Sol Summary – November 2nd

Sol Summary Report for sol 0.2

November 2, 2017

Here is when it gets rough!

Shannon Rupert, MDRS Director

Mission Status: We accomplished quite a lot today, considering we are
a small group.  See Kay’s engineering report for details.

Sol Activity Summary: The rest of the crew were up and outside working
when I arrived.  We worked on the tunnel until about 10 am, when a
strange vehicle drove up.  We had a media visit from Voice of America,
and I was their interviewee and there I was, looking much as I usually
do at MDRS, oh so fashionable (stop laughing, all you people who know
me), with my hair a spectacular mess!  I did get to brush my teeth
before filming.  It went very well, in the end, although I normally
try my best to get out of being on camera.  This will be a series of
videos broadcast in Russia.  We continued to work throughout the day,
and although the afternoons are supposed to be free time, this
dedicated group just kept working.  We were going to have pizza for
dinner, but our order did not get to the person who was cooking them,
so we ended up with a bunch of wonderful junk food instead.

Look Ahead Plan:  We need to get water here for the crew who arrive on
Saturday, so that will be our big push tomorrow.

Anomalies in work:  I noticed that this afternoon, with full sun, our
state of charge on the solar system was 53%, which is considerably
lower that it has been.  There was no real extra pull on the power
supply today, so I’m not sure what happened.  With the generator
currently non-functional we are dependent on the solar only.  I am
hoping DG will be able to work on the generator before the crew
arrives.  Also we cannot find the hitch for the HabCar.

Weather:  The weather continues to be unusually warm and pleasant.
This evening the wind has kicked up a little more than yesterday, but
it’s still a nice day.  Almost full moon tonight.

Crew Physical Status:  Dirtier, and a little tired.


Reports to be file: Sol Summary and Engineering Report. We talked
about getting a crew photo, but then just went back to work.

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – November 1st

Sol Summary Report for sol 0.1

November 1, 2017

Let the field season commence!

Shannon Rupert, MDRS Director

Mission Status:  Our work party was reduced to 5 due to several people
needing to cancel at the last minute.  Kay Warren is leading our
efforts, as usual, and John Stone from the San Diego Chapter, John
Lillquist who will be from Denver as of the day he leaves here! and
Kevin Seidler from Colorado Springs, who is also a new CapCOM, are on
our crew as well.

Sol Activity Summary: The day began with Kay and I coming up with a
work plan with our reduced crew.  Then I had a telecon about an
upcoming visit of Survivirman to MDRS.  John L and Kevin joined us
around noon and with Kay, they went to get some supplies in Loa.  I
waited for John S to arrive and then he and I worked on the tunnel
repair for while.  We also received many packages of equipment for the
lab and GreenHab.  We plan to begin Mission Support this evening.

Look Ahead Plan: We have the following plans for the rest of the work party:

1. Repairing some unused spacesuits to send to Mission to Mars in
Colorado (a middle school learning activity)

2. Cleaning the water system and preparing it for the field season

3. Repairing the tunnel

4. Beginning work in the GreenHab

5. Clean up for Crew 182

Anomalies in work:  Water heater is still broken, will be replaced on
Friday.  All 5 ATVs are being serviced and are offsite.

Weather:  Beautiful!  Warm and breezy, but colder at night

Crew Physical Status:  First day, we are good to go and not even very dirty yet.


Reports to be file: Sol Summary

Support Requested: Could you please send us the information you will
be sending the crew on Saturday just so everyone can see how it is
done?  We could also do it tomorrow, if it’s a problem tonight.  Thank

Applications are now open for the 2018-2019 Field Season

Crew applications are now being accepted for the 2018-19 Mars Desert Research Station field season in southern Utah. Please note this is for the next field season which will start in Fall 2018.  The current field season is fully scheduled.

Please read carefully all information as there have been a few changes.

Apply Now

2017-2018 Field Season Schedule

Crew 182 (Team Peru V) – Nov 4-19
Crew 183 (MASER – Mexico) – Nov 18-Dec 3
Crew 184 (Mars Society 1) – Dec 2-17
Crew 185 (Mars Society 2) – Dec 16-31
Crew 186 (Boilers2 Mars – Purdue University) – Dec 30-Jan 14
Crew 187 (Team LATAM 2) – Jan 13-28
Crew 188 (ISU) – Jan 27 – Feb 11
IKEA Installation (non-crew special event) – Feb 10-18
Crew 189 (Supaero) – Feb 17-Mar 11
Crew 190 (UCL to Mars) – Mar 10-25
Crew 191 (Team Asia – Japanese & Indonesian) – Mar 24-Apr 8
Crew 192 (Project PHEnOME A) – Apr 7-22
Crew 193 (Project PHEnOME B) – Apr 21-May 5
Crew 194 & 195 (Wilderness Medical Society) – May 11-26
First Annual MDRS Curated Art Show – May 26-30