GreenHab Report – November 14th

Sol 11 – 14/11/201

Green Hab Officer Atila Meszaros

Ambient: heating 50 F

Ambient with window/door open: door opened at 12:32; closed at 18:20

Shade cloth on/off: on

Average temperature:

Time 09:40 18:44
Temperature inside (°C) 24 17
Temperature outside (°C) 4 5
% Humidity 16 16

Changes to crops:  Crops keep growing, a lot!

Daily water usage for crops: 2 galons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 09:40 and 18:44

Changes to research plants: controls keep growing! Petri dishes to plant on analog soil tomorrow!

Daily watering and amount of water used: 1 ½ L approximately



Hi, Kevin! Atila in here, and I’m a man, haha, don’t worry about it, it’s a common mistake. I hope you are having an amazing night.

Today I haven’t been on the GH the whole day, as you should know by now, we had an incident during our EVA.

However, on the morning I checked the crops and they are growing pretty solid.

I was making an Excel with information about the GH but I didn’t have time to update it today, I would do it tomorrow. Sorry about that!

The seeds on the Petri dishes are ready to be planted on the analog soil. Tomorrow I’ll begin.

I think that’s pretty much all, if you need more information about the GH I will be glad to send it to you.

Thank you for being there!

Have a beautiful night on Earth.

Support/supplies needed: none

Operations Report – November 14th

Crew 182 Operations Report  14Nov2017

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report:  Carmen Atauconcha

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER: Finally, we found the problem. The new water heater is not installed yet.

Generator—  It worked the whole night since 5:30pm of 13Nov2017 until 12:20 pm of 14Nov2017.  Turn on at 17:05 pm 14Nov2017.  Operand.



12:20 am 100%
13:20 am 100%
14:20 am 93%
15:20 am 84%
16:20 am 80%
17:05 pm 75%

Diesel – 55 %

Propane – 50 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 0 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 385  gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   yes

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  42 gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  yes

ATV’s Used: Yes

Oil Checked:  No

Atv # Fuel Used Gals:  3  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 3 hours

Deimos used:  Si

Hours: 3

Beginning charge:  – 18:00

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: Yes
HabCar used? Yes

Notes and Comments:
In the morning we go to receive the new deimos. After that, as you know we started the EVA session. Three hours after, our classmates did not appear. The fact is that the ATV did not work before they return to the Hab. In that way, Atila stayed in the middle of desert with the ATV, waiting for us. Any deimos were charged. So, we had to take the car, buy gasoline, and we went as fast as we could for Atila.  In that emergency, because everyone was worry for Atila, we broke the simulation.

I think that this experience join us as a group.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

We are cleaning and organizing this area. It is a disaster, but we are working on it.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

We are using the lamps of the Hab, for the laboratory.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Atila is having little headache. We are taking care of him.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

I have a doubt, which is the minimum limit for the static water tank?

We need gasoline for the ATV’S, please. URGENT

Commander Report November 14th

5h40m – Awake

6h23m – I and Brandon start a exploration around the MDRS area. I found good rock samples. We also visited a plateau in west direction from MDRS. During the morning We just walked 10 km.

11h – Brunch.

11h45m – I just clean the dished, organized the dinner table and take out the garbage.

13h45m – I fixed the window of the airlock chamber, the border of the door and the membrane door of the airlock room.

13h13m – I’m preparing my report.

15h – I burned garbage and clean up the lower deck.

15h30m  – We walked 1 hour or 2 miles going to help Atila in the ATV without gasoline. We arrived back at 17h30m.

18h – I ate peas with cheddar, tomato soup and chips and pancakes. I was hungry. At total I walked around 18 km or 11 miles as yesterday and burn more than 1100 calories.

Sol Summary – November 13th

MDRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 10

Summary Title: About pancakes.

Mission Status: We had discussed how long time and accuracy is necessary for to do pancakes.:) Sometimes, common circumstances, as prepare a meal and let everything fixed, would consume a great time. Less is more! Some activities had been shared between the crew members. Most of us are available to help each other in regular activities.

Sol Activity Summary: Regular operational activities; preparing meals; each crew member developing their researches; Julio Rezende doing physical activities; Tentative of Carmen and Brandon fix the water heater; EVA of Atila and Camila in front of the MDRS.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, We are planning an EVA with ATV in the region of Yellow Moon. Julio Rezende will be writing the data related with sustainability.

Anomalies in work:  Nope.

Weather: 7o C, 45o F

Crew Physical Status: Very well.

EVA: The EVA was close to MDRS. Atila and Camila collected some soil samples to a post-analysis.

Reports to be file:

Commanders Report

EVA #6 report

Daily Summary Report

Journalist Report

Biologist Report

Engineering Report

EVA #7 request

GreenHab Report

HSO Report

XSO Report

Support Requested: Nope.

Commander Report – November 13th

6h30m – Awake.

7h50m – 7h50m – 60 minutes walking: 5,6 km or 3,5 miles.

10h20m – 11h – EVA activity walking to collect more soil to a posterior analysis.

11h – Part of our crew is preparing pancakes.

12h – Camila and Brandon tried to fix the water heater, but they didn’t got.

14h30m – The crew is preparing the lunch.

15h – I just spend great part of my time reflecting about what dimensions would be considered about the sustainability study of a Mars analogue habitat. So, the following chart summarizes important key elements to be considered, evaluated in MDRS and propose some improvements about.

Chart 1 – Dimensions of the sustainability to be studied in MDRS

Environmental Sustainability – Activities of environmental education;

– Waste management practices;

– Save water practices;

– Procedures to save energy and use of renewable energy;

– Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Social sustainability – Education related to the research station management;

– Publication of reports;

– Quality of life;

– Equal distribution of activities between genres;

– Occupational Health and Safety Policy;

– Use of social media;

– Code of ethics or code of conduct;

– Social responsibility actions.

Personal sustainability – develop personal resilience strategies to achieve goals;

– maintenance of good mental condition;

– Health;

– team assistance and relationship;

– orientation to activities and tasks;

– Feeling of satisfaction or completude.

Economic sustainability – Operations and management of the simulation;

– Scientific process.

15h30m – Lunch.

16h20m – I walked 1h40m. Today I completed 10 miles, as yesterday. An average of 8 miles by day. This is part of my experiment related with personal sustainability. Apple Watch is providing the info that I supposed had burned more than 1000 calories.

19h – CapComm.

GreenHab Report – November 13th

Sol 10 – 13/11/2017

Green Hab Officer Atila Meszaros

Ambient: heating 50 F

Ambient with window/door open: door opened at 12:32; closed at 17:05

Shade cloth on/off: on

Average temperature:


Time 08:56 12:52 17:05 18:44
Temperature inside (°C) 28 38 17 17
Temperature outside (°C) 2 12 10 5
% Humidity 16 16 16 16

Changes to crops:  Crops keep growing! Check the Excel for more details.

Daily water usage for crops: 2 galons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:56 and 17:05

Changes to research plants: the amaranthus control keeps growing, mustards too!

Daily watering and amount of water used: 1 ½ L approximately



Hi, there, Graeme! Atila in here. I hope you are having an amazing night

The crops from the former experiment in the Green Hab (GH) keep growing. Shannon will have to give them a look because the tomato seedlings are like a pest! I can’t believe how many seedlings are. I hope Shannon give me some instructions regarding this issue. They are growing pretty respectable, though.

I’ve made an excel with all the data of the crops and research plants. It’s only 15 KB, so I’m attaching it to the report.Each square is a pot, I hope it gives you a nice view of the GH.

However, it will be probably easier if I make a Drive like the Excel document with the dates and number of emerging seeds. And this Drive can be used for future crews too. Let me know if you have like a Data Base where I can put this kind of data.

The analog soil is not becoming clay anymore, thanks to a more rigorous water treatment, so I’m waiting for the seedling to show on Wednesday.

I think that’s pretty much all, if you need more information about the GH I will be glad to send it to you.

Thank you for being there!

Have a beautiful night on Earth.

Support/supplies needed: none

Operations Report – November 12th

Crew 182 Operations Report  12Nov2017

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report:  Carmen Atauconcha

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER:  I am going to check the information that you need tonight. I will send the information tomorrow early.

Generator—  It worked the whole night since 5: 00pm of 11Nov2017 until 8:00 am of 12Nov2017.  Turn on at 4:30 pm 12Nov2017.  Operand.



8:50 am 100%
9:50 am 100%
10:50 am 100%
11:50 am 100%
12:50 am 100%
13:50 pm 98%
14:50 pm 95%
15:26 pm 93%
15:49 pm 89%
16:08 pm 85%
17:40 pm 76%
19:40 pm 75%
20:40 pm 75%

Diesel – 55 %

Propane – 50 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 0 gallons. In addition, the tank of gasoline inside the ATV’s is almost filled.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 218  gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  39.4gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  yes

ATV’s Used: No

Oil Checked:  No

Atv # Fuel Used Gals:  0  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0 hours

Deimos used:  No

Hours: 0

Beginning charge:  –

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used? No

Notes and Comments:
We made bread finally,  it was tasty and we liked it too much.  From another hand, the last night was a little hot. As a result, since tonight we are going to lower the temperature of the heater.
Summary of Hab operations:

We receive the new radios today in the morning.  Also, according to the instructions they were installed in the desk of radios and a couple in the laboratory.  We proved the six radios and they are fine. All of them load and we can hear clearly the messages.   According your question about how many the radios remain are operational, we had 5 remained radios working each one with their own earbud.  In addition, we had three more earbuds; one of them is not working.

According to the toilet, I did what you wrote me almost exactly. The thing is that I did not use the deodorizer pack.  I am sorry for that. I thought that with the digester will be enough.  I am going to empty the toilet tomorrow again, so, I will use the deodorizer pack.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

I will remember that the heater is automatically. Thanks mission support.

Also, inside the greenhab, there is a big blue tub. What is that?

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

We got all the cords off the middle table and put them against the wall.  We worked today until 6:30pm, and there was not light. Therefore, it is necessary the lamps.

Summary of health and safety issues:

While we were trying to cook the lunch my classmate burned his finger. I t was a little little burn. Thanks for the first aid kit, it help us in the situation.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

I have a doubt, which is the minimum limit for the static water tank?

We need gasoline for the ATV’S, please.

Sol Summary – November 12th

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 9

Summary Title: It’s sunday.

Mission Status: Today looks like a really Sunday. The crew is more relaxed but also focused with their duties. We had a good meal today prepared by Camila. Some of us shared some activities at this time, preparing the lunch. We are a team!

Sol Activity Summary: Keeping a High State of Consciousness in MDRS.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, We are planning an EVA walking to Lith Cannyon.

Anomalies in work:  Nope.

Weather: 9o C, 49o F

Crew Physical Status: Very well.

EVA: We did an interesting EVA without ATV. We visited an interesting spot walking to the north direction from the MDRS. Distance: 1,2 km. Was collected soil and rock samples. Was possible to do some beautiful images from the area.

Reports to be file: We sent in CapComm.

Support Requested: Nope.

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