an on/off switch and turns on at 50 degrees, so it will need to be disabled after each use by disconnecting the wires. This is a good enough work around for this crew, and as they are the last crew that will need it before a new furnace is installed, it will work. They will not run the furnace at night and in a few days it should be warm enough to retire the furnace forever. Dave also reset the water alarm in the loft tank.

Summary of Outpost operations: The new pump and hose have arrived for the water tank and I will set it up when I need more water.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report

Summary of RAM operations: I dropped a 10mm wrench from the newer set between the batteries of Percy and could not retrieve it. There is an older 10 mm single wrench that can replace it until we can get it out from where it is wedged.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report


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