Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-01-2023
Sol: 3
Summary Title: Solar Phenomena
Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The crew did not perform any EVAs today. The day was used to plan out the logistics cache study, opening the solar telescope, harvesting green beans, tomatoes, and herbs. The crew also used the day to clean the mud from the lower deck, vacuum the crew quarters, and clean the bathroom. The solar study was a massive success. Crew Astronomers Loy and Pena captured 70,000 images. The images showed sunspots, prominences, and granules.
Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to possible cache EVA deployment and new solar images from the astronomy crew.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny, -2C High, -9C Low
Crew Physical Status: Satisfactory
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, HSO, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.
Support Requested: None