EVA #2
Author: Matthew Lynch (Engineer)
Purpose of EVA: This was the initial training EVA for the second half of our crew. The goal was to go to Marble Ritual, briefly explore the immediate area, and return to the hab.
Start time: 4:00pm
End time: 4:55pm
Narrative: After suiting up for the first time we made our way to the airlock. We unplugged Curiosity (Matt L. + Dave) and Opportunity (Matt S.) was already unplugged. We made our way to Marble Ritual and each added a martian stone to the containers. Enjoying our first EVA, we performed some brief exploration of the area in the immediate vicinity. We saw several alien tourists observing the hab, some interesting rocks that we collected for geological inspection, and some extremely large semi-humanoid footprints that we photographed for analysis. Return to the rovers and the hab was done with no issues.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4250957 N 518615 E
Participants: Matthew Lynch (Engineer), Dave Laude (Journalist), Matthew Storch (XO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Driving 2 rovers (Curiosity & Opportunity) and walking.