Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 25-12-2024
Sol: 03
Summary Title: ChristMARS
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Festive. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
Last night the crew stayed up late watching the movie, Elf. We chose to “sleep-in” today in observance of the holidays, but everyone was awake by 08:00. Ryan treated us to French Toast for breakfast and we all opened our white elephant gifts. The crew then practiced our daily stretching and meditation session before splitting off for research at 12:00. Adriana and Elizabeth fed the mushrooms and took care of the Green Hab. Rod, Keegan, and Ryan worked on getting DRONE prepared for EVA, and Jesus worked on planning out the upcoming EVA schedule. EVA 04 began at 14:00, with Rod, Keegan, and Ryan performing DRONE test flights as well as inspecting the repairs done to the tunnel system. The crew had a late lunch at 16:00 where Elizabeth treated us to Murry (mars-curry), composed of chickpeas, potatoes, green-beans, tomato paste and spices. At 17:00 the crew settled into a slow afternoon of report writing and puzzle solving. We’re having cake for dinner.
Look Ahead Plan:
EVA 05 will take place on Sol 4. Jesus, Elizabeth, and Adriana will travel up to HAB ridge in search of iron containing minerals along the edge of the ridge south of the HAB. If time permits, soil samples will be taken from the base of Skyline ridge to analyze iron content. Meanwhile at the HAB, Ryan, Rod, and Keegan will work on repairing and preparing DRONE for EVA 05.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Morning was wet from last night’s rain but dried up by noon. Skies were clear with a high of 54 degrees F. Winds were high with gust up to 15 mph.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
Rod, Ryan, and Keegan completed EVA 04 in the area surrounding the HAB. The EVA objectives were to perform DRONE test flights and inspect the tunnel system repairs that Keegan has been performing. The software issues that prevented DRONE from acquiring data on EVA 03 were resolved. However, a bracket that mounts the Li-DAR camera to DRONE fractured during test. Inspection of the tunnel system yielded one new issue to repair. At the intersection of the main tunnel with the science dome tunnel the tarp material is loose enough to flap with the wind. Preventative maintenance will be scheduled to tighten down the tarp to prevent a breach.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report. EVA request.
Support Requested: We have been having trouble with the VR setup we brought for human factor research. The system logs out of the software account and to recover it requires an internet connection. We would like to request permission to connect this computer to the WIFI outside of coms windows.