GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: (heater, fan, door open?)
Average temperatures: 75 deg, up to 85 at peak
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (four hours)
Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes:
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __155.5__ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 6 pm
Changes to crops: Harvested some crops, all crops growing well.
Narrative: I used a lot less water today because I am letting the soil of the cucumbers and the tomatoes dry out before watering again (there is still a lot of moisture in the soil). I harvested enough plants today to make a medium salad and provide toppings for our burger night. The peas are growing exceptionally well (both pre-planted and the ones I just planted). Hopefully we’ll also see some tomatoes growing by the end of the week too. I am still watching two of the cucumbers, which seem to be doing slightly better today but are not growing all that well currently. I suspect I might have given them too much fertilizer and that they are still recovering from that (fertilizer burns).
Harvest: Kale: 77 grams Lettuce: 11 grams Red Cabbage: 11 grams Arugula: 3 grams
Support/supplies needed: None.