Sol 11
Summary Title: Sol Close to the End
Author: Doug Campbell, Executive Officer and Science Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The entire day was spent touring around a class of 30 middle schoolers from Colorado. They viewed the Hab, the Green Hab, the Science Dome, and the Musk Observatory. They children had several good questions that our crew was able to discuss with them. They were excited about the possibilities of travelling to mars and becoming astronauts in the future! The crew enjoyed the time with the class but also long for the exploration of EVAs as they were cancelled yesterday due to rain. We intend on completing our final crew EVAs of this mission tomorrow.
Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow is our final day in simulation on Mars. We are looking forward to two EVAs, getting the hab ready for handover on Saturday and finishing our final reports.
Anomalies in work: None to report today, but the mud has now returned.
Weather: Partly cloudy in AM, cloudy in the PM with rain.
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
No EVAs were completed today due to the touring class from Colorado.