EVA Report – April 7th

Crew 279 EVA Report 07-04-2023

EVA # 5

Author: Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer

Purpose of EVA:

EVA will be focused on conducting a number of experiments that will help us better understand the conditions on Mars. The crew will be exposing bacteria to the MDRS environmental conditions and comparing the results with their analog staying inside the MDRS. This will give us valuable insights into how microorganisms react to the harsh Martian environment and how we can potentially use this knowledge to support future human exploration of Mars.

Additionally, we will be launching a meteorological balloon to take some measurements of atmospheric pressure and temperature. These measurements will help us to better understand the weather patterns on Mars and how they may impact future missions to the planet.

Finally, we will begin our reportage with the parameters tested during the previous EVA. This will allow us to document our findings and share them with the scientific community back on Earth.

Support will be necessary for the installation of the balloon and especially the inflation of it. Which increases the number of people needed to 4.

Start time: 9h06

End time: 11h54


The crew began their journey with a sunny day and a lot of material to carry. Once everything had been loaded into the rovers, the crew drove to their mission destination. Once at North Ridge they had to wait a bit before beginning their mission because of the presence of Martians at the place of their stop. Once the Martians left the place, the crew began their ascent. They walked a little bit all around the North Ridge to find the best way to arrive at the top.

Once at the top, bacteria in their cuvette were placed at the more suitable place to stay for several days. They were attached to a rack with a sign mentioning “Please do not touch”. After that, the cuvettes were oriented to face the sun at any time of the day. One big rock was also placed on top of the rack to make sure that it won’t move during the next few days of exposure to Mars environmental conditions.

Several pictures were taken during the brave ascension of the crew with the heavy material. Once at the top, the crew took a few minutes to observe the view and take pictures despite the short time available due to the work needed to launch the meteorological balloon.

Then, the most ambitious part began : the meteorological balloon was filled with helium and closed very carefully as explained by the manufacturer. One martionaut was holding the balloon while the others were closing the opening using a colson. The latter were covered by tape to prevent them from scratching the ball. The cord was then attached to the opening with several nodes. The opening was folded in two and closed again using colson and tape. The sensor was then attached using the same cord and the balloon was dropped in the air. Some videos and pictures of the launching were taken for the reportage.

Bacteria and the balloon with the sensor attached to it will stay there until the next visit in two days to collect data and check bacteria.

The crew climbed down and took some pictures again before picking up the rovers. Once at the MDRS, they reported the parameters of the four rovers and made a last video of the entry of the crew in the airlock for the reportage.

Destination: North Ridge, because this is the place that the authorities (Utah Division of Aeronautics) have granted us to place our balloon.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518500 E, 4251750 N

Participants: Agnès (XO, EVA Leader), Ioana (Engineer), Aglaé (Journalist), Gwen (Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 to the cross with Gateway to Candor

Mode of travel: Driving on Cow Dung Road 0110 to the cross with Gateway to Candor then walking to the North Ridge.

EVA Report – April 6th

Crew 279 EVA Report 06-04-2023

EVA #4

Author : Gwenaël le Bussy, Crew Astronomer

Purpose of EVA:

After testing the 2 software for Augustin’s drone, he chose one. To test how the drone reacts to relief, he intends to go to Kissing Camel Ridge to do a mapping of 250m by 229m at low altitude. This place will serve as the first test for low altitude flight. Then he will go to White Rock Canyon where he will do the same thing but with relief on both sides. This time the map will be 250m by 310m. The drone will make a first flight between 20 and 50 meters above sea level to map any obstacles and then a second flight at low altitude. He will need support to launch the drone and to always have a visual view of the drone when Augustin sees the view of the drone through his phone.

The experiment is to see how a drone can be useful to find regions protected from radiation (either for extremophile bacteria or for astronauts themself). To do this, Kissing Camel Ridge W gives a good area with a lot of relief. Then canyon in general can be an interesting place to look for since the water has dragged the rock and potentially offer cavities giving protected area from

Gwen will also test a new reportage camera and focus on obturation time. A fourth person will be needed as technical support, especially for microphone tests (If we hear well on Gwen’s camera). If all these tests are ok, they will start the report.

Start time: 9:13 am

End time: 12 am


First, we went to the Kissing Camel Ridge W (KCRW) ; beginning at 100% battery for both rovers, we ended up with 84% for Spirit and 85% for Curiosity for the 1.01 mile drive. Both rovers were on « M » drive mode and the drive was smooth without speeding. Such consumption seems strange to us and we have a few hypothesis for that behaviour :

Battery consumption is not linear and the first pourcentages are consumed faster
When the battery is « cold » the rover consumes more
Maybe driving mode should be switched to « F » for long distances.
Arriving at KCRW, Augustin started the mapping with the drone while Gwen was testing some settings for best audio and video for reporting. During the mapping, the drone crashed on top of KCRW and the EVA crew had to recover it ; with the approval of the Hab, we started ascending KCRW. Because of the terrain, the EVA crew had to pass by the South side of the KCRW to climb on top. This side of the ridge is in fact in the opposite way the Hab and we lost communication between members of the EVA. Gwen communicated the problem to the Hab then the EVA crew members switched to Channel 2 for communicating on the ridge. In fact, this choice cuts communication with the Hab and we had to inform them. We continued ascending the ridge, reached the top and found the crashed drone. Hopefully, the drone was reparable and Augustin was able to continue the mapping of KCRW.

On top, Gwen was able to communicate again with the Hab (by switching to channel 1) and transmitted all the necessary information to the EVA crew who stayed on Channel 2. Because of the crash, we lost a lot of time and decided with the Hab control to stay on KCRW for the all EVA instead of going to White Rock Canyon after. This allowed Augustin to finish the mapping of KCRW.

At 11:15 AM, the EVA crew decided to start the descent to the rovers by the same route as the climb to avoid risky choices and injuries. The crew returned in time to the Hab after reporting the parameters of the four rovers.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000 E, 4249500 N

Participants: Gwen (EVA Leader)(Astronomer), Ttele (HSO), Antoine (Commander), Augustin (GreenHab officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Drive for a first stop between Kissing Camel Ridge W and E then walking along side of the north face of Kissing Camel Ridge W. Then climbing on top of KCRW

EVA Report – April 5th

CREW 279 – Journalist Report – 05APR2023

Journalist Report – Aglaé Sacré, crew journalist
SOL 3: Mapping and radiation

This morning we had the chance to eat delicious pancakes with fruit and syrup! A real happiness to start the day!

The training ‘s EVA are over, we can get down to business. Two experiments were able to progress this morning.
The first one was our Crew scientist’s experiment. Thomas could start to take measurements of the radiation of the ground with his scintillator. With this instrument, he is looking for gamma emitting isotopes. He made a grid of points all around the base and he must go to every point and measure to complete his grid with data.

With his drone, Augustin started the mapping of the station. He was able to test two software programs to take images to see which one was best suited to the situation and the terrain. He then rendered these images in 3D via a process on another software.

After a long EVA, our 4 explorers were welcomed with a good plate of mac and cheese! A good way to refuel!

The afternoon was again reserved for personal experiments, Agnes was able to carefully select her colonies of bacteria, 6 colonies of each strain, which she put in a liquid culture medium before separating them into two groups.

The 3D printer is functional! We will be able to start printing tomorrow morning!

Unfortunately, the sun was not shining, and we could not observe it today, we cross our fingers to be able to see it soon.

In the evening each of us prepares his report to be ready to send it at 7 pm.
Ioana, our engineer, must check a series of measures for the good functioning of the station: water measurement, check of the walkie-talkies and the suits, management of the toilet…

Tonight, the kitchen team of the day will prepare a delicious omelet! After this good meal, the team will meet to share a board game all together to close the day.

EVA Report – April 4th

Crew 279 EVA Report 04-04-2023
EVA #02
Author: Antoine de Barquin Crew Commander
Purpose of EVA: Training EVA + communication test with crew members and with the hab.
Start time: 9:00
End time: 10:28
This EVA was also the first for the rest of the crew and was therefore also used as training. The EVA area was Marble Ritual as the day before. The objective was to learn how to correctly perform the EVA which includes several exercises such as the depressurization process, driving the rovers, radio communication and EVA end report. And on the other hand, to test different means of communication such as the designation of an object in the distance to show a direction and the language of the signs used in diving.
The crew scientist took advantage of the mobility exercises in wetsuit to deposit a dosimeter useful for his experience.
The crew finally decided to come back to the rover and start the return to the base at 10:10 am after having explored the area well. The reports were well done before entering the decompression chamber and the crew came back in time.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000 E ,4250500 N
Participants: 4: Antoine (Commander) (EVA Leader), Aglaé (Journalist), Ttele (HSO), Thomas (Scientist).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: First drive of Rover with spacesuits and accommodation with maneuver to the Marble Ritual then walk around no farther than 200 meters for communication check.

EVA Report – April 3rd

Crew 279 EVA Report 03-04-2023
EVA #01
Author: Ioana Dimitrova
Purpose of EVA: Training EVA + communication test with crew members and with the hab.
Start time: 9:20
End time: 10:10
Narrative: The goal of the EVA was to get comfortable with the spacesuits, the protocole and the environment. Preparation went well but during the decompression in the airlock, we had trouble hearing what one of the crewmembers was saying. We aborted the decompression and tried to fix the problem. We put the walkie talkie on the other side of the person’s chest, played with the cable a little bit, redid the whole procedure for radio and helmet and tried again, everything seemed to be working fine. The first part of the EVA consisted of getting to the Marble Ritual with the rovers. The second part was to walk around the Marble ritual area to discover the place and to get acquainted with the spacesuits, the radio communication and the particularities of the soil. This walk consisted of 20 min of the EVA. No communication problems seemed to exist. Exploration was nominal. The third part was the return to the Hab with the rovers. Upon arrival, the crewmember who had a problem with the radio prior to the mission, tried to communicate the rover numbers to the Hab and it was at that moment that we noticed that his comms were not working properly. It was time to end the mission anyways, so we went inside after decompression.
The crewmember in question is not the chatty type, so even if the problem occurred earlier in the EVA, we didn’t notice the problem then. Our hypothesis is that there is a problem with the headset because we tested the radio with another headset and it seemed fine. The headset doesn’t seem to be able to be fixed. During the next EVA, the crewmember in question will use another headset with his radio.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000 E ,4250500 N
Participants: 4: Ioana (Engineer) (EVA Leader), Agnes (Executive officer), Gwen (Astronomer), Augustin (Greenhab officer).
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: First drive of Rover with spacesuits and accommodation with maneuver to the Marble Ritual then walk around no farther than 200 meters for communication check.

EVA Report – March 10th

Crew 275 EVA 22 Report 18Feb2023
EVA # 22

Author: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)
Purpose of EVA: Retrieval of all the atmospheric instruments

Start time: 09:07
End time: 10:43

The 3 crewmembers drove with the rovers and arrived to destination at 9:17. They unloaded the rovers and headed towards the instruments. The EVA Crew started with the meteorological mast. No problem was encountered during its dismantlement, and it was safely packed.
The EVA Crew then began to dismantle the MegaAres antenna, and first retrieved the two hemispheres. As they were very light, and as there were high winds, the crew decided to bring the equipment which were already dismantled back to the Hab.
The rovers were loaded, and the crew departed the atmospheric instruments’ location at 9:50.
Then, the EVA Crew unloaded the rovers and put the equipment in the main airlock, for retrieval by the rest of the Crew located in the Hab.
The EVA Crew was back on site at 9:54. The disassembled the rest of the MegaAres antenna with no problem. Then, the LOAC was retrieved and packed.
The EVA Crew was back at the Hab at 10:34.

All the objectives of the EVA were completed.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual, near the road

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

EVA Participants :
• EVA leader: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)
• Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer)
• Corentin Senaux (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving, even if the destination was less than 1 km away, the crew needed to transport heavy instruments that also take up a lot of space.

EVA Report – March 9th

Crew 275 EVA Report 09Mar2023

EVA # 20

Author: Alice Chapiron, EVA Leader and Crew Scientist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to explore the Special Region

Start time: 9:06

End time: 12:06


09:11: Airlock closed.

09:12: Rovers Opportunity and Spirit unplugged. They then left from the Hab at 09:14.

09:18: Rovers parked near the atmospheric instruments.

09:38: Data retrieved, and batteries changed for the Purple Air, LOAC, Mega-Ares, and Field Mill. The EVA crew is about to go back to the rovers to go to their target location.

10:00: Rovers are parked on the road to the Special Region to save the battery of the rovers

10:45: The EVA Crew arrived at the Special Region. They spotted a pick-up truck in the area so they decided to turn back.

11:30: Back to the rovers.

11:58: Arrival at the Hab.

12:49: End of the EVA.

Destination: Special Region

Coordinates: N4256000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist), and Jérémy Rabineau (Crew Commander)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until the rovers where at 65% of battery, then walk to the Gateway to Lith and the Special Region.

Mode of travel: Driving using Spirit and Opportunity and walking

Crew 275 EVA Report 09-03-2023

EVA # 21

Author: Alexandre VINAS (Crew Astronomer and HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Emergency drill, simulation of a depressurization in the science dome corridor that had to be fixed, and test of AI4U, an artificial intelligence designed to help the astronauts during emergencies

Start time: 15:17

End time: 15:35


15:03 Emergency started

15:15 EVA crew is equipped for the EVA

15:17 Airlock closed

15:22 EVA crew out of the MDRS

15:23 EVA crew arrived at the place of the depressurization, located in the corridor of the Science Dome, on the right side when facing the Science Dome

15:27 “Hole” repaired (EVA crew took tools and simulated operating a repair)

15:35 EVA Crew back in the Hab

The hole was repaired in less than 30 minutes, that was our purpose.

Destination: In the vicinity of the MDRS, next to the Science Dome.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518200

Participants: EVA Leader: Corentin Senaux (HSO), Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist)

HAB COM: Alexandre VINAS (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: /

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – March 7th

Crew 275 EVA Report 07-03-2023

EVA # 19

Author: Alexandre VINAS (Crew Astronomer and HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Change of batteries for all the atmospheric instruments, as well as data retrieval. Then, we will go to North Ridge with the journalist team in order to showcase a typical exploration scenario, based on week #2 photogrammetry experiment

Start time: 10:36

End time: 12:15


10:36 – Airlock closed

10:46 – EVA Crew leaves the MDRS, with a crew of 2 journalists from the French TV

10:54 – EVA Crew arrives at the destination. All the instruments are going well.

11:15 – Batteries of LOAC and MegaAres changed, data retrieved

11:02 – Retrieving of the data, change of the batteries of PurpleAir

11:18 – Retrieving of the data, and change of the batteries of the field mill

11:23 – EVA crew leaves the instruments and goes to North Ridge in order to showcase the photogrammetry experiment to the journalists

11:40 – EVA crew requests an extra time of 20 minutes to mission support for the EVA. Request approved.

12:05 – EVA crew back to the MDRS

12:15 – End of the depressurization, EVA crew back in the hab

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer), Jeremy Rabineau (Commander)

HAB COM: Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual, then to North Ridge (see map on the attached picture)

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

EVA Report – March 6th

Crew 275 EVA Report 06Mar2023

EVA # 18

Author: Adrien Tison, EVA Leader, and Crew Botanist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to perform the photogrammetry experiments with the 3D map.

First, as it was on the way to Candor Chasma, we changed the batteries and re-installed the LOAC.

We then went to Candor Chasma, where the subject of the experiment tried to find some specific checkpoints, while the operators of the experiment onsite took time measurements and drew their trajectory on a map. In addition, the subject was equipped with a step counter. Indeed, as the Crew Journalist is injured, we performed the experiment with only one subject.

Start time: 9:05

End time: 12:39


9:05 – Airlock closed, depressurization starting

9:10 – Exiting Airlock, airlock closed

9:13 – Departure from Hab

9:16 – Arrival at the instruments’ site

9:25 – Batteries are being changed and data retrieved. MegaAres was off when we arrived

9:37 – Leaving the site

9:39 – Departure with the rovers

9:43 – Arrived at North Ridge

9:44 – Leaving the rovers and walking

9:54 – Radio check from HabCom– OK – HabCom is received very well on EVA

Leader’s side – Still on their way to Candor Chasma

10:05 – Brief contact with EVA leader, switching to channel 2

10:16 – Photogrammetry experiment starting, EVA leader has to search for the checkpoints

11:14 – Experiment over, exploration of Candor Chasma

11:51 – EVA Crew heading back to the rovers

12:32 – EVA Crew back at the rovers

12:36 – Passing Marble Ritual

12:38 – Rovers parked at the Hab

12:39 – Crew in Airlock

To conclude briefly, everything went to plan, batteries have been changed, LOAC is now in place and data have been retrieved. The photogrammetry experiment went perfectly well, all checkpoints were found quite quickly.

Destination: First we will stop where the MegaAres and the METEO station are

located; we will then go to Candor Chasma.

Coordinates: N4251000 E521500

EVA Participants: EVA Leader: Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist & Subject), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist & Operator), and Corentin Senaux (HSO & Operator)

HAB COM : Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map – Cow Dung Road until the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”, we then walked eastwards until Candor Chasma for an estimated 2.5 km from the rovers.

Mode of travel – Driving and walking

Vehicles we used – Opportunity and Spirit

EVA Report – March 5th

Crew 275 EVA Report 05-03-2023

EVA # 17

Author: Alexandre VINAS (crew astronomer and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: Change of battery for all the instruments, as well as data retrieval.

Start time: 10:18

End time: 11:30


10:18 Airlock closed

10:28 EVA crew arrived at the destination.

MegaAres instrument was off. Its 12V battery had a level of 8.6V.

LOAC malfunctionned. Its battery was fully charged but the instrument was off (even if it was turned on during the last EVA). LOAC was removed.

11:02 Change of the batteries of PurpleAir and data retrieval.

11:18 Change of the batteries of Field mill and data retrieval.

11:25 EVA crew left the site of the instruments.

11:30 EVA crew back at the rovers.

11:45 EVA crew back in the hab.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Alexandre VINAS (Crew astronomer), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist)

HAB COM: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual (see map on the attached picture)

Mode of travel: Curiosity

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