Mission Support



Sergii Iakymov, Director MDRS
Mission Support & Logistics



Ben Stanley, Assistant Director, MDRS


Kay Radzik, Director, MDRS Refits


Bernard Dubb, CapCOM Deputy Coordinator & IT Coordinator

I’m a semi-retired IT professional with thirty years’ applications programming experience. My educational background includes degrees in history, psychology and computer networking. I’m an amateur radio operator, active in Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES Connecticut Section, Net Control Operator) and the National Weather Service SKYWARN severe weather spotting program (Coordinator, Windham County Connecticut). I’ve communicated with ISS and Juno spacecraft via amateur radio. Other interests include music (percussion and electronic instruments), electronics and the outdoors (hiking and camping). I live in a small house on a lake in rural Connecticut. Grew up with Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. In addition to CapCom responsibilities, I’m also MDRS IT Coordinator, contributing to Hab networking, robotic observatory and autoponics projects. I’m glad to be part of this team, helping to advance the knowledge base for the epic journey to Mars.






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