Dylan Dickstein – Crew Commander
Dylan Dickstein is a Ph.D. Candidate at UCLA with experience at SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Aerospace Corporation, and United Launch Alliance. His scientific expedition down to Antarctica has prepared him well for MDRS.
Shayna Hume – Executive Officer
Shayna Hume is a Ph.D. student at CU Boulder working on research in Martian Entry, Descent, and Landing. She has her M.S. in Aerospace Engineering and M.E. in Engineering Management. She has experience working at NASA, Lockheed Martin, and the Aerospace Corporation, and is the Executive Officer of this mission as her first analog astronaut mission.
Olivia Ettlin – Crew Scientist
Olivia Ettlin’s technical background is in biology, botany, and environmental science. She’s passionate about conservation and she’s using the MDRS Mars analog as a step into conducting her own research on sustainable agriculture and resource management. She graduated in 2020 with her Bachelor’s Degree in Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology and in the past year has worked for California State Parks, as well as environmental non-profits TreePeople and Heal the Bay.
Alex Coultrup – Health and Safety Officer / Crew Journalist
Alex Coultrup holds her M.S. in Spaceflight Human Factors with a concentration in microgravity operations and is a graduate of the International Space University’s Commercial Space program. She has previously conducted research in the area of commercial space transportation and currently works at Nanoracks on the Outpost program, an initiative to repurpose spent rocket upper stages into long-duration orbital platforms. She is the Health and Safety Officer and Media Officer and this is her first analog mission.

Julio Hernandez is a 5th year Ph.D. student at Purdue University in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His major areas of study are composite manufacturing, self-sensing materials, structural health monitoring, nanomaterials, additive manufacturing, and sustainability in engineering and the environment. This Fall, he will defend his dissertation and then hopes to pursue a career advancing human spaceflight onto the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

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