EVA Report – March 9th

Crew 275 EVA Report 09Mar2023

EVA # 20

Author: Alice Chapiron, EVA Leader and Crew Scientist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to explore the Special Region

Start time: 9:06

End time: 12:06


09:11: Airlock closed.

09:12: Rovers Opportunity and Spirit unplugged. They then left from the Hab at 09:14.

09:18: Rovers parked near the atmospheric instruments.

09:38: Data retrieved, and batteries changed for the Purple Air, LOAC, Mega-Ares, and Field Mill. The EVA crew is about to go back to the rovers to go to their target location.

10:00: Rovers are parked on the road to the Special Region to save the battery of the rovers

10:45: The EVA Crew arrived at the Special Region. They spotted a pick-up truck in the area so they decided to turn back.

11:30: Back to the rovers.

11:58: Arrival at the Hab.

12:49: End of the EVA.

Destination: Special Region

Coordinates: N4256000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist), and Jérémy Rabineau (Crew Commander)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until the rovers where at 65% of battery, then walk to the Gateway to Lith and the Special Region.

Mode of travel: Driving using Spirit and Opportunity and walking

Crew 275 EVA Report 09-03-2023

EVA # 21

Author: Alexandre VINAS (Crew Astronomer and HabCom)

Purpose of EVA: Emergency drill, simulation of a depressurization in the science dome corridor that had to be fixed, and test of AI4U, an artificial intelligence designed to help the astronauts during emergencies

Start time: 15:17

End time: 15:35


15:03 Emergency started

15:15 EVA crew is equipped for the EVA

15:17 Airlock closed

15:22 EVA crew out of the MDRS

15:23 EVA crew arrived at the place of the depressurization, located in the corridor of the Science Dome, on the right side when facing the Science Dome

15:27 “Hole” repaired (EVA crew took tools and simulated operating a repair)

15:35 EVA Crew back in the Hab

The hole was repaired in less than 30 minutes, that was our purpose.

Destination: In the vicinity of the MDRS, next to the Science Dome.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518200

Participants: EVA Leader: Corentin Senaux (HSO), Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist)

HAB COM: Alexandre VINAS (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: /

Mode of travel: Walking

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