Journalist Report – December 21st

Lipi Roy, Crew 288 Journalist
Sol 11
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. The breathtaking beauty of the Martian landscape, the unintended rock sample collections, unexpected alien creatures, and surprise drone gifts. Crew 288 appreciated these simple joys one last time as they went on their last EVA of the mission…
Today, the crew woke up to an excited Ryan preparing breakfast. Ryan, I know you’ve been eager to make your special peanut-butter and banana pancakes but isn’t 7 AM a bit too early? Just kidding, I know it takes time, and we all appreciate you for doing a great job with that!
After the filling breakfast, Cesare (commander), Hunter (Crew Geologist), Ryan, and Jilian (HSO) prepped for what was going to be the last EVA of Crew 288. Walking along the Galileo Road, they enjoyed breathtaking views and collected rock samples.
Let me quote the EVA lead, Hunter, on his special request to talk about the journey in detail – “we continued uninterrupted until reaching Somerville Overlook (yeah, who’s the one interrupting, Hunter?), where we spooked some (alien) pronghorns. There were approximately nine of them, and one had a glowing red nose which the crew didn’t second guess given the season. At the Overlook, we established a station on a small hill covered in a thin layer of grey, silt-sized regolith like material.” Sorry, Hunter, that’s all the footage you’ll get for today. But I’m sure the crew had a great time and collected some interesting samples and photos!
Back at the Hab, Riley worked on documentation of her research, Ryan harvested some fresh Parsley for dinner, while Hunter worked on characterizing his rock samples. Meanwhile, Cesare and Jesus made amazing whole-wheat bread. I tried preparing Chocolate brownies, but due to the absence of eggs, it turned out to be what the crew has named – ‘choc slop’ (thankfully, they did not call it choc flop). I better not make fun of Ryan’s baking anymore, after that.
Our last dinner in the Hab comprised of the GEO-special Tuna tomato sauce pasta and a well-concluded discussion on our spacecraft back to Earth. It’s going to be quite a day tomorrow- sending back samples, preparing the Hab for the next crew, and acquiring logistics to ensure our safe journey back home.

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