Sol Summary – April 9th

Sol 9
Summary Title: Mars from the underground and from the hills
Author’s name: Alba Sánchez Montalvo
Mission Status: Ongoing
Sol Activity Summary:
The Sol started with a morning EVA with some of the crew members (Arnaud, Alba, Hippolyte and Louis) covering the Candor Chasma area for exploration. Louis performed a couple of automatic flights with his drone to make a reconnaissance of the zone for his experiment. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew worked on their own projects in the station. After lunch, there was a second EVA (Maxime and Loriane) to check on Maxime’s weather station and to explore different areas around North Ridge. In the station, the rest of the team played card games and rested a little bit, recovering some energy as the red planet is demanding a lot lately. Imane made some cakes, we cannot understand how this girl makes that magic with lyophilized resources. When the second expedition returned to the station, they shared some of the incredible pictures they took. Some crew members practiced some sports and later, everyone worked on the daily reports together.

Look Ahead Plan: there’s the intention to go on an exploratory EVA tomorrow and to continue creating some content about our experiments at the MDRS for our social media and collaborators
Anomalies in work: NA
Weather: Sunny, almost no wind and no clouds
Crew Physical Status: recovering some energy, feeling good
EVA#12 : We parked our rovers at the foot of the compass rock. We then headed for the Condor Chasma entrance to fly Louis’ drone and take a few more photos. Compared with EVA#9, we covered a longer distance inside Candor Chasma and then rejoined our rovers. We then waited about twenty minutes for Louis to make two automatic flights with the drone to establish a reconnaissance of the area. Finally, we made our way back, stopping at a few viewpoints to take videos and photos.

EVA#13: During the EVA, the team assessed the weather station, noting a repaired wind indicator that required cautious data analysis due to slight bending. The camera ran out of battery while filming, necessitating a return to the Hab for a spare battery, authorized by capcom. After retrieving the battery, they proceeded to North Ridge, enjoying scenic views while hiking before safely descending and returning to the Hab, feeling tired and thirsty.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, EVA Request(s).
Support Requested: NA

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