GreenHab Officer: Mehnaz Jabeen
Environmental control:
8:06 am heater off, fan off, door closed
8:13: heater off, fan off, door closed
8:16: heater on, fan off, door closed
17:29: heater on, fan off, door closed
17:40: heater on, fan off, door closed
17:41: heater off, fan off, door closed
Average temperatures:
8:06: 73.9 F, 22%
17:29: 72.0 F, 40%
17:52: 72.1 F, 37%
Hours of supplemental light: 22:00-02:00
Daily water usage for crops: 17 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 175 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 8:10, 17:38
Changes to crops: Moisture levels
Narrative: Today I went to the GreenHab in the morning and checked the moisture levels for each crop. Moisture levels for the crops are as followed:
Oregano, Cucumber, Basil, Sage, Dilli, Cilantro : 40-50%.
Parsely, Raddish, Cucumber in different Pot,Mint, Carrots, Tomatoes : 20-30%.
Macche, Lambs Lettuce, Corn Salad: 50-60%.
Followed by checking the moisture levels I watered the crops according to how dry they were. The weather forecast seemed low and cooler so I decided not to mist the plants in the afternoon since I used enough water for the plants. By the evening around 5:26 I left the Hab to check the status of the GreenHab and once again repeated the same procedure of checking the moisture levels. The readings are as followed:
Oregano, Cucumber, Basil, Sage, Dilli, Cilantro : 70-80%.
Parsely, Raddish, Cucumber in different Pot,Mint, Carrots, Tomatoes : 40-60%.
Macche, Lambs Lettuce, Corn Salad: 70-80%.
Subsequently I watered the plants evenly using 2 teaspoons of chemical fertilizer, namely miracle in 4 gallons of water. The heater and fan turned on and off two times at different timings while I was present. Lastly I checked the ripened tomatoes and realized they were good for harvest. So I harvested 16 tomatoes from different pots of tomatoes and took them to the hab for dinner after measuring them.
Harvest: (Tomatoes : 83 grams)
Support/supplies needed: Zucchini seeds