Sol Summary – December 16th

Crew 305 Sol Summary Report 16-12-2024
Sol: 8
Summary Title: These Boots Were Made for Walking
Author’s name: Peter Zoss
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:
Ian, Spruha, and Hunter left on an EVA in the afternoon today, a large portion of which was conducted on foot. Peter, Monish, and Rashi monitored comms from the HAB. Hunter was able to spend more time in the morning working on his project in the GreenHab before the EVA. Spruha and Monish spent a lot of time working on their research projects and troubleshooting issues with Spruha’s rover, Hermes. Rashi has been writing a lot for her research as well. Ian made a quick lunch before the EVA. Rashi put together a nice dinner in the evening.
Look Ahead Plan:
The next EVA will be tomorrow, Sol 9. Ian will lead Spruha and Rashi on a walking mission to test out Spruha’s rover around the HAB. Monish, Hunter, and Peter will monitor comms from the HAB. After some more collaborative work from the team today, the rover software, wiring, and power issues have been overcome and it is in the final stages of assembly now for tomorrow’s EVA!
Anomalies in work:
Today was another warm one. Lots of cloud cover as well.
Crew Physical Status:
Everyone appears in good health.
EVA 08 saw a semi-successful trek up to HAB Ridge on foot for the first portion of the EVA, and then a quick drive south of Kissing Camel Ridge for dry stream channel measurements and paleosol sample collection. Ian led the EVA and had Spruha and Hunter accompanying him.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA Request
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