Crew 216 Research Report 25-Nov-2019
Sol 1
Submitted by: Crew Researcher Whittle
1) Psych Scale (TAMU IRB2019-1042D) – NFTR.
2) Medical Casts – Continuation of Crew 215 research. 2 EVAs completed, a large quantity of gypsum collected for evaluation later on during the week during expected inclement weather.
3) In-Situ Fluorescent Mineral Prospecting – Still searching for radioactives and rare Earths.
4) MDRS Mapping – NFTR (awaiting return of map with desired annotations from CapCom).
5) MDRS Communications – 5W transceiver tested on EVA 02 resulting in significantly increased range to N (0.65 km to 1.45 km). Testing similar architecture set up with 2 EVAs (03 and 04) on Sol 2 to look at current ranges to S and E. These EVAs will also evaluate potential spots to place radio rebroadcast stations. Future EVAs will aim to test these with by placing a rebroadcast station to increase comms range to Hab.