Crew 305 EVA Report 11-12-2024
EVA # 04
Author: Ian Pamerleau
Purpose of EVA: Gather paleosol samples and ephemeral stream width measurements in Candor Chasma.
Start time: 10:00 hr
End time: 13:45 hr
Narrative: Ian led the EVA, accompanied by Hunter and Rashi. When we departed from the Hab, Perseverance and Curiosity were at 294.8 and 290.8 hr respectively, and both had 100% battery. We checked the tire pressure of Curiosity before leaving, and it seemed fine (though for safety, Rashi drove alone in it). We took the rovers to Compass Rock via Galileo Road and down a rover-careful route until we were at a pull off to an ephemeral stream that connects to the main channel into Candor Chasma. We took a measurement where we disembarked and headed back into Candor. We passed the location where we took the measurements on EVA 03 quickly and got further into the canyon to take new measurements. On the way in, Hunter spotted a good outcrop with paleosols for later. We were able to get into the wider part of the canyon with many tributaries running down from the sides into the main channel (which was good for Ian’s measurements). After a few stream widths were taken, we headed back to the outcrop Hunter saw before. Rashi and Ian helped Hunter collect multiple samples of different paleosols there, but we couldn’t safely get a sample from the top strata. Luckily, as we exited Candor and were heading back to the rovers, we saw that same layer again exposed along the channel, so Hunter got the samples he was looking for (one of our daily images). We then returned to the rovers and headed back to the Hab. On the way, we saw a great view of Factory Butte (another one of our images). At the end of EVA, Perseverance had 295.4 hr with 63% battery, and Curiosity was at 291.4 hr with 70% battery remaining.
Destination: Compass Rock & Candor Chasma
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 591800E, 4251450N (Compass Rock) & 521482E, 4250999N (interior of Candor Chasma).
Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Hunter Vannier, Rashi Jain
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to Galileo Road, down to the Candor Chasma stream. Walk along the stream into Candor Chasma. Same route going back.
Mode of travel: Rover to Compass rock and a bit south of that, then disembark and walk into Candor Chasma.