EVA # 8
Author: Andrea de la Torre
Purpose of EVA: Ortho mosaic, 3D modeling, and canyon exploration.
Start time: 9:00 am
End time: 11:45 am
Following the route, we drove from the HAB to Cowboy Corner. We parked at that point, began the drone flight to perform the Ortho mosaic and 3D modeling, and then walked towards the canyon. Once inside, we explored walking from side to side of the canyon. The crew returned safely to the Hab.
Destination: The canyon between Cowboy Corner and Tharsis Montes Canyon.
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518858 E, 4253133 N
· Andrea de la Torre
· Marina Buqueras
· Luis Díaz
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Driving up Cow Dung Road and stopping at Cowboy Corner.
Mode of travel: Driving on the rovers, Curiosity, and Opportunity and walking around the canyon.