EVA Report – February 21st

Crew 293 EVA Report 21-02-2024

EVA #003

Author: Léa Bourgély

Purpose of EVA: Deployment of the first set of Atmospheric Instruments

Start time: 9:30

End time: 11:56

Narrative: The EVA objectives were to deploy the atmospheric instruments at the chosen site.

9:30am entered the RAM

Curiosity : 268.7h, 100%

Perseverance : 284.3 93%

9:55am arrived at the closest point of the site, unloading the atmospheric instruments from the rovers

9:57am arrived at the atmospheric instrument site

11:28am Mega-Ares end, turn to LOAC

11:31am LOAC leds are checked + MegaAres uploading data

11:35am packing up

11:40am taking pictures


57% perseverance

68% curiosity

Before 12:00pm rovers have been plug back

11:51am come back to the RAM

Destination: Location between the Hab and Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518300, 4251000

Participants: Léa Bourgély, Erin Pougheon, Leo Tokaryev

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Exited the Hab through the RAM Air Lock, drove the driveway to Cow Dung Road 0110 to the north until the crew reached Marble Ritual.

Modes of travel : Curiosity Rover and Perseverance Rover, and walk within a radius of 500m .

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