Supplemental Operations Report – June 21st

Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov

Reason for Report: End of the season.

Power system:
Solar: Nominal. The network gateway has been reconnected to the station Orbi wifi network.SOC Last 24 hours: Max 100%; Min 78 %; Avg 87.8%.
VDC Last 24 hours: Max 58.64V; Min 47.40V; Avg 52.65V.Generator run time: generator hours 3827.7. Generator locked for the summer break.

Propane Reading Station Tank: 75%. Valve closed for summer.
Propane Reading Director Tank: 56%. Valve closed for summer.
Propane Reading Intern Tank: 71%. Valve closed for summer.
Propane Reading Generator Tank: 79%. Valve closed for summer.

Water (Static Tank) – 320 gallons
Water in GreenHab – 152 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 120 gallons
Water in Science Dome: 0 gallons
Hab Toilet Tank emptied: Yes

Notes on Rovers: All rovers moved to Rock Shop for summer break.

Sojourner rover used: Yes.
Hours: 194.3
Ending Charge: 59%
Currently Charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes.
Hours: 244.8
Ending Charge: 69%
Currently Charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes.
Hours: 266.7
Ending Charge: 70%
Currently Charging: Yes


rover used: Yes.
Hours: 136.6
Ending Charge: 99%
Currently Charging: Yes


rover used: Yes.
Hours: 226.7
Ending Charge: 85%
Currently Charging: Yes

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): None
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
Ethanol Free Gasoline — 0 Gallons
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATV: All parked at the outpost and awaiting to be taken to service.

HabCar used and why, where? Yes. To Hanksville for supplies to pick up. Final mileage – 169558.5, gas – 25%. Oil change – past due.

Crew Car used and why, where? Yes. To/From Grand Junction and Hanksville. Final mileage – 217868, gas – 50%. Oil change on 06/10/2023, next one on 220621 miles.

General notes and comments: Crew car parked at the outpost and hab car at the campus.

Summary of Internet: Starlink unplugged and stored in the HAB. Orbi wifi network connected to HughesNet modem. All work is nominal.

Summary of suits and radios: All suits are picked up by the NorthCal chapter for refurbishing. Radios are placed in the ScienceDome.

EVA COMMS: All batteries separated from the radios and placed in the ScienceDome for summer. All radios are stored in the charging station locker for summer. Radio repeater disassembled and removed from the Hab ridge; Battery, solar panel, pelican case with all content and antenna placed in the Science Dome, all other parts in RAM.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: All tarps are removed from the tunnels and inspected, stored in RAM. All tennis balls are collected. Security camera moved on the hab landing leg.

Summary of General Operations: All nominal. Conditions of interior and exterior, and all equipment were photographed.

Summary of Hab operations: Upper deck – fridge unplugged and emptied; All food moved out of the Hab; All unnecessary for summer devices have been unplugged; Remote controlled safety light is installed; Multiply mouse traps are setted up; Rat poison have been left in multiple places; Trash have been emptied. Lower deck – Outside outlets turned off; Toilet emptied; Heater breaker turned off; Water pump breaker turned off; Water pipe solenoid turned off; UV filter data logged and filter turned off; All unnecessary devices unplugged; shop vac and trash emptied; mouse traps are setted up; rat poison are placed around the deck.

Summary of GreenHab Operations: All temperature sensitive devices and fire extinguisher are moved to the Hab; rat poison placed around the area; HughesNet modem moved and plugged into the Hab.

Summary of SciDome Operations: All non-operational equipment were marked; Sink bucket emptied; Shop vac and trash emptied; Security camera placed at the power wall for observations; All unnecessary devices are unplugged; Two security lights are plugged via remote switch; All windows covered.

Dual Split in Science Dome: A/C is on for 74F.

Summary of any Observatory Issues: All parts were replaced and Observatory is operational.

Summary of RAM Operations: All temperature sensitive equipment were moved to Hab; Two big ladders from the tunnels were moved inside the RAM; Roll door were secured with a padlock; All outside and inside breakers are turned off; Outside breaker panel are locked; Trash is emptied;

Summary of Outpost Operations:

Exterior: Valve on the main propane tank is turned off; All outside extension cords are unplugged; Gates are closed and secured by metal wires.
Shed: Door latch is installed and door locked; Interior inventory is organized; Breakers turned off;
Intern’s trailer: Toilet emptied; fridge turned off; water and heater turned off; Internet and network gear moved into the Hab; Rat poison placed in the cabinets; propane valve turned off; door and storage compartment locked; All windows covered.
Director’s trailer: Toilet emptied; Fridge turned off; Water and heater turned off; All unnecessary devices unplugged; All batteries and temperature sensitive equipment moved into ScienceDome; Windows covered; Rat poison placed inside kitchen counter; Propane valve turned off; Front door locked.

Summary of Health and Safety Issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, Concerns, Supplies needed and Requests: Nothing to request.

Journalist Report – June 9th

Journalist Report

MDRS Crew 282 (Martian Biology III)

Jordan Bimm, 06.09.23

On the final full day of Martian Biology III, we revisited two sites from earlier in our mission. At Salt Wash we released captured insect specimens—including grasshoppers, caterpillars, and beetles, we had been studying in the Science Dome—back into the habitats where we first collected them. We also checked in on the water trap we deployed with the hope of collecting mosquito larvae. Unfortunately, we did not discover any mosquito larvae this time. The same was true for the water traps we set along the bank of the Fremont River, which was the site we returned to next. After collecting the water traps, we returned to the Hab where we finalized our mission report detailing the extensive biodiversity survey we completed over the past five days. Science highlights from our report include collecting 126 vascular plant, moss, and lichen specimens from 12 localities around MDRS, as well as direct collection of mosquitoes at all life stages and the experimental testing and evaluation of the novel mosquito trap design. In summing up our activities and preliminary findings we also had a chance to reflect on our time at MDRS and appreciate the breathtaking natural beauty in which it is situated. We captured some of our feelings of curiosity, wonder, and gratitude in an astrophotography session documenting the cosmic splendor overhead.


Image 1: Jacopo and Paul releasing collected insects back into their habitats at Salt Wash.

Image 2: The Core of the Milky Way rising over the desert hills at the Mars Desert Research Station.

Image 3: Cassiopeia over “North Ridge” at the Mars Desert Research Station.

Image 4: The arc of the Milky Way over the deserts east of MDRS.

Journalist Report – June 8th

Journalist Report

MDRS Crew 282 (Martian Biology III)

Jordan Bimm, 06.08.23

Since April 2021, we’ve all marveled at Ingenuity, NASA’s small robotic helicopter that’s been making the first powered flights on Mars (52 in total at time of writing). At MDRS, Crew 282’s mission Martian Biology III has been interested in a different kind of tiny flyer with big implications for the future of humanity—not advanced drones, but mosquitos. For many of us mosquitos are the classic summertime nuisance. We repel them with bug spray or a well-timed slap. However, even with global mitigation efforts mosquitos still infect around a million humans with deadly diseases including malaria each year. This is why entomologist Jacopo Razzauti, a PhD student at Rockefeller University and member of Crew 282 studies these unsavory critters. So instead of avoiding mosquitos, we are in the odd position of actively seeking them out. Today our hunt for “Marsquitos” took us to Muddy Creek. Reaching this field site, which we also examined during last year’s mission, involved firing up the rovers and trekking out across the lunar-like landscape of Copernicus Valley before arriving at winding reed-lined banks. At the start of our mission, we set out in search of mosquitos in all stages of development, larvae, pupae, and the familiar adult. “Mosquitos are very lazy,” Jacopo explained to us. “But if a human is around, they will come to you.” In this situation, we are not only scientists and scholars, we are also human bait. Over the past three days we’ve had lots of success: in the Henry Mountains we discovered a treasure trove of mosquito larvae in an abandoned water tank (mosquitos love laying eggs in still water), and last night by the Fremont River we used nets to catch eight adult mosquitos. Quickly transferring them from our net into sample tubes before they had a chance to escape turned the process into a fun high-stakes challenge. (Catching them alive and intact so they can be properly identified and studied is harder than you’d think.) Today we built on this success at Muddy Creek where we discovered and captured five more adult mosquitos. Then on our return drive to the station we stopped at a site called Cowboy Corner which we explored last year as well, remembering there was water here too. Hidden away in a natural depression we found standing pools of water that contained tadpoles, frogs, and yes, mosquito pupae! Now Jacopo is in the process of preparing them for analysis in the science dome. We endured a few itchy bites, but this was a sacrifice we were prepared to make for science, especially if the result is a better understanding of this important organism and the rich ecosystems surrounding MDRS.


Image 1: Muddy Creek at the northern edge of the MDRS Exploration Zone.

Image 2: Jacopo catches an adult mosquito on the bank of Muddy Creek.

Image 3: Jacopo collects a mosquito pupae at Cowboy Corner.

Journalist Report – June 7th

Journalist Report

MDRS Crew 282 (Martian Biology III)

Jordan Bimm, 06.07.23

Exploring Mars, NASA’s mantra is “follow the water.” On Earth, wherever we find water, we also find life, and this principle has guided robotic rover missions including Perseverance’s search for evidence of past habitable conditions. Today the crew took the MDRS rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Perseverance to collect biological samples at two sites where water is key: White Canyon and the Fremont River. White Canyon is an ecologically diverse canyon with unique features called seeps along its southern edge. Seeps are places kept moist and lush by water that reaches the surface from underground aquifers, which in the desert surrounding MDRS makes White Canyon an ideal oasis-like place to search for life. (For those familiar with the Station, White Canyon is located near the turn-off from Utah State Road 24 that leads to MDRS.) Last year, during Martian Biology II, we explored this site for the first time and flagged it as one worth returning to for more coverage. Today we collected more plants including Small-leaf Globemallow (Sphaeralcea parvifolia), discovered tadpole larvae in a small pool of standing water, and spotted some whiptail lizards (Teiidae) as well as a White-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) sheltering from the blazing sun in a small, cool crevasse between rocks. We followed White Canyon to a culvert that leads under Utah State Road 24 and to the banks of the Fremont River, which flows in the direction of nearby Hanksville. Back on Day 1 of our mission, Jacapo, our entomologist, had set a special trap for mosquito larvae here since these pesky insects love to lay their eggs in water. Today was our first chance to check and see if it had worked. We located the trap, which was still in good shape, but unfortunately it did not contain the hoped-for mosquito larvae. Astrobiologists know all too well the disappointment in not finding life you are hoping to discover. But in science negative findings are productive results, so Jacopo decided to make some alterations to the experimental setup, and we will check back on it again later in the mission.

Image 1: White Canyon is a consolidated sandstone gully leading to the Fremont River at the southern edge of the MDRS exploration zone.

Image 2: Sphaeralcea parvifolia (Small-leaf Globemallow) flowering in White Canyon, south of MDRS.

Image 3: A White-tailed jackrabbit we spotted in a shady crevasse in White Canyon.

Image 4: Jacopo checking in on mosquito larvae traps on the Fremont River.

Journalist Report – June 6th

Journalist Report

MDRS Crew 282 (Martian Biology III)

Jordan Bimm, 06.06.23

The atmosphere on Mars is very thin—less than 1% of Earth’s comfy 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi) at sea level. At MDRS we can simulate many aspects of Mars exploration, but even in our space suits the pressure outside the Hab remains normal. However, there is a low-pressure analog near-by: the Henry Mountains, an impressive range of snow-capped peaks which top out at 11,522 feet. What kinds of life might we find up there? How would it relate to what we find closer to the Hab? If you’ve ever spent time at MDRS you’ve probably noticed the Henry Mountains. Step outside the Hab, look south, and “the Henrys” are the collection of distant peaks rising from the horizon. Today Crew 282, along with Sergii Iakymov, assistant director of MDRS, ventured into the Henry Mountains, expanding our biodiversity survey to this unique high-altitude environment. Driving in the crew car, we made our way up winding roads which turned from blacktop to gravel to narrow and rock strewn. Breathtaking views were our first reward, but soon we turned to the business of field science. We collected at three different sites: McMillan Springs, South Creek Ridge, and South Creek. Our finds included insect larvae, colorful flowering plants, and hardy lichens. The highest point we reached was South Creek Ridge at 9,100 feet, around 10.5 psi—not even close to Mars’s extremely rarefied atmosphere at 0.095 psi, but still an investigation of life in different low-pressure environments near MDRS. We returned to the Station just in time to avoid a different kind of atmospheric threat: a rainstorm with massive wind gusts pushing sheets of dust and sand across the desert landscape. It reminded us of the opening scene of The Martian. “Is the Hab secure?” Sergii’s voice crackled over the comms system. We made certain all the hatches were battened down and thanked our lucky stars we made it back in the nick of time.

Image Captions:

Image 1: Utah Penstemon (Penstemon utahensis) flowering in the Henry Mountains.

Image 2: Desert Paintbrush (Castilleja chromosa) flowering in the Henry Mountains.

Image 3: A plant press full of the drying specimens collected by Crew 282 in front of the Hab.

Image 4: Paul, Jordan, Jacopo, and Sergii in the Henry Mountains.

Image 5: The Fairy Candelabra (Androsace septentrionalis), pictured here growing in the Henry Mountains, also grows in Nunavut, where the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station is located.

Image 6: One of the snow-capped peaks visible from South Creek Ridge at 9,100 feet.

Image 7: Gorgeous orange-red lichens discovered at South Creek Ridge.

Final Mission Summary – Crew 282 – Martian Biology III

Mars Desert Research Station Crew 282 – Martian Biology III – Final Report
Survey Locations for Crew 282. Map Data: ESRI via QGIS
Crew 282 – Martian Biology III, was the latest iteration of the Mars Society’s Martian Biology program, a special project conceived of by Dr. Shannon Rupert, the Society’s Senior Director of Analog Research.  From June 4-10, 2023,  the crew, consisting of botanist Paul Sokoloff, entomologist Jacopo Razzauti, and historian Jordan Bimm, sampled vascular plants, mosses, lichens, and insects at sites spanning three counties in the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) exploration area, while collecting information critical to our historical understanding of Martian analog research. Joined by MDRS Assistant Director Sergii Iakymov, this non-simulation crew surveyed sites at near the station (the Fremont River, Muddy Creek, and “Cowboy Corner), as well as locations further afield – at Salt Wash, and for the first time in the Martian Biology program,
the biomes of the Henry Mountains.
Botany – Paul Sokoloff
Desert paintbrush (Castilleja angustifolia) in the Henry Mountains.
Over the course of four collecting days, Crew 282 collected 126 vascular plant, moss, and lichen specimens from 12 localities around MDRS. These specimens voucher the biodiversity of the area; the flattened plants and preserved flora we have gathered provide physical proof that each species was found growing at a particular place and time. A complete set of these specimens will be deposited in the National Herbarium of Canada (CAN) at the Canadian Museum of Nature, and a duplicate set will be deposited at the Utah Valley University Herbarium.  Once these specimens are identified down to the species level (or, in certain cases, to subspecies or variety), these biodiversity data will be combined with the 22 new species records collected by Martian Biology II (Crew 243) as we draft a forthcoming floristic manuscript for the station.
As this year marked the Martian Biology program’s first foray into the Henry Mountains, we intensely botanized the three sites we stopped at in this range, documenting taxa in Juniper scrubland, Pine forests, and alpine scree. These biomes are markedly different from the deserts immediately surrounding MDRS. The gravelly verges on the approach to the Henrys were brightened by sprays of Boreal Sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale) and Utah Penstemon (Penstemon utahensis). Lower elevations and sheltered sites were dominated by numerous tree species like Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa), Pinyon Pine (Pinus sp.), Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii), and Utah Serviceberry (Amelanchier utahensis). The herbaceous understory of these elevated forests featured Alpine/Arctic taxa like Cinquefoils (Potentilla sp.), and Fairy Candelabra (Androsace septentrionalis) as well as numerous species of Sedge (Carex sp.) and Milkvetch (Astragalus sp.).
While previous Martian Biology crews have intensely collected the desert regions surrounding the station, Crew 282 was still able to document new taxa for the station.  These include Iodine Bush (Allenrolfea occidentalis) at Salt Wash and Muddy Creek, Nakedstem Sunray (Enceliopsis nudicaulis) at Salt Wash and “Hab Ridge” above MDRS, and several species of grass (Poaceae) and Milkvetch (Astragalus sp.) awaiting final identification in the lab.
Entomology – Jacopo Razzauti
Culiseta incidens from the Henry Mountains.
The ecological survey of mosquito species conducted near the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) involved two main methods of collection: direct collection of mosquitoes at all life stages and the deployment of a novel mosquito trap design.
In the direct collection method, mosquitoes at different life stages, including larvae, pupae, and adults, were collected on-site using nets and aspirators. These specimens were then taken back to the station, where they were prepared and cataloged for identification. In cases where larvae and pupae were collected, they were reared in the Science Dome at MDRS, and the adults were cataloged after they emerged.
The second method involved the deployment of a custom-made mosquito trap at various sites, specifically at Salt Wash and near Hanksville on the banks of the Fremont River. This trap was designed to attract gravid female mosquitoes using geosmin, a compound found in the peel of beetroot that serves as an oviposition attractant for various mosquito species. The trap does not require energy, CO2, or dry ice to attract mosquitoes, making it well-suited for trapping mosquitoes in the desert. Beetroot juice-containing traps were left at the sites for 2-3 days before collecting the water.
The combination of these two collection methods allowed for the cataloging of various mosquito species. The survey demonstrated that mosquitoes in the MDRS vicinity can adapt to a wide range of habitats, including the alpine forests of the Henry Mountains and the dry desert areas surrounding the research station.
Despite the challenging conditions in the desert, mosquitoes have evolved to exploit any available resources to survive in southeast Utah. Larvae were found in water tanks used for cattle, drying ponds, and slowly running streams. Interestingly, the majority of mosquitoes were collected near human settlements, indicating their anthropophilic nature in this region. This suggests that mosquitoes in the area rely on human presence for their blood meals, as well as access to sporadic water sources for development.
Astrobiology in Action – Jordan Bimm
Jordan studying lichens in the Science Dome.
I joined Crew 282 as a historian of science studying simulations of Martian Biology. “Astrobiology in Action” is a study conducted at MDRS to support my current research project Putting Mars in a Jar. This book-length monograph examines scientific attempts to mimic Mars on Earth, from tiny laboratory experiments in the 1950s to vast human-scaled analog sites, like MDRS and FMARS. I designed the study with the idea that, in addition to normal archival research, immersing myself in present-day astrobiology and analog research culture would greatly enhance my thinking and writing on the topic. To structure this approach, I decided to use a sociological method called participant observation in which a researcher joins the types of people they study (in my case biologists interested in space science) in performing their day-to-day research activities to understand how they perceive the world, their work, and its meaning. This study was conducted as a member of Crew 243 (“Martian Biology II”, June 2022) and continued now on Crew 282. It has provided me with practical working knowledge about remote field science and analog research as well as a chance to reflect on how scientists draw parallels between Earth and Mars in the context of biology and ecology. On both missions I worked with Paul Sokoloff to increase my understanding of lichen biology, one of his areas of expertise, at each of our field sites and in the Science Dome. This .directly informs my historical research because in the 1950s the scientific consensus about life on Mars was that it was likely to be lichens, which can tolerate low pressure and low temperature environments. This ongoing study has deepened my understanding of field ecology and analogs of Mars and its possible biology. I hope to continue this participant observation work on future Martian Biology missions as the program progresses.
Looking ahead, we see enormous potential in the Martian Biology program to continue documenting the biodiversity of the deserts surrounding MDRS and at sites of interest to the Mars Society across southeast Utah.  With each crew, we continue to document species that inform us about the state of the site as a Martian planetary analog and as a unique ecosystem on Earth.  We look forward to expanding this program to include taxonomic groups not yet surveyed at MDRS, and to apply the techniques and lessons learned at the station to other analog sites, such as the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station in Devon Island, Nunavut.

Journalist Report – May 5th

Crew 282 Journalist report 05June2023

By: Jordan Bimm

Is there life on Mars? Scientists are still searching. But there is life at MDRS, and Crew 282 is here to study it in detail. Martian Biology III is a non-sim science mission at MDRS focused on cataloguing the biodiversity of the desert south of the San Rafael Swell, with a special focus on plants, lichens, and insects. The Martian Biology Program at MDRS was conceived of by Dr. Shannon Rupert, field ecologist and Senior Director of Analog Research for the Mars Society. This time, our team consists of botanist Paul Sokoloff (Canadian Museum of Nature), entomologist Jacopo Razzauti (Rockefeller University), and space historian Jordan Bimm (University of Chicago). Building off previous missions Martian Biology I (May 2019) and Martian Biology II (June 2022), we plan to visit different field sites of biological interest reachable from the Hab over the next 5 days searching for interesting flora, fauna, and biota. Early each morning, before the heat of day, we travel to a different field site and collect specimens. Upon returning to the Hab we process, catalogue, and study these in the Science Dome. Field sites Martian Biology III will investigate include Salt Wash, The Henry Mountains, Muddy Creek, and the Fremont River. Stay tuned for more photos as we explore these stunning and fascinating ecosystems.


Image 1: Entomologist Jacopo Razzauti uses an aspirator, a device that uses suction to capture small insects alive, to collect ants at Salt Wash.

Image 2: Botanist Paul Sokoloff collects plant specimens at Salt Wash

Image 3: The purple Intermountain Phacelia (Phacelia demissa) and the yellow Palmer’s Bee Plant (Cleomella palmeriana) are in full flower on Factory Bench.

Image 4: The Plains Pricklypear (Opuntia polyacantha) flowering in Salt Wash.

Image 5: A red beetle we collected at Salt Wash and will identify in the Science Dome.

Image 6: The Nakedstem Sunray (Enceliopsis nudicualis) is a common desert species which is newly collected for the Mars Desert Research Station area.

Image 7: The day’s haul of plant specimens laid out in the Science Dome before pressing.

Image 8: Crew 282, Jordan Bimm, Jacopo Razzauti, and Paul Sokoloff, pose in front of the Science Dome on the first night of Martian Biology III.

Mission Plan – June 4th

Mission Plan, Crew 282 – Martian Biology III – June 4-10, 2023

Crew 282, Martian Biology III is a non-simulation biological survey of the Mars Desert Research Station sponsored by the Mars Society. Composed of scientists, historians, educators, and Mars Society personnel, the goal of this mission is to continue an ongoing investigation into the flora, fauna, and biota of the operational area surrounding this unique analog site. In 2019, Crew 210, Martian Biology I, the first expedition of this program, documented 40 vascular plant taxa for the station, building off collecting activity carried out during previous missions. Simultaneously, Crew 243, Mars Biology II, continued collecting vascular plants, finding 33 taxa newly reported for the MDRS operational area, and documented five lizard species, numerous mammals and birds, multiple insect taxa including ants and mosquitoes, advanced research on the history of Astrobiology, and provided online and in person educational opportunities to Canadian students. Martian Biology III seeks to continue documenting the biology of the station’s area and to continue our historical research.

Crew 282 will continue our documentation of vascular plants and lichens in the broader MDRS operational area – revisiting species rich habitats such as Salt Wash, Muddy Creek, and the Fremont River – and additionally carrying out a full day of botanizing in the Henry Mountains. These projects will be carried out by Paul Sokoloff, Jacopo Razzauti, Jordan Bimm, and Sergii Iakymov.

We will also continue documenting the mosquito and ant biodiversity of the station operational area at each of these sites as well, which will be led by Jacopo Razzauti. Jacopo will also be testing a new mosquito trap design.

During our biological investigations, Dr. Jordan Bimm will be conducting field research in support of his historical research project “Astrobiology in Action”. Through conversations and interviews with the MDRS assistant director and the crew, he hopes to further understand the long history and current practice of Astrobiology and the work of the Mars Society.

Post-mission, we plan to use the observation data and voucher specimen collections we collected on both Martian Biology II and Martian Biology III in peer-reviewed scientific papers, conference presentations, and a broad range of scholarly work, while the science communication pieces produced will share the story of MDRS and it’s unique biota for a long time to come.

Mission Fieldwork Itinerary

June 5, 2023 Fieldwork at Salt Wash (12N 504648, 4260207) [38.4902°, -110.9467°]

June 6, 2023 Fieldwork at McMillan Springs, Henry Mountains (12N 513393, 4213848) [38.0723°, -110.8473°]

June 7, 2023 Fieldwork at Fremont River (12N 518311, 4257841 [38.4687°, -110.7901°]

June 8, 2023 Fieldwork at Muddy Creek (12N 520729, 4246929) [38.3703°, -110.7627°]

June 9, 2023 Fieldwork at Salt Wash (12N 504648, 4260207) [38.4902°, -110.9467°]

Supplemental Report – June 4th

Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov

Reason for Report: Routine.

Non-Nominal Systems: Robotic observatory.
Action taken for non-nominal systems: New parts for Robotic observatory are received and installation is pending.

Power system:
Solar: Nominal. All input breakers of MPTT were off on June 2nd. After resetting the breaker work is normal.SOC Last 24 hours: Max 100%; Min 24 %; Avg 55%.
VDC Last 24 hours: Max 58.36V; Min 42.13V; Avg 50.02V.Generator run time: used during URC for 17.4 hours total. Generator hours 3827.7.

Propane Reading Station Tank: 75%
Propane Reading Director Tank: 56%
Propane Reading Intern Tank: 71%
Propane Reading Generator Tank: 68%

Water (Static Tank) – 480 gallons
Water in GreenHab – 152 gallons
Water (Outpost tank) – 250 gallons
Water in Science Dome: 0 gallons
Hab Toilet Tank emptied: Yes

Sojourner rover used: Yes.
Hours: 193.9
Beginning Charge: 100
Ending Charge: 100
Currently Charging: Yes
Notes on Rovers: All are plugged in, charged.
ATV’s Used: (Honda, 350.1, 350.2, 300): None
Reason for use: n/a
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used: 0 Gals
Ethanol Free Gasoline — 0 Gallons
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATV: All parked at the outpost and awaiting to be taken to service.

HabCar used and why, where? Yes. To Hanksville for supplies to pick up.

Crew Car used and why, where? Yes. To/From Grand Junction by URC/crew.

General notes and comments: The crew car needs oil change. Should be done during the next trip to Grand Junction.

Dual Split in Science Dome: A/C is on for 74F.

Summary of Internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All unplugged, visors covered, all chargers packed in the spare parts box. All radio chargers are unplugged.

EVA COMMS: Nominal.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: all cleaned after URC.

Summary of General Operations: All nominal.

Summary of Hab operations: Cleaned after URC.

Summary of GreenHab Operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of SciDome Operations: Nominal.

Summary of any Observatory Issues: New parts for Robotic observatory are received and installation is pending.

Summary of RAM Operations: Nothing to report

Summary of Outpost Operations: Nominal.

Summary of Health and Safety Issues: Nominal.

Questions, Concerns, Supplies needed and Requests: Nothing to report

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