GreenHab Report – December 29th

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 29Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 84.3
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 98.4
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.2
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 153.74 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:55am, 5:20pm
Changes to crops: Harvested one Sunflower
Narrative: I watered everything in the GreenHab today. There were no harvestable edible crops. The peas are doing well after the transplant. I cut down one sunflower and I am going to move some sunflower sprouts to bigger pots. I moved a humidifier to the grow tent in the science dome to up the humidity for the mushrooms. The humidity got up to 98% which is ideal. This will encourage mycelial growth.
Harvest: 54.98g Sunflower
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 30th

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 30Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.2
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.8
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 69.6
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 146.74 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:15am, 4:40pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Today was a very productive day in the GreenHab. I swept and got 6 pots ready for sunflower sprout transplants. One of the peas didn’t make it, I am going to wait for the other peas’ sprouts to get stronger before transplanting another one. I noticed that two tomato plants were missing tomato cages so I put tomato cages on them. There were 3 ready cucumbers so I harvested those and some cilantro for tonights dinner. Yesterday we harvested dill for dinner.
Harvest: 10g of Dill, 301g of Cucumber. 10g of Cilantro
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 31st

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 31Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.75
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.8
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.7
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 3 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 143.74 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:30am, 4:30
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: I transplanted 5 sunflower sprouts instead of 6 because there wasn’t a 6th sprout ready for transplanting. There are a few cucumbers that will be ready for harvest tomorrow. The peas all look like they are doing well. Carrots are growing stronger and bigger. I harvested some mint for some strawberry frosting.
Harvest: 6 g of Mint
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – January 1st

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 1Jan2025
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 79.9
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 89.8
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.0
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 134.5 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:30 am, 4:30pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Some of the tomatoes looked a little wilted so I made sure to give them extra water today. I went back and checked on them a few times and they plumped up by the EOD. The sunflower and pea transplants are both looking healthy and happy. The carrots and tomatoes are getting pretty sizable, they will be ready for the next crew.
Harvest: 186 g Cucumbers, 16g of Basil, 4g of Parsley
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 23rd

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 23Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.7
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 95
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.5
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon for mushroom humidifiers
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 183
Time(s) of watering for crops: 12:10 pm
Changes to crops: Harvested two pots of broccoli microgreens
Narrative: Today was my first day as GreenHab Officer! It was a great first day of familiarizing myself with all the plants, they all looked so happy. I noticed that the humidity was below 80% so I decided to fill the spray bottle and give all the plants a nice mist. In the future I will do this when the sun rises. While checking the tomatoes I noticed there were a lot of suckers or small sprouts growing in between the fruiting limbs and I plucked them all off. In total I removed 10 grams of tomato biomass. I also hand pollinated about 5 flowers on each cucumber plant using q-tips form the science dome. I plan on removing flowers from the cucumber plants to encourage stronger fruit. I harvested two broccoli microgreen pots and ~ 6 radish leaf greens for dinner. I

Harvest: 32g of Radish greens and 14 g of broccoli microgreens
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 24th

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 24Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.6
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 95
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 70.2
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 6.13 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 176.97
Time(s) of watering for crops: 8:40 am, 2:44 pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: After watching the sunrise, the plants got a nice misting. I checked the moisture level on the plants, and everything was moist but the cucumbers, so I gave them good water. I also decided to pour a gallon of water on the ground to see if it would help with the humidity. I went back to check and most of the water had evaporated, and the humidity was above 40%, much higher than the usual 20-30%. On today’s lunch menu, spaghetti, garnished with basil! I chopped up a few grams of basil and thyme and carefully selected 6 basil tops for our spaghetti plates. In the afternoon, the crew geologist and I went out to the GreenHab to inspect the radishes and by inspection, I mean taste. We are cooking up a plan for them. There are some sizable cucumbers as well, they seem much happier with the higher humidity. I brought some CO2/Humidity/Temperature sensors with me and left mine in the GreenHab to compare with the monitor already in the GreenHab. My values are higher than the values being recorded by 3 to 5 digits for both the humidity and the temperature.
Harvest: 7g of Basil, ~1g of Thyme, 14g of Chinese Rose Radish
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 25th

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 25Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.1
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.8
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 69.4
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 gallon
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 167.47
Time(s) of watering for crops: 8:40 am, 5:15 pm
Changes to crops: Removed 14g of cucumber leaves
Narrative: I inspected the cucumbers very closely today, we have four that should be ready to harvest in the next 1 to 2 days. I thinned out a few of the carrots and chopped them up for our chickpea curry dinner. I went out pretty late to give the plants their evening watering and one pot, an arugula pot, was not happy at all. It was very wilty so I gave each of them a ¼ gallon of water. I had everyone try the arugula because it is mature and a little spicy for my taste, I want to find a good use for it before I decide to change it out for a different plant. A sunflower is getting close to blooming.
Harvest: 14g of Carrots, ~1 gram of Arugula
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 26th

Crew 306 GreenHab Report 26Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Adriana Sanchez
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatic at 94 and off at 82
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82.1
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.8
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 69.4
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 5.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 162 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:10 am, 5:30 pm
Changes to crops: Moved sunflowers from the top of the shelf to the middle of the floor in the green house.
Narrative: The HSO and I went out to the GreenHab this morning to harvest some Thyme and Scallions for Lunch. Everything looked good this morning. I also harvested 5 cucumbers for our morning snack and dinner. At dinner time I harvested the remainder of the broccoli microgreens. The sunflower started blooming today. Tomorrow I plan on harvesting arugula and basil and moving the pea and sunflower sprouts to bigger pots if it is cloudy.
Harvest: 646g of Cucumber, 2g of Scallion, 1g of Thyme, 14g of Broccoli Microgreens
Support/supplies needed: None

GreenHab Report – December 15th

GreenHab Officer: Hunter Vannier

Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatically.

Average temperatures (last 24h): 88 F

Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.8 F

Minimum temperature (last 24h): 77.2 F

Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200

Daily water usage for crops: 5 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None

Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 142 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 7:50 am, 6:02 pm

Changes to crops: None

Narrative: In the morning, there was no cucumber wilting, but by 6:00 PM they were quite wilted despite their soil still being damp. This is consistent with the weather being very sunny with no clouds and a high of ~95 F in the GreenHab, in contrast to yesterday’s weather (overcast) and the plant conditions (not wilted). I am going to water only two of them to see how well they recover with/without water given the cooler temperatures at night. All the tomatoes are still doing great.

I am happy to report the water monitoring system will be up and running tomorrow morning thanks to a soldering tutorial from the engineering-minded crew members; I had a lot of fun. I will also end the blackout period for the peas and sunflower microgreens tomorrow.

Harvest: none

Support/supplies needed: none

GreenHab Report – December 16th

Crew 305 GreenHab Report 16Dec2024

GreenHab Officer: Hunter Vannier

Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatically.

Average temperatures (last 24h): 86 F

Maximum temperature (last 24h): 94.6 F

Minimum temperature (last 24h): 75.2 F

Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200

Daily water usage for crops: 6 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.25

Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 135.75 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:16 am, 4:30 pm

Changes to crops: Removed blackout cover for peas and sunflowers

Narrative: The two cucumbers I watered last night are a bit less wilted, but not much. The plants closest to the eastern wall of the GreenHab seem most affected. Regardless, they are staying green and not dying, so I think I will relax finally about the wilting situation and accept that they should always get a morning and evening watering. Excitingly, there are some baby cucumbers growing (~1 cm) that have gotten larger than the withered ones I observed last week, so hopefully they will continue to mature.

My recommendation for the arugula, sunflowers, and tomatoes is to just water them when they start to wilt because they bounce back quickly and don’t need water every day at this point.

I removed the blackout cover from the sunflower/pea microgreen bed and one sunflower is starting to sprout.

On a research front, I have started my soil moisture monitoring experiment. The soil moisture sensors are giving data, and I took multiple data points today to make sure they are working. Because of the small pots I’m using, the moisture sensor needs to be off the bottom of the pot and closer to the surface to get a consistent reading. Because I primed the soil yesterday, it wasn’t completely dry to start, but that should be accounted for based on the initial measurements prior to watering.

Harvest: none

Support/supplies needed: none

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