Crew 290 EVA Report 13-01-2024
EVA # 07
Author: Madelyn Hoying
Purpose of EVA: MADMEN data collection at the edge of Candor Chasma, which has geomorphological features that indicate the possibility of microbial life but is expected to be too difficult of terrain to bring REMI.
Start time: Intended 1230, actual 1335
End time: 1630
Narrative: The discovery of a pH meter that we can bring in the field led to the crew bumping our EVA back by an hour. This gave time to adjust the protocol and prepare the new sample setup. Chopper (Rebecca), Funk, Roots (Anna), and PODO set off on their EVA to Chandor Chasma with Melon (Madelyn) on CAPCOM. Two promising sample sites were collected, which the crew will continue analyzing in the coming days. While in the field, the battery connection broke on the temperature probe; if possible, our wonderful Crew Engineer will find a way to fix this!
Destination: Chandor Chasma
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4252141.8, E521204.1
Participants: Rebecca McCallin (XO), Benjamin Kazimer (GreenHab Officer), Anna Tretiakova (Crew Engineer), Nicole Chan (Crew Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive north on Cow Dung Rd until reaching Galileo Road 1104, then drive east past Compass Rock, which was as far east as possible with rover batteries. The surrounding area was then explored on foot.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking
Vehicles to be used (If applicable): Curiosity and Opportunity