Journalist Report – November 10th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


SOL 12

Último día en Marte, última EVA para el resto de la tripulación.

6:30 am El día se levanta helado, el sol perezoso se va alzando por Marbel Ritual, en el Hab el sentimiento de pena nos cala, ¡el último sol!, nuestros desayunos marcianos llegan al fin de la misión. No podemos negar que hemos tenido grandes momentos y hemos degustado platos exquisitos, mezclando lo mejor de cada país.

9 am David, Andrés y Andrea entran al Airlock para su última aventura en EVA, una "actividad extravehicular". Caminarán por Hab Ridge, subiendo a lo alto de las colinas, para avistar la base y algunas de las mejores vistas en Marte. El esfuerzo, la constancia y la valentía hacen de su vuelta todo un logro y admiración.

Luis, Tomás y Marina empiezan a limpiar el Hab, la RAM, el Observatorio, el ScienceDome y redactar las conclusiones de los proyectos.

¡Bien merecido llega nuestro almuerzo! Hoy, Tomás y Marina preparan hamburguesas con patatas y boniatos/batata/camote, verduras variadas y champiñones, acompañando con pan.

1 pm Juntos disfrutamos del tiempo que pasamos en la mesa. La compañía y el trabajo en equipo nos han inspirado durante toda la misión para alcanzar lo que individualmente parece imposible.

Los nervios y el estrés de tenerlo todo perfecto y acabado para nuestro regreso a la Tierra demuestran que nuestra tripulación es, sin duda, fuerte, colaborativa, eficaz, responsable y, sobre todo, que no le falta el sentido del humor.

Las risas y los momentos felices de la Crew 285 han sido, sin desmerecer la dificultad y el trabajo arduo de nuestra simulación análoga a MDRS, lo mejor de la convivencia de esta experiencia mágica.

4 pm. Nuestra despedida se acerca, el documento final con resultados de investigación, la revisión y el checklist de los suministros y equipos, la última comunicación con Mission Support…

¡El regreso a casa y la despedida de Marte esta llegando!

SOL 12


Last day on Mars, last EVA for the rest of the crew.

6:30 am The day rises frosty, the lazy sun is gradually rising over Marbel Ritual; in the Hab, the feeling of sorrow permeates us, the last sun, our Martian breakfasts reach the end of the mission. We cannot deny that we have had great moments and tasted exquisite dishes, blending the best of each country.

9 am David, Andrés, and Andrea enter the Airlock for their last adventure in EVA, an extravehicular activity. They will walk through Hab Ridge, climbing to the top of the hills, to catch sight of the base and some of the best views on Mars. Effort, perseverance, and bravery make their return a triumph and admiration.

Luis, Tomás, and Marina begin to clean the Hab, RAM, Observatory, ScienceDome, and draft the conclusions of the projects.

Well-deserved lunch arrives! Today, Tomás and Marina prepare burgers with potatoes and sweet potatoes/yams, assorted vegetables, and mushrooms, accompanied by bread.

1 pm Together, we enjoy the time spent at the table. The company and teamwork have inspired us throughout the mission to achieve what individually seems impossible.

The nerves and stress of having everything perfect and finished for our return to Earth demonstrate that our crew is undoubtedly strong, collaborative, effective, responsible, and, above all, that humor is not lacking.

The laughs and happy moments of Crew 285 have been, without diminishing the difficulty and hard work of our analog simulation at MDRS, the best part of the coexistence of this magical experience.

4 pm Our goodbye approaches, the final document with research results, the review, and the checklist of supplies and equipment, the last communication with Mission Support…

The return home and the goodbye to Mars are approaching!

Journalist Report – November 9th

SOL: 11
Name of person filing report: Tomás Ignacio Burroni
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A
Spirit rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: N/A
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 30 gallons
Water (static tank): 213 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (On or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Summary of internet: No comments
Summary of suits and radios: No comments
Summary of GreenHab operations: watered
WATER USE: 2.5 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: Off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: used the blender, 3 large and 1 small paper filters, the microwave, the oven, 2 large erlenmeyer flasks, 1 large and 4 small beaker glasses, the scale, and the mortar and pestle. All this was used to recover starch from rice and potatoes and then mix it with new soil samples to create a concrete-like material.
Dual split: Off
Summary of RAM operations: Used tape and zip ties to move the sensor kit within the generator to another position.
Summary of any observatory issues: Even though the weather was favorable, no captures could be executed due to “Mount error” showing up followed by “Capture error”.
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Journalist Report – November 9th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


SOL 11

Penúltimo día, última EVA para la mitad de la tripulación.

8 am La jornada empieza desayunando juntos, llenos de buenas vibraciones y exprimiendo al máximo los últimos momentos.

11 am Nuestro Commander David nos deleitó con un delicioso almuerzo de arroz con verduras y lentejas acompañándolo de pollo, fortaleciendo al equipo. Mientras tanto, en el ScienceDome, Andrea se dedicó a su proyecto, recaudando información para sus resultados. En el Greenhab, Andrés cuida con esmero de las plantas, y los tomates, rábanos, pepinos, rúcula, col rizados, etc. … se ven espléndidos y nos recuerdan la importancia de la vida sostenible y el cuidado de nuestro entorno. En el observatorio solar, Luis se sumergió en la exploración de nuestra estrella.

13 pm La última aventura en EVA “actividad extravehicular”, para Tomás, Luis y Marina se realizó adentrándonos por Hab Ridge, y consiguiendo unas vistas inolvidables, llenando nuestros corazones de asombro y gratitud. A pesar de los desafíos, la llegada fue satisfactoria para todos, esta misión nos va a dejar una huella imborrable en cada uno de nosotros.

Para la melancolía, la música nos acompaña y anima durante la tarde, recordándonos los momentos compartidos y la importancia de nuestra misión.

A medida que nos preparamos para el último día, sentimiento de estimación por esta experiencia única en la vida y por el privilegio de explorar juntos los límites de las tierras marciana.


SOL 11

Penultimate day, final EVA for half of the crew.

8 am The day begins with a shared breakfast, filled with good vibes, and making the most of our last moments together.

11 am Our Commander David treated us to a delicious lunch of rice with vegetables and lentils, accompanied by chicken, strengthening the team. Meanwhile, in the ScienceDome, Andrea dedicated herself to her project, gathering information for her results. In the Greenhab, Andrés carefully tends to the plants, and the tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, arugula, kale, etc. … look splendid and remind us of the importance of sustainable life and caring for our environment. In the solar observatory, Luis immersed himself in the exploration of our Sun.

1 pm The final Extravehicular Activity (EVA) adventure for Tomás, Luis, and Marina took us through Hab Ridge, providing us with unforgettable views that filled our hearts with wonder and gratitude. Despite the challenges, the arrival was satisfying for everyone; this mission will leave an indelible mark on each of us.

To combat the melancholy, music accompanies and uplifts us during the afternoon, reminding us of the shared moments and the importance of our mission.

As we prepare for the last day, a feeling of appreciation for this unique life experience and the privilege of exploring together the limits of the Martian lands.

End Of The Mission Research Report – November 10th

[category science-report]

Commander: David Mateus
Executive Officer and Astronomer: Luis Díaz
Health and Safety Officer: Andrea De La Torre
Crew Engineer: Tomás Burroni
Green Hab Officer: Andrés Reina
Crew Journalist: Marina Buqueras

A team comprising individuals of Hispanic descent from various countries in Latin America, including Spain, undertook an expedition to the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). This venture holds critical significance, as it exemplifies the global nature of space exploration and marks a progressive stride toward diverse representation in astronautics. Integrating Hispanic individuals in such endeavors promotes inclusiveness and broadens the scope of talent, leveraging distinct insights and skills that varied backgrounds contribute. Additionally, this initiative acts as a beacon of motivation for traditionally underrepresented communities, spurring their participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and human space flight, thus propelling innovation and reinforcing the enduring pursuit of interplanetary exploration.

Project 1: Early Fault Detection in Power Generator Systems
The continuity of the power supply in a Martian station is critical for crew survival. This preventive and predictive maintenance for all single-point failure components within the power generation system. This strategy seeks to detect and isolate possible faults before they cause unrecoverable failures. Focusing on the critical propane power generator at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), we address the inherent challenges posed by constant vibration loads on combustion engines that degrade the parts over their lifetime. Leveraging a sensor kit comprising accelerometers and ultrasonic microphones, we capture and analyze the vibrations to construct a characteristic signature. Monitoring this signature over time enables early fault detection, providing timely alerts for necessary maintenance and preventing potential power outages.

The sensor kit was successfully placed in the generator during an Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA). This allowed the engineer to assess their fine motor skills in full EVA suit. Subsequent nightly data collection, with minor interruptions due to now resolved software errors, facilitated data collection and analysis scripts debugging. Variations in sensor kit placement on the generator during the last two nights aimed to evaluate how the position impacts results. This analysis was necessary as the largest loads on the original position could exceed the sensors’ dynamic range.

The images below show the original placement of the sensor kit in the generator, and some preliminary results of the data analysis. Figure 1.4 in particular uses a digital peak detector on the microphone data and shows the frequency of bursts in the signal, i.e. loud short-lived noises. The pronounced deltas in that plot correspond to characteristic frequencies and harmonics of specific parts and assemblies. Knowing for example the rotation speed and number of balls in the bearings, one could easily identify which of these correspond to the bearing and therefore pinpoint changes in this graph to a specific issue.

While ongoing data analysis is imperative, this experiment validates the viability of integrating such sensor devices into critical systems, offering valuable insights into performance. The collected data establishes a baseline for the generator’s behavior, serving as a foundation for future failure detection and prediction with the potential installation of permanent sensors.

Project 2: Drone-Aided Martian Geolocation through Image Recognition
During the early stages of Martian settlements, the absence of a global navigation system akin to those on Earth requires the development of robust geolocation methods. These methods serve as vital backups to ensure the safe return of crewmembers to the base after exploration missions. This proposal addresses scenarios wherein a crew is stranded beyond the reach of a drone’s operational range, rendering autonomous search and rescue impractical.

Anticipating that the vicinities surrounding the base will be meticulously photographed and mapped by satellites pre-settlement, the crew should possess a database of georeferenced images. The proposed solution entails deploying a drone from the crew’s location to capture an aerial image of the site. Subsequently, an image recognition algorithm is employed to compare and match this drone-captured image with the existing satellite image database. This process facilitates the precise determination of the crew’s location and their relative orientation with respect to the station.

The image recognition script was developed in Python using OpenCV. The first step of the process is to detect the keypoints in both images and compute their descriptors with the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. That is followed by the Brute-Force matcher to find the matches between both sets of keypoints, and Lowe’s ratio test to filter them. The next step is Homography, in which the optimal perspective transformation is calculated such that the error in the best matches is minimized. The final processing to estimate the position and heading uses the warp matrix returned by the homography step.

The first iteration of the image recognition script, designed to identify the drone image within the broader satellite imagery, underwent successful testing using data gathered during Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs) at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). The dataset comprises observations from two EVAs to Candor Chasma, one to El Dorado Canyon, one to Tharsis Montes, and one to Hab Ridge, offering diverse landscapes and lighting conditions at various times of the day to assess the robustness of the algorithm. The reference satellite images were sourced from Google Earth.

Illustrated below is an example of the algorithm’s functionality in aligning the drone image with the corresponding satellite image. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 depict the original images, while figures 2.3 and 2.4 showcase the outcomes of the processing algorithm. In Figure 2.3, the images are side by side, the drone image on the left has an arrow indicating North, and the satellite image is on the right. Green lines connect the matched keypoints between the two images. Given Mars’s lack of a uniform magnetic field for determining direction, accurate calculation of the North direction is critical for heading estimation. Figure 2.4 demonstrates the superimposition of the two images, validating the algorithm’s accurate matching and warping of the drone image. Additionally, an arrow denotes the original heading of the drone.

The primary objective of this project has been accomplished with success, affirming the efficacy of the proposed tool. Looking ahead, the subsequent phases entail the formulation of metrics aimed at quantifying the precision of the calculated fit. This leads to the implementation of an optimization algorithm to fine-tune the input parameters. This progression marks an important step towards enhancing the overall robustness and reliability of the geolocation method, ensuring its efficacy in different terrains and contributing to the safety and navigation protocols for future settlements.
Project 3: Drone search and rescue
In order to ensure the safety and effective rescue of crews facing critical situations on Mars, it is essential to enhance exploration methods and implement reliable contingency plans. Our proposed solution addresses potential issues such as crew members getting lost or trapped, or the need for alternative routes due to unforeseen obstacles. We advocate utilizing drones for crew searches and facilitating communication between the base and the crew. By incorporating drone technology, we can ensure efficient and safe exploration, even in remote and hazardous areas.

Our successful trials at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing drones for crew searches. Notably, the captured aerial images provide compelling evidence of their effectiveness. Moreover, our experiments have shown that drones can effectively navigate the Martian terrain, providing alternative routes to the crew during emergency situations like landslides. We have confirmed that both manual and automatic drone control modes are viable options, catering to the specific needs of different scenarios.

By utilizing GPS points and coordinates expressed in latitude and longitude, we have successfully charted safe routes for navigation. These coordinates were obtained through GPS waypoints and validated using Google Earth and QField during our exploration missions to Candor Chasma, El Dorado, and Hab Ridge. Examples of these routes are shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.3 shows an image of the crew during an EVA taken by the drone sent from the Hab.

The incorporation of drone technology for crew searches and the delivery of alternative routes in Martian environments represents a critical step towards enhancing the safety and security of future settlements on the Red Planet.
Project 4: Building materials for future Mars civilizations
The construction of infrastructure in space poses significant economic and technical challenges, making it imperative for future space missions to rely on simple and readily available materials for astronauts. During our stay at MDRS, a construction materials project was conducted for future civilizations, guided by studies from the University of Manchester indicating that combining Martian soil with basic materials such as starch and water can produce highly resilient concrete for use in upcoming missions. In an article published in the Open Engineering journal, they demonstrated that starch can act as a binder when mixed with simulated Martian dust, resulting in a material with properties akin to concrete.

To verify this, soil samples were collected from various areas around MDRS, as their chemical and mineralogical content closely resembles that of Mars. These samples were then combined with homemade rice starch to act as a binder when mixed with simulated Martian dust, resulting in a material with similar properties to concrete.

The rice starch was initially prepared as follows:

  1. 500 g of rice were soaked in water overnight.
  2. The water was discarded, and the rice was washed.
  3. The rice was blended with 150 ml of water.
  4. The resulting mixture was placed on filter paper to remove excess water.
  5. Once the mixture dried, it was baked at 50°C for 1 hour.
  6. The dried mixture was ground in a mortar and sifted using a 125-micron sieve.
  7. Once the starch is ready, each sample is sieved using the 125-micron sieve until 100 g of each sifted sample is obtained.

Sample number 1 was collected from Marble Ritual, at coordinates (UTM 518606,4251022), and is a whitish sample, indicating the presence of gypsum and calcium.

Sample number 2 was obtained from Marble Ritual at coordinates (518684.50, 4250937.20). The sample exhibits the presence of clods, with a mix of medium, small, and fine particles. The soil comprises approximately 50% of dense, firm clods and friable, fine aggregates. Its reddish color suggests a high iron oxide content.

Sample number 3 was taken around the HAB in front of the ScienceDome with coordinates (518204.30, 4250908.40). It consists of reddish-brown clays and shales, reddish-brown sandstones, and cemented nodules of anhydrite or carbonate, exhibiting cracking clays. In the MDRS field area, montmorillonite and nontronite clays are mostly oxidized, lacking diagenetic pyrite. Erosion has led to limited formation of large, clear fragments of regolith gypsum.

Sample number 4 was taken at Candor Chasma at coordinates (UTM 520500,4251000). It consists of thin-bedded red-brown shales with beds of nodular gypsum and cross-cutting gypsum veins. Its color suggests a low iron oxide content.

Sample number 5 was taken within the Dorado Canyon at coordinates (UTM 519371, 4248609). This sample contains very moist sand with coarse grains, rich in minerals, as it was collected from what appeared to be a water deposit. This type of soil terrain is typical in canyons.

Sample number 6 was collected in Candor Chasma at coordinates (UTM 520920,4251060), and it consists of clayey sand that readily absorbs water, with a lower quantity of iron oxide.

A pH test was conducted on all samples, and the results ranged between 4 and 5, indicating that the soil was acidic.

The process for creating the concrete bricks was as follows:
5.90 g of starch, 100 g of soil, and 25 ml of water were combined. Subsequently, the mixture was placed in a mold and microwaved with a glass of water for 3 minutes and 30 seconds for its initial drying. Finally, it was oven-dried and hardened at 125º C for 4 hours. Once the time was completed, the Martian concrete brick was removed from the mold and deemed ready. The same procedure was repeated for each of the samples.


Several concrete bricks were obtained, each crafted from one of the samples, as depicted in the following images:

As can be observed, the majority of the samples resulted in resilient concrete, except for sample number 2, which broke upon exiting the oven, and sample number 5, which, due to its characteristics, was impossible to create. The best concrete samples were 1 and 4, exhibiting notable strength upon touch.

The study of the concrete samples will continue in Mexico, where further tests on strength, hardness, compression, and rebound hammer, among others, will be conducted.
In conclusion, the characteristics of the MDRS soil are suitable for creating construction materials using simple and readily available ingredients. The combination of simulated Martian dust, starch, and water has proven to produce a robust material with properties akin to conventional concrete. This innovative approach can potentially simplify and reduce the cost of future space missions, paving the way for infrastructure construction on the red planet.

Project 5: Methodology for the Characterization of the Social Implications of Confinement and Isolation in Analog Martian Missions: A Theoretical Approach
With the aim of conducting a sociological and anthropological analysis of the written material, the approach to the ethnographic immersion was based on the conceptualizations of Émile Durkheim and Michel Foucault regarding the sacred and the profane and power-knowledge relationships, respectively. These theoretical perspectives were considered relevant as they explain essential elements that gain significant meaning in the review of "everyday" processes, and through their review and understanding in the context of analogous missions, they allow for the consolidation of approaches on how upcoming processes these factors must be considered essential in reviewing the success or failure of a mission. Moreover, in long-term space travel projects they will provide insight into how norms, laws, hierarchies, punishment systems, and various elements that contribute to the organization of human groups in extraplanetary scenarios may be established.

The construction of such categories occurred as patterns of regularities and singularities in the rutine of the crew could be identified. Considering the differences and similarities in the composition team according to the origin of the participants, their professions, their affinity for each other, mission objectives, and other diverse factors, we established that the study of social processes within these scenarios could be conducted using basic cross-cutting variables that organize what occurred within a specific reference framework identified by us.

Accordingly, the categorization exercise was carried out through the establishment of two essential elements present during the mission, which will be called basic categories, which are in turn detailed in light of seven specific variables that will be placed as subcategories, as they are encompassed in the definitions of a larger set. Thus, the scheme of variables used for analysis can be presented as follows:

• Basic category: group cohesion.
o Subcategories: unofficial activities; adverse situations.
• Basic category: sacred-profane.
o Subcategory: ritual; routine; celebration-festivity; normativity; symbolic.

The categorization of social processes into basic and subcategories has proven to be a robust analytical framework, particularly effective in the context of space missions, which are akin to high-stakes, isolated societies. The variables identified – including unofficial activities, adverse situations, rituals, routines, celebrations, normativity, and symbolic elements – serve as fundamental building blocks for understanding and shaping the social fabric of long-term space travel.

Project 6: Techniques for increasing the Signal-Noise ratio in the processing of Deep Space Images
Capturing deep space objects through telescopes and dedicated astrophotography cameras has faced challenges due to inherent restrictions. Objects emit in various wavelengths, requiring extensive light accumulation. This project addresses these limitations, proposing innovative methods to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
The project introduces three key methods:

Inclusion of Satellite-Traced Photos: Photos with satellite traces are not discarded if they don’t interfere with the object of interest. Stars are separated, and digital correction of trails preserves valuable information.

Luminance Channel Switch: In nebulas with high hydrogen alpha concentration, this channel replaces conventional luminance. This technique provides a broader detail base, enhancing the final image quality.

Variant of Method 2 – Hydrogen Alpha Channel Use: The hydrogen alpha channel is used instead of the red channel or both combined, avoiding luminance. This combination offers greater detail and a wider contrast range in specific celestial objects.
The proposed methods underwent intensive testing over a two-week period, capturing diverse deep space objects. Results were highly successful, demonstrating a significant signal-to-noise ratio improvement and enhanced astronomical detail representation.

Targets captured and processed using the methods explained above:
Veil Nebula
Orion Nebula
Pacman Nebula
Helix Nebula
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas
Rosette Nebula
Triangulum Galaxy

* Extra pictures: Sun, taken with the Musk Solar Observatory

This project identifies effective strategies to overcome traditional limitations in deep space object capture. The inclusion of satellite-traced images, selective channel switching, and luminance method variants prove promising. Findings open new perspectives for the astrophotography community, providing practical and efficient solutions to enhance image quality in challenging light conditions or situations in which very little light time was accumulated.

Project 7: Generation of 3D maps and orthomosaics of explored canyons to obtain geographic information and identification of access routes in EVA’s using Drones
Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) are integral to analog simulation missions like those at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). However, navigating canyons during EVAs poses challenges due to unclear access routes. To address this, we proposed leveraging advanced technologies, including drones and 3D modeling, to map and optimize these routes.
The project utilized drones to capture images for creating 3D models, orthomosaics, and digital elevation models. Areas of interest were programmed from a habitat-based web platform, establishing a route plan for automated drone flights. Post-capture, images underwent processing for stitching and point cloud generation, forming the basis for 2D and 3D graphics. The resultant graphics were then used for succeeding EVAs performed by the team, carrying with them digital maps previously generated and carefully planned.
Results and Conclusions:
The project successfully mapped three canyons, Candor Chasma, El Dorado, and Tharsis Montes, providing detailed views and essential data for estimating distances and travel times. This approach enhances safety by identifying optimal access routes. The automated flight plan execution from the web platform proved efficient and easily applicable. The integration of geospatial analysis tools facilitated planning and demonstrated the potential of these technologies in analog environments, supporting efficiency and safety in rugged terrain exploration during EVAs.

Journalist Report – November 7th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira



Emoción por las posibilidades del mañana

7 am Levantados y preparándonos para la actividad de hoy, la exploración de nuevas áreas nos hacen vibrar de emoción y nos motivan a descubrir las maravillas ocultas.

10 am En la base Luis, Andrea y Marina se disponen a lanzar el dron de rescate, desaparece en el horizonte.

12 pm EVA 7 con David, Tomás y Andrés regresan de su aventura en los senderos marcianos, exhaustos por los km examinados aunque gloriosos por todo lo observado en su trayecto, los recibimos para almorzar y descansar.

El viento impuesto de hoy, hace que el EVA 8 se cancele por precaución debido a las altas rachas. El clima es hostil y nos va calando, los aires secos, el sol calienta el suelo, la humedad es muy baja …

4 pm El agotamiento nos ha sorprendido esta tarde, aun así nuestro Comandante nos mantiene en pie y unidos para superar cualquier desafío, con ganas de más retos y poder conseguir nuestros objetivos.

6 pm La ventana de comunicación se abre de 7 pm a 9 pm, en ella nuestro nivel de exigencia es elevado, queremos responder a los reports y los request para CapCom, y comunicar nuestra felicidad a la familia.

Nos gusta terminar el día con las tareas planificadas para mañana y destinar tiempo para hablar y compartir sentimientos y momentos vividos.

Esperando lo que traiga el mañana, que ilusionados.



Excitement for tomorrow’s possibilities

7 am Up and getting ready for today’s activity, the exploration of new areas makes us thrilled with excitement and motivates us to discover hidden wonders.

10 am: At base camp, Luis, Andrea, and Marina are preparing to launch the rescue drone, which disappears over the horizon.

12 pm EVA 7 with David, Tomás, and Andrés return from their adventure on the Martian trails, exhausted from the examined kilometers but glorious from all they observed on their journey. We welcome them for lunch and rest.

Today’s imposed wind causes EVA 8 to be canceled as a precaution due to high gusts. The weather is hostile and it seeps into us, with dry air, the sun heating the ground, and very low humidity…

4 pm Exhaustion has caught up with us this afternoon, yet our Commander keeps us upright and united to overcome any challenge, eager for more challenges and to achieve our objectives.

6 pm The communication window opens from 7 pm to 9 pm, during which our level of demand is high. We want to respond to reports and requests for CapCom and communicate our happiness to our families.

We like to end the day with the tasks planned for tomorrow and allocate time to talk and share feelings and experiences.

Looking forward to what tomorrow brings, how excited we are.

Journalist Report – November 8th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


SOL 10

8 am Comenzamos el día con un desayuno reconfortante de pancakes, preparándonos para las alucinantes tareas por delante.

9 am Luis, Andrea y Marina, realizamos un EVA en el mismo cañón que exploraron ayer los demás tripulantes. Utilizamos el dron para mapear la zona y probar la ruta mediante los puntos de GPS. La imponencia del cañón nos impresionó, y descubrimos algunos caminos más accesibles.

13 pm Mientras el resto del equipo se ocupaba de limpiar y preparar el almuerzo en la base, nos reunimos para compartir ideas y avances en nuestros respectivos proyectos.

15 pm Luis regresó al observatorio solar, continuando con su proceso de aprendizaje y mejora.

La tarde fue menos ventosa, y la suave luz del atardecer se filtraba por la ventana, pensando ya en la importancia de la CapCom y preparándonos mentalmente para el próximo día.

La sincronización entre nosotros mejora y fortalecemos el vínculo del equipo logrando que todo fluya.

Hoy destacamos así la colaboración entre todos, con actitud y buena predisposición para intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias.

¡Todo está saliendo perfecto!


SOL 10

8 am We start the day with a comforting breakfast of pancakes, preparing ourselves for the exciting tasks ahead.

9 am Luis, Andrea, and Marina, conducted an EVA in the same canyon that the other team members explored yesterday. We used the drone to map the area and test the route using GPS points. The grandeur of the canyon impressed us, and we discovered some more accessible paths.

1 pm While the rest of the team was busy cleaning and preparing lunch at the base, we gathered to share ideas and progress on our respective projects.

3 pm Luis returned to the solar observatory, continuing with his learning process and improvement.

The afternoon was less windy, and the soft evening light filtered through the window, already thinking about the importance of CapCom and mentally preparing for the next day.

The synchronization among us improves, and we strengthen the team bond, making everything flow smoothly.

Today, we highlight the collaboration among all of us, with a positive attitude and willingness to exchange knowledge and experiences.

Everything is going perfectly!

Journalist Report – November 5th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


Sol 7
¡Reencontrando el Dorado!
6 am Luis nos invita al observatorio, Andrés y Marina lo acompañan. En unos segundos, en el cenit, nos viaja veloz la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS). Presenciarla en el cielo nocturno nos hace elevar el corazón hacia las estrellas y entre las sombras de las nubes, su luz nos deslumbró.
8 am La Crew se prepara para las EVA de hoy, todo está dispuesto… La aventura que nos espera nos la regalan nuestros hermanos hispanos de la Crew 187, la cual exploró la zona hace 6 años y nombraron está, el Cañón del Dorado. Para nuestra Crew, reencontrar esta misma zona aún sin nombre, és toda una reivindicación.
En la EVA 5, Luis, Andrés y Tomás, salen de la base a las 9 am y regresan 11:30 am después de completar la misión en el Cañón. David y Marina, mientras tanto, limpian el Hab y preparan el almuerzo para recobrar las energías.
13 pm La EVA 6 recibe la información de la ruta generada por el XO Luis, la Crew en la EVA 5 ha podido extraer las fotografías con el drone de la zona. Andrea, David y Marina, se disponen a conducir los rovers por las sendas recorridas por sus compañeros, así llegan a la zona del cañón “El Dorado”. Que hermoso, ellos avanzan por estos parajes magníficos, en la misión su pérdida de comunicación es real y Luis manda el dron en su búsqueda.
16 pm ¡Todos en “home” sanos y salvos! La tarde transcurre con charlas y comentarios sobre las misiones de hoy y sus resultados. También seguimos con los proyectos individuales, los checklist del mantenimiento de la base (Hab, Green hab, suites,…)
Tom se luce y empieza a cocinar, qué bien sienta ese olor a buen guiso, como en casa… La Crew se encuentra bien, con ganas de vivir más experiencias y seguir aprendiendo.
¡A por la segunda semana!
Sol 7
"Rediscovering El Dorado!
6 am Luis invites us to the observatory, and Andrés and Marina join him. Within seconds, at the zenith, the International Space Station (ISS) travels swiftly. Witnessing it in the night sky lifts our hearts towards the stars, and amidst the shadows of the clouds, its light dazzles us.
8 am The Crew is getting ready for today’s EVAs; everything is set. Our Hispanic brethren from Crew 187, who explored the area six years ago, gifted us this adventure, naming it the Canyon of El Dorado. For our Crew, rediscovering this same area, still unnamed, is a true vindication.
During EVA 5, Luis, Andrés, and Tomás leave the base at 9 am and return at 11:30 am after completing the mission in the Canyon. Meanwhile, David and Marina clean the Hab as good as new and prepare lunch to regain their energy.
1 pm EVA 6 receives the route information generated by XO Luis; the Crew on EVA 5 managed to extract photographs of the area with the drone. Andrea, David, and Marina are preparing to drive the rovers along the paths traveled by their peers, eventually reaching the area of the Canyon, El Dorado. How beautiful! As they advance through these magnificent landscapes, their loss of communication becomes real, prompting Luis to send the drone in search of them.
4 pm Everyone is "home" safe and sound! The evening passes with conversations and comments about today’s missions and their outcomes. We continue with individual projects and the checklist for maintaining the base (Hab, Green Hab, suites, etc.).
Tom shines as he starts cooking. The aroma of a good stew feels just like home. The Crew is doing well, eager to live more experiences and continue learning.
Onward to the second week!"

Journalist Report – November 6th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira



Ducha y viento maravillosa combinación

7 am Al alba, el viento nos comienza a silbar, la Crew se va despertando, eso sí con gran extenuación de la EVA de ayer.

Lo bueno es revivir nuestros momentos en el Dorado, mientras desayunamos. ¡Qué equipazo!

11 am El regalo que merecíamos llega con anhelo, "la ducha", esta nos refresca y nos colma el alma.

13 pm El hambre aprieta, Andrea, Tom y Marina preparan las hamburguesas con queso y patatas al horno, el toque final lo aporta Andrés con los "Radish".

Mientras la tarde transcurre con calma, recargando pilas, se reafirma la certeza de que, incluso en la inmensidad del espacio, el calor humano es el verdadero combustible
que impulsa a la Crew Hispanics en esta travesía intergaláctica.

17 pm Con el foco a los proyectos individuales la Crew se concentra con excelente música, nuestro Commander David y XO Luis, se reúnen para planificar bien la semana que nos viene.

Con la nostalgia de una semana bien vivida y la emoción de una nueva por empezar…

¡A por más momentos inolvidables!



Shower and wind, a wonderful combination.

7 am At dawn, the wind begins to whistle, and the Crew starts to wake, with great exhaustion from yesterday’s EVA, indeed.

The good thing is reliving our moments in El Dorado while we have breakfast. What a great team!

11 am The gift we deserved arrives eagerly, "the shower," refreshing us and filling our souls.

1 pm Hunger strikes, Andrea, Tom, and Marina prepare cheeseburgers and oven-baked potatoes, with Andrés adding the final touch with the "Radish."

While the afternoon unfolds calmly, recharging our batteries, the certainty remains that even in the vastness of space, human warmth is the true fuel that propels the Crew Hispanics on this intergalactic journey.

5 pm With a focus on individual projects, the Crew concentrates with excellent music, and our Commander David and XO Luis, meet to plan the upcoming week.

With nostalgia for a well-lived week and excitement for a new one to begin…

Here’s to more unforgettable moments!

Journalist Report – November 4th

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


Sol 6

Commander: No es el destino sino el camino…

8 am Empieza el día, estamos llegando a la mitad de la misión. David y Marina toman café y preparan el desayuno, mientras se levantaba el nuevo sol marciano.

La Crew desayuna, nos vamos conociendo cada vez más, el briefing para la planificación de los EVA de mañana es muy productivo … repasamos proyectos, ideas, opciones, horarios, … Terminamos hablando de misiones anteriores y también de las exploraciones a Marte.

10 am Andrés nos deja para ir a su sitio preferido “Green Hab”, gracias a él ya tenemos los “Radish” creciendo, ¡nuestra primera ensalada en otro planeta!. Tom se desplaza al Generador y Luis sigue trabajando en el espacio profundo.

12:30 pm El mediodía nos llega bien rápido a todos, las horas pasan volando, el almuerzo nos hidrata y recompone, una crema caliente con verduras nos alimenta hoy. Que importante nos recuerda Andrea que es beber agua y protegernos del sol.

15 pm La tarde ya nos invade, David nos motiva a seguir activos, cada vez más compenetrados, Andrea en el ScienceDome, Tom programando en el laptop, Andrés regando en el Green Hab …

Marina acompaña a Luis a una nueva aventura, nos espera el Observatorio Solar Musk. Luis se centra esta tarde en la observación solar; su laptop, su cámara, el telescopio ya están listos. Sus conocimientos hacen que este, uno de sus proyectos, se esté realizando con precisión.

El mate nos hidrata mientras cocinamos un Brownie, hoy será bien merecido, la crew necesita recuperar esa energía…

18 pm Los resultados de los proyectos están siendo favorables y los EVA 5-6 requisitos ya están a punto de enviarse, los reportes y las imágenes también.

Les informamos de más, un abrazo a la Tierra!


Sol 6

Commander: It’s not the destination but the journey…

8 am The day begins, we are reaching the halfway point of the mission. David and Marina have coffee and prepare breakfast as the Martian sun rises.

The crew has breakfast, getting to know each other more and more. The briefing for tomorrow’s EVA planning is very productive… we review projects, ideas, options, schedules… We end up discussing previous missions and also Mars explorations.

10 am Andrés leaves to go to his favorite spot, the "Green Hab." Thanks to him, we already have radishes growing, our first salad on another planet! Tom moves to the Generator, and Luis continues working in deep space.

12:30 pm Midday arrives quickly for all of us, the hours fly by. Lunch hydrates and restores us, a hot vegetable soup nourishes us today. Andrea reminds us how important it is to drink water and protect ourselves from the sun.

3 pm The afternoon has already taken over, David motivates us to stay active, increasingly engaged. Andrea is in the ScienceDome, Tom is programming on the laptop, Andrés is watering in the Green Hab…

Marina accompanies Luis on a new adventure, the Musk Solar Observatory awaits us. Luis focuses this afternoon on solar observation; his laptop, camera, and telescope are already set up. His expertise ensures that this, one of his projects, is being carried out precisely.

Mate hydrates us while we bake a brownie, it will be well deserved today, the crew needs to regain that energy…

6 pm The project results are favorable, and the EVA 5-6 requirements are about to be sent, as well as the reports and images.

We’ll keep you informed, greetings to Earth!

Journalist Report – November 2nd

by Marina Buqueras Rovira


Streaming y Film en Marte

Sol 4

9 am Testeando las comunicaciones con la Tierra, todo funciona bien con la TV BDN!
La Universidad de Purdue llegó y David nuestro Commander los recibió en nuestra casa.

10 am Un buen desayuno de pancakes con arándanos y chocolate nos hace perder la noción.

12 pm La tripulación se pone de gala y ya estamos listos para la entrevista en vivo de la televisión Badalona Comunicació. La buena vibra nos mantiene con humor, el Commander y el XO, hacen que la Crew 285 sea un equipo de diez!

14 pm La sopa caliente nos recompone de la ardua sensación de nostalgia, después de nuestro directo, ya que sabemos que nuestros familiares nos han visto y esperemos que les lleguen nuestros abrazos.

16 pm La tarde, en el SciencieDome, la dedicamos a nuestros proyectos, Andrea sigue con sus mezclas de materiales de Marte para su experimento y Luis preparándose para su próxima observación solar y su astrofotografía del día, Andrés manteniendo y plantando nuevas semillas en el GreenHab, Marina les acompaña para captar todos estos momentos.

Tom, hoy fue el nuevo actor de la MDRS, nuestro Engineer és el nuevo Matt Damon en The Martian!

Mañana nos espera un día intenso con gran actividad, así que acabamos el sol 4 preparando bien los EVA.

Seguimos fuertes!


Streaming and Film on Mars

Sol 4

9 am Testing communications with Earth, everything is working well with TV BDN!
Purdue University has arrived, and our Commander David welcomed them to our home.

10 am A delicious breakfast of blueberry and chocolate pancakes makes us lose track of time.

12 pm The crew dresses up, and we are all set for the live interview on Badalona Comunicació TV. The good vibes keep us in high spirits; the Commander and the XO make Crew 285 a top-notch team!

2 pm Hot soup revitalizes us from the intense feeling of nostalgia after our live session, knowing that our families have watched, and we hope they feel our hugs reaching them.

4 pm The afternoon at the ScienceDome is dedicated to our projects. Andrea continues with her experiments with Martian materials, Luis prepares for his next solar observation and daily astrophotography, Andrés maintains and plants new seeds in the GreenHab, and Marina comes with them to capture all these moments.

Tom, today, took on the role of the new actor at MDRS; our Engineer is the new Matt Damon in "The Martian"!

Tomorrow, we anticipate a busy day with significant activity, so we conclude Sol 4 by preparing well for the EVAs.

We remain strong!

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