Journalist Report – May 13th

Hello Mission Control,

Today we had a relatively successful first day. Though it involved some problems, we overcame them and found solutions. I started the day by holding a team debrief where we went over today’s tasks and crew goals. I joined the crew engineer, Rishabh, to do maintenance. We replaced a few zip ties, measured the water, and checked voltage on the suits. Then, we split into our subgroups for the day. Me, Noah (Crew Biologist), Aravind (Crew Chemist) worked on the science dome samples. Kristina (HSO), Avery (XO/Astronomer), and Rishabh worked on rebooting the astro laptop. We later met to get our suits adjusted and tested for our EVAs tomorrow! We got some pictures and are very excited! Additionally, the three of us went back to the science dome to continue after lunch and the astronomers continued their work and persisted despite issues faced closing the dome. Overall, we worked great as a team today and it was enjoyable!

See you tomorrow 🙂

Pari Raghunarayan (Crew Commander & Journalist)

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