GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: Heater on, fan not turned on today, door closed.
Average temperatures: 75 deg, 85 peak
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: 1.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 1 gallon
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __153__ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 6:00 pm
Changes to crops: Harvested some cilantro
Narrative: I went a bit late today due to being on EVA. I harvested some cilantro for dinner, watered some of the crops (soil is still extremely moist in most bins), and even saw some tiny little green tomatoes peeking out! Hopefully we’ll get to try one or two before we leave.
Harvest: Cilantro: 4 grams
Support/supplies needed: None