EVA Report – March 9th

Crew 293 EVA Report 09-03-2024

EVA 14

Author: Léa Bourgély

Purpose of EVA: 2D Photogrammetry EVA at Candor Chasma

Start time: 09:00

End time:13:00

Suits and radio check:

Suit 1: 13.35V 2.6LPM

Suit 2: 13.3V 2.4LPM

Suit 3: 13.35V 2.6LPM

Radio 3: 8.09V

Radio 6: 8.09V

Radio 1: 7.99V

Radio 7 (HabCom): 8.09V


08:59 Depressurization begins

09:04 EVA begins

Curiosity: 270.8h, 100%

Opportunity: 166.4 100%

09:08 Leaving campus

09:10 Arrived at the atmospheric site

09:33 Data retrieved (not the field mill), batteries changed. Heading back to the rovers

09:35 Leaving atmospheric site. Switching radio to channel 1.

09:47 Leaving the rovers.

10:00 Arriving at the entrance of Candor Chasma. Contacting every 15min to make sure everything is alright.

10:12 Arriving in the canyon

10:30 almost at the starting point

10:36 Reached the starting point

12:04 Going back to the rovers

12:37 Back to the rovers.

12:39 Leaving site

12:47 Arriving on campus

Curiosity 43%

Opportunity 44%

12:50 Pressurization begins

12:55 End of EVA

Suits checkup: (END)
Suit 1: 12.50V

Suit 2: 12.50V

Suit 3: 12.69V

Destination: Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520500, 4251000

Participants: Léa(EVA Leader), Erin and Mathurin

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction, then Galileo Road to Compass Rock

Mode of travel: Rovers and walking

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