Crew 287 GreenHab Report 04-12-2023
GreenHab Officer: Dulsaikhan Zorig
Environmental control: (heater- used, fan- not used, door open- 3 hours 30 minutes)
Average temperatures: 68.8
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am
Daily water usage for crops: 0.005 cubic meter / 5 liters /
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: All plants
Water in Blue Tank ( 0.757 cubic meters, 757 liters capacity): 0.696 cubic meters / 696.5 liters /
Time(s) of watering for crops: 6 pm
Changes to crops: All plants grow well.
Narrative: I recently transplanted cucumbers from an oblong orange pot to a sleek black medium-sized one. Additionally, red cabbage has been planted. Excitingly, the Number 7 tomato, affectionately named Tereza, is expected to bloom tomorrow.
Harvest: Radish 95 g
Sunflower 56 g
Support/supplies needed: None