Sol Summary – December 13th

Crew 305 Sol Summary Report 13-12-2024
Sol: 5
Summary Title: The Second Start
Author’s name: Peter Zoss
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning started with a great breakfast prepared by Hunter with potatoes and the leftovers from the night before. Ian, Rashi, and Monish left on an EVA in the morning after breakfast. Spruha sourced some Red Lobster in the form of their cheddar bay biscuit mix for lunch with some soup. During the day, Spruha and Monish were able to get some more work done in the RAM for the projects and Rashi spent some time in the Science Dome. Hunter then prepared a nice Italian dinner for everyone with Ian’s help. The crew might stargaze tonight after reports are submitted to view the meteor shower.
Look Ahead Plan:
The next EVA will be tomorrow, Sol 6. Ian will lead Peter and Monish back to Eos Chasma for more dry stream measurements. Hunter, Rashi, and Spruha will monitor comms from the HAB. Spruha is closer to reassembling her rover. Hunter has been putting in great work to take care of all the plants in the GreenHab and will continue to monitor growth. Monish is
Anomalies in work:
A slight power outage occurred today around 3:45 PM due to cloud coverage affecting the solar power. Switching over to the generator early resolved this though.
Today was the warmest so far, with a light breeze reaching up to 9 MPH again.
Crew Physical Status:
Everyone appears in good health.
EVA 05 saw a successful trek to Eos Chasma for dry stream channel measurements led by Ian who had Rashi and Monish accompanying him.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA Request
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