GreenHab Report – January 26th

Crew 220 GreenHab Report 26-JAN-2020 GreenHab Officers: Marufa Bhuiyan and Morgan Kainu

Environmental control: Heating GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on.

Average temperatures: 19.25 °C 08:56 Floor Unit: 17 °C

10:44 Floor Unit: 19 °C

12:16 Floor Unit: 22°C

17:55 Floor Unit: 19°C

Hours of supplemental light: 19:30 to 00:00

Daily water usage for crops: 13.2 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: NA

Water in Blue Tank 163.04 gallons

Times(s) of watering for crops: 3 08:56 10:45 18:09

Changes to crops: Pumpkin flowers are blooming. Planted 1g sweet pepper (California Wonder), 1g spinach lakeside.

Narrative: Plants seem to be maintaining well and enjoying their feedings and sunlight.

Harvest: Crops picked for cooking: 1g basil, 3g cilantro, 2g acorn pumpkin leaves

Support/supplies needed: MDRS Seed Bank lid doesn’t close properly; it may affect the seeds.

Greenhab Report Jan 25

Crew 220 GreenHab Report 25-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Marufa Bhuiyan

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 14.75° C

8:04 A.M.

Floor Unit: 16 °C

12:39 P.M.

Floor Unit: 18 °C

15:10 P.M.

Floor Unit: 8°C

20:30 P.M.

Floor Unit: 17°C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:30 P.M. – 12:00A.M.

Daily water usage for crops: 15.76 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 176.24 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

8:20 A.M.

6:25 P.M.


Change to crops:

Crops picked for cooking: 2g cilantro, 1g chives, 4g lettuce, 1g lemon balm, 35g icicle radish leaves, 3g acorn pumpkin, 1g rosemary.


Swept the floor because water was dripping from the shelves and it was stored/clogged in front of the table and blue tank. Next time, I should be more careful when watering

Moved two white bowls with snow pea plants into the floor, as they were drying out probably because of excess heat from the heater

Put some bricks/stones in front of the entrance (below the thermometer just outside of GreenHab), as the entrance was muddy and slippery, there were some risks of falling down

QUESTION: There are some empty tubs with soil, may I use them for harvesting tomorrow? For example: 9 Pepper tubs tags, 2 red tomatoes etc. Please advise. Thanks.

GreenHab Report – January 24th


Crew 220 GreenHab Report 24-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Marufa Bhuiyan

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 15.75°C

8:41 A.M.
Floor Unit: 18 °C

14:40 P.M.
Floor Unit: 10 °C

17:16 P.M.
Floor Unit: 18°C

20:07 P.M.
Floor Unit: 17°C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:30 PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 10.42 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 192 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

8:50 A.M.
5:35 P.M.


Change to crops: N/A


Water shortage in the blue tank in the morning but its resolved now

Added support/fences to some plants e.g. Narcissis, mystery, acorn pumpkin.

GreenHab Report – January 23rd

Crew 220 GreenHab Report 23-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Marufa Bhuiyan

Average Temperature (Floor Unit): 14°C

Floor temperature at different times:
09:30: 20°C
15:08: 8°C

Environmental Heating:
GreenHab door Shade cloth (40%) (30%) on
Door opened: 12:40
Door closed: 15:08

Time(s) of watering crops:

Daily water usage for crops: 11 Gal
Morning: 5 Gal
Evening: 6 Gal

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in the Blue Tank: 211 Gal

Harvest: N/A

Changes in Crops/Crops picked for cooking purpose: Chives, Basil.

Other comments: N/A

GreenHab Report – January 22nd

Crew 220 GreenHab Report 22-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Marufa Bhuiyan

GreenHab door opened: 11:10 AM
GreenHab door closed: 2:30 PM

Average Temperature (Floor Unit): 5°C
Floor temperature at different times:
8:40 AM: 3°C
1:22 PM: 7°C

Time(s) of watering crops:
9:00 AM
6:50 PM

Daily water usage for crops: 12 Gal
Morning 9 AM: 6 Gal
Evening 6:50 PM: 6 Gal

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in the Blue Tank: 222.2 Gal

Harvest: N/A

Changes in Crops/Crops picked for cooking purpose: Lettuce (1), cilantro, basil, chives (1) , rosemary, lemon balm (2), thyme, oregano, acorn pumpkin (2 leaves).

Other comments: Snow peas are drying out on bottom two shelves (white). Not sure exactly what to do.
Please advise. Thank you.

GreenHab Report – January 18th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 18-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 19 °C

9:10 A.M.

Floor Unit: 14 °C

12:33 P.M.

Floor Unit: 27 °C

4:23 P.M.

Floor Unit: 16 °C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 8.64 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – 133.39 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

10:18 A.M.


Change to crops: N/A


1st sprouts: N/A

Harvest: At 12:22 P.M., 0.25 grams of marjoram, 1 gram thyme, 8 grams of sage, and 2 grams of chives were harvested.

Other: N/A

Greenhab Report – January 17th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 17-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 24.3 °C

10:18 A.M.

Floor Unit: 21 °C

2:32 P.M.

Floor Unit: 20 °C

5:15 P.M.

Floor Unit: 20°C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 9.18 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – 152.03 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

10:18 A.M.


Change to crops: Almost all of the crops look exceptionally bigger, brighter, and healthier


1st sprouts: The white onions that were planted a couple of days ago started to sprout, as is the green apple plant.

Harvest: At 2:32 P.M., 100 grams of swiss chard and 2 grams of chives were harvested.

Other: Since there is now only one thermometer that I am able to use within the GreenHab, I am only able to take floor temperature readings. I needed to constantly check on the temperature within the GreenHab to make sure that it was not too hot for the plants.

Greenhab Report – January16th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 16-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Nathan Hadland

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 23.7 °C

8:09 A.M.
Floor Unit: 18 °C
Mid-height unit: 23 °C

10:31 A.M.
Floor Unit: 19 °C
Mid-height unit: 23 °C

12:24 P.M.
Floor Unit: 20 °C
Mid-height unit: 30 °C

2:41 P.M.
Floor Unit: 12 °C
Mid-height unit: 21 °C

5:08 P.M.
Floor Unit: 16 °C
Mid-height unit: 21 °C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00 PM-12:00 AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 3 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – 149.03 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

10:31 A.M.


Change to crops: N/A


Harvest: At 10:31 A.M., 2 g of basil, 2 g of oregano, 1 g of thyme, and 1 g of marjoram were harvested

Other: N/A

GreenHab Report – January 15th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 15-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 24.3 °C

2:34 P.M.

Floor Unit: 18 °C

Mid-height unit: 26 °C

4:18 P.M.

Floor Unit: 18 °C

Mid-height unit: 24 °C

6:06 P.M.

Floor Unit: 14 °C

Mid-height unit: 24 °C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 9.18 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – 152.03 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

2:34 P.M.


Change to crops: N/A


1st sprouts: One of the recently planted snow peas on the middle rack
is starting to sprout.

Harvest: At 4:35 P.M., 1 gram of grapefruit mint and 7 grams of chives
were harvested.

Other: N/A

GreenHab Report – January 14th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 14-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 24.3 °C

11:12 A.M.

Floor Unit: 15 °C

Mid-height unit: 31 °C

4:00 P.M.

Floor Unit: 16 °C

Mid-height unit: 24 °C

5:55 P.M.

Floor Unit: 12 °C

Mid-height unit: 18 °C

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 5 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – 161.21 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

13 Jan 2020 – 10:30 P.M.

14 Jan 2020 – 11:12 P.M.

14 Jan 2020 – 5:55 P.M.


Change to crops: N/A


1st sprouts: N/A

Harvest: At 11:12 A.M., 4 grams of cilantro, 23 grams of lettuce, 8
grams of swiss chard, and 8 grams of purple carrots were harvested. At
4:25 P.M., 12 grams of sage, 4 grams of marjoram, and 0.25 grams of
thyme were harvested.

Other: The two cucumber plants that were transplanted yesterday were
given fertilizer in an attempt to revitalize the wilted leaves. Also,
after searching for the missing electronic thermometer, I learned that
Outpost had taken it for their own means. So, to be able to read the
mid-height temperature of the GreenHab, I removed the thermometer that
is outside of the GreenHab, and I placed it inside as the temporary
thermometer until the electronic one is available.
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