Crew 204 Journalist Report 07-FEB-2019
Author: Sonal Baberwal (HSO & Crew Journalist)
Good Morning from Mars!
The morning seems early today. This was the day we all have been eagerly waiting for! A lot of hope and enthusiasm had been preserved for this day. Today the crew woke up pretty early than the regular schedule as the day had something special. We all started preparing for the EVA.
This has been really exciting because our rover is ready and scheduled to be operated from Earth (India). We got ready and suited up in the Spacesuit with heartbeats that could be heard loud. Will this attempt be a successful one? Is that a dream coming true that a rover will be operated from a remote location from Earth on MDRS terrains? Yes, it is possible! Salute to our technology and emerging IoT trend!
The rover had been operated for 51 seconds from Earth by Mr. Harish Ajankar from Sipna College of Engineering and Technology, India in front of the Professors of the University. The biggest challenge was to find a flexible time for the EVA that supports different time zones. Thanks to mission support for their cooperation and support to make this happen into reality.
It was a pretty good experience to observe the rover crawling on the MDRS terrains which have been operated from India. I believe this legacy will turn into an inspirational and motivational example for the young generation and someday participate in this simulation.
The day has been followed by daily activities. The evenings have been really good as we have been enjoying games and movies together living the final days of simulation to the fullest!
The day had been really interesting in terms of the activities we have been performing. Looking forward to a new sunrise. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Habitat! Stay connected to know more about our last days of the simulation.
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