Astronomy Report – February 5th

Astronomy Report

Name: Salina Peña and Noah Loy

Crew: 274

Date: 02/05/2023


Robotic Telescope Requested (Choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF

Objects Viewed: None

Problems Encountered: No observations due to weather conditions (High winds and cloudy skies.)


Solar Features Observed: None

Problems Encountered: None due to cloud interference.

Operations Report – February 5th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/5/2023

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 220.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 255.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 44%

Currently charging: No

General notes on rovers: Rover Perseverance was used during today’s EVA. The team returned after noon, so they were not plugged in.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 26 gallons as of 5:45 pm.

Water (static tank): 288 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 2 – 2:40 pm.

WATER USE: 12.64 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: No.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress microgreens have made significant progress and are continuing to sprout.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Based on our average water usage and the fact that we are a larger crew, we have calculated that the minimum water level of ~145 gallons (“31 inches” from the top of the lid) is likely to be reached on Sol 10. We would like a resupply of the 125 gallons of H2O, as offered at the beginning of our mission, as a safety net. Thank you!

GreenHab Report – February 5th

GreenHab Officer: Tyler Hines

Environmental control: heater

Average temperatures: 80.75 F

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 12.68 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1.06 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 100.05 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 2:00 pm

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Continued to conduct daily watering of plants and crops as part of daily required GreenHab operations. Following days of additional watering, tomato plants have shown a significant upturn in color and growth. In preparation for a potential final harvest and in parallel with daily operations, general cleaning and trimming of numerous plants and crops were also performed.

Harvest: N/A

Support/supplies needed: N/A

Journalist Report – February 5th

Crew 274 Journalist Report 2-5-2023

Sol: 7

Author: Tony DiBernardo, Crew Journalist

Title: The Long Hike

Crew 274 woke up this morning at 7:30am to the song “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” by John Denver. The crew got their surveys done, then made sure to get a decent breakfast before their 3-hour EVA.

EVA Activity

Today, HSO Pender and Hab Specialist O’Hara conducted a 3-hour EVA past the supply cache and back. The original EVA plan was to hike an hour to the supply cache, resupply their personal food and water from the cache, then hike 30 more minutes before turning around and hiking 1.5 hours back to the hab. They reached the cache early at the 47-minute mark due to them taking flat roads rather than the originally planned rocky terrain, but eventually found a more consistent and realistic pace on the way back. Supporting their EVA was Commander Guthrie and Journalist DiBernardo. They performed a “leap-frog” maneuver during the EVA, where they would drive the rover past the hiking crew and stop just before losing sight of them. Then, Pender and O’Hara would hike past the parked rover and just before they got out of site, Guthrie and DiBernardo would catch up in the rover and drive past them, only stopping just before losing sight again. This technique was used to reserve rover battery power as well as ensure a safe EVA for the crew on their longest hike of the mission. The EVA was a success, and apart from a couple of cars and hikers driving and passing by, the EVA went as expected.


Following the exciting germination of one LDEF seed yesterday, Greenhab Officer Hines, did his daily collection and observations of germination from the other seeds.. While no additional progress has been noted in other LDEF seeds, multiple sets of seeds that are yet to germinate were removed from the growth tent, placed in wet paper towels, and moved them into the GreenHab to utilize the higher temperatures and humidity in order to potentially germinate leading into the second half of the mission. Additionally, the cress microgreens have continued to make significant progress, with the red cabbage and broccoli making gradual yet minimal continued germination.


Crew astronomers Pena and Loy’s observations of heliophysics phenomena were significantly impaired by the site’s cloudy weather. Nevertheless, some useful data on solar dark spots and solar prominences were collected and analyzed. These observations will be very useful for the astronomer’s analysis of peak solar cycle 25. So far, 220,000 image points have been collected, and 50,000 images have been processed and analyzed.


Cloudy weather conditions canceled all planned observations of HADS Variable Star V0799 AUR. Crew Astronomers instead continued their analysis of their current image inventory, stacking and analyzing 12 separate 60-second images in the visual filter. So far, HADS Variable Star V0799 AUR is showing signs of dimming, which provides good data to the astronomers’ variable star report.

Stress Mitigation Study

Last night, the crew began their participation in Crew Engineer Lojeks’ study of tracking the stress levels of six of the crew members while practicing breathing and mindfulness techniques as a potential mitigation of stress in analog environments. He spoke with the crew about why he is pursuing this study, how to enter into this type of meditation and guided them through a 15-minute breathing exercise.

Sol Summary Report – February 5th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2023

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Logistics Drop Successful

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew completed EVA #7 which was a complex logistics cache scenario which involved the assessment of using the cache on a 3-hr hike for emergency rations. The test was a success and the crew was ecstatic with the results. While the research is in its first stages, the proof of concept leads to exciting larger applications for Lunar and Martian operations. The astronomy crew processed solar images earlier today, unfortunately the overcast that rolled in the evening has blocked night sky observations again. The crew closed the evening with debriefs, surveys, and prepped for the public outreach day scheduled for Monday (Sol 8).

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to its public outreach day tomorrow and speaking with elementary and middle school students, families, friends, and colleagues who have supported this mission and made it possible.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: 3C High, -3C Low; Sunny until the evening, currently raining with 15mph winds

Crew Physical Status: Optimal

EVA: EVA #7 completed for logistics cache emergency scenario – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, HSO Report, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: Use of the MDRS Starlink to boost the signal for the public outreach event.

Mid-Mission Science Report – February 4th

Title: Self-Sustainment Study

Crew Member: Sarah “Ceres” Guthrie

Role: Commander

This study focuses on the efficiency of a self-sustainment diet for astronauts in spaceflight and on interplanetary missions. Meals are prepacked, dehydrated, and curated to the individual astronaut’s needs. Understanding the metabolic needs of astronauts and requirements for self-sustainment will enable a low-impact resource management capability for early exploration. Meals use no grid energy and in some cases are heated purely by solar energy (placing canisters in the window). The analysis of this study is completed at the end of the mission. The prepacked meals have been ample in caloric intake and consumption has varied based on activity. Moreover, as noted by the crew, the self-sustainment study shows there is little to no prep time, little waste, or cleanup, and has no impact on the daily activities. While halfway through the mission, there has been no need to break from the meal plan and is on track to be sufficient until the end of mission. Moreover, concerns if the meal would be disruptive have proved to be just the opposite. Not only is it supported by the crew as a specialized diet, but it has also generated meaningful conversations and even accolades, with some crew members quoted “I wish I was doing this.”

Title: Dandelion Study

Crew Member: Sarah “Ceres” Guthrie

Role: Commander

This study was a community submission by a 2nd grader from Millersville, Maryland who aspires to be an astronaut. The submission inquired if dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) can grow in Martian regolith. Crew 274 was happy to comply and donated Martian and Lunar regolith from ExoLabs to the study. The dandelions were planted in a nitrogen enriched pods with the sample regolith simulant on Sol 3 and are patiently waiting for results.

Title: Cosmic Fruit Study

Crew Member: Sarah “Ceres” Guthrie

Role: Commander

This study was a community submission by a 2nd grader from Millersville, Maryland who aspires to go to Mars as an astronaut. The submission asked what happens to fruit exposed to the elements on Mars and if they would be protected in the habitat. Crew 274 was happy to support this study in conjunction with the logistics cache. HSO Pender accommodated the fruit (two oranges) in his logistics cache and placed the cache and the fruit on the ”Martian terrain.” Two additional oranges were placed in a crate next to the cache. Both samples had temperature monitors and radiation tags. As the EVA crews access the cache over the mission duration, the oranges will be monitored and data collected on their performance.

Title: Evaluating Contingency EVAs and Rescue Techniques for Planetary Surface Missions

Crew Member: Sarah “Ceres” Guthrie

Role: Commander

This study investigates contingency extra-vehicular activities methods and protocols. It is a continuation of a study from previous analogs but enhanced over time. This specific study will utilize an engineered rescue vest. It has yet to be performed at this point in the mission.

Title: Digital Measurement of Stress and a Potential Stress Mitigation Technique in Analog Astronaut Environments

Crew Member: Alexis “Kepler” Lojek

Role: Crew Engineer

The crew are wearing their Garmin devices and it is tracking their stress levels based upon Heart Rate Variability. Focused breathing as a potential; mitigation technique for stress begins this evening after the Comms windows closes. Stress levels are being tracked and recorded via Garmin Connect.

Title: Heliophysical Phenomena

Crew Member: Noah “Phoenix” Loy

Role: Crew Astronomer and Heliophysicist

Musk Solar Observatory operations have rendered many successes at this halfway point mid-mission. Dozens of heliophysic phenomena have been observed in the forms of solar dark spots, solar chromosphere granolas, solar prominences, and convection cells. Over 110k images/videos have been captured. Some of these have been analyzed through astrophotography software. Flats have been integrated across 30k solar dark spot images. The size, distribution, and frequencies of solar granules and solar dark spots have begun to be measured. All in all, lots of clean and useful heliophysics data have been gathered, saved, and analyzed for a solar cycle 25 report.

Title: Case Study of the MDRS Design as a Planetary Surface Habitat

Crew Member: William “Titan” O’Hara

I have made significant progress on my research goal. In the first half of the mission I have completed a detailed review of the architecture of the Musk Observatory, Science Dome, Green Hab, RAM and connecting tunnels from the POV of a crew member. In each case I have created sketches and completed a detailed questionnaire built to systematically review each habitable space. The data collected thus far captures characteristics such as layout, use-of-space, activity volume allocations, traffic flow, outfitting and stowage volumes.

Title: Generating Multi-bandpass Lightcurve (LC) Data on HADS Variable Star V0799 AUR

Crew Member: Salina “Nova” Peña

Role: Crew Astronomer

Images of HADS Variable Star V0799 AUR were taken before the mission. Fifteen images were taken on January 13, 2023, using the filter “V,” and sixty were taken on January 27, 2023, using filters B, V, and R. Once the correct duration for each filter was established, then 180 images were taken at MDRS using the same filters. So far, there have been two days where no observations were made due to weather conditions. Therefore, they were canceled. While in the waiting process, I started the calibration process with the first set of images in the 45s duration visible.

Title: Germination Studies of Long-Duration Space-Exposed Seeds

Crew Member: Tyler “Houston” Hines

Role: GreenHab Officer

Approaching the mid-way point of the mission, all expected research progress and general germination are going according to plan. Following the initial setup of supplies along with consistent daily maintenance and watering of nutrient-rich additives, early signs of germination were noted as early as Sol 3 in the mission, specifically with the cress and broccoli, with the other sets of micro greens being closely monitored in parallel. As a significant and optimistic milestone in the anticipated seed germination timeline, early signs of LDEF seed germination were noted on the morning of Sol 6, with the plan to continually maintain current temperature and humidity levels in addition to watering times to support future growth.

Title: Supply Cache Use for Extension of Human Exploration on Mars

Crew Member: Nicholas “XMan” Pender

Role: Health and Safety Officer

Three of seven EVAs planned for this research experiment have been accomplished. The first EVA series (EVAs 3 and 4 combined) established a baseline distance of how far is reasonably possible to travel on foot in 30 minutes while in a space suit. A distance of 1 mile per 30 minutes of walking was discovered, which allowed for future planning of the contingency scenario route utilizing the supply cache. This phase also presented the opportunity to test staking into the local soil for future supply cache solar panel placement. This test was conducted on top of both Kissing Camel Ridge and on the side of Cow Dung Road. Finally, I was also able to prove the ability to use a hydration system with the space suit and consume GU energy gel packs while in the space suit. EVA 5 demonstrated effective deployment of the supply cache as a mobile EVA support platform, positioning it 2 miles (1 hour) from the hab. Upon activation, all powered systems for the cache were operating nominally. Initial readings on interior/external temperature were performed, as well as power consumption data and initial condition. EVA 6 comprised of a status check on the cache to ensure it was operating nominally, and it certainly was. The cache was maintaining temps above 40 degrees and power consumption of the internal heater was negligible. One external concern, it was found that the ropes securing the solar panels to the ground had loosened. Stakes were repositioned to ensure a secure placement. Follow-up surveys on and debriefs on EVA’s 5 and 6 validated to the experiment design and also revealed potential design improvement recommendations for the cache system. The cache is now ready for its big test in an emergency scenario exercise on EVA 7!

Operations Report – February 4th

Crew 274 Operations Report 2/4/2023

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Alexis Lojek

Non-nominal systems: N/A

Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.2

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 220.3

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 55%

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 254.6

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 41%

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers Curiosity and Perseverance were used during today’s EVA. The team returned before noon, so they are plugged in and charging.

Summary of Hab operations: Habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 33 gallons as of 6:00 pm.

Water (static tank): 314 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA completion and taken off the chargers after the red charging lights turned off. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants this morning from 1:30 – 2:00 pm.

WATER USE: 13.74 gallons used

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: Yes. Tomatoes – 232 g, green beans – 374 g, spinach – 19 g, micro greens – 21 g, basil – 13 g, dill – 1 g; total: 660 g.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Officer Tyler Hines’ experiment is continuing to be monitored; Cress micro greens have made significant progress and have begun to sprout.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: No observatory issues.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Astronomy Report – February 4th

Astronomy Report

Name: Salina Peña and Noah Loy

Crew: 274
Date: 02/04/2023


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF

Objects Viewed: Star/230204/Variable star

Problems Encountered: None (I canceled pictures tonight due to overcast weather. I am continuing the calibration process of images.)


Solar Features Observed: Sun/230204/sunspot Sun/230204/prominence

Problems Encountered: None (I will attach images later)

GreenHab Report – February 4th

GreenHab Officer: Tyler Hines

Environmental control: heater

Average temperatures: 82.2 F

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 13.74 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1.06 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 113.79 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1:30 pm

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Completed daily watering of plants and crops as part of daily GreenHab operations. A significant mid-mission harvest was conducted as part of general GreenHab maintenance and to further support crew nutrition over the coming days.

Harvest: <1 gram of dill, 232 grams of tomato, 374 grams of green beans, 19 grams of spinach, 21 grams of micro greens, and 13 grams of basil.

Support/supplies needed: N/A

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