Crew 306 Sol Summary Report 26-12-2024
Sol: 04
Summary Title: Bread loaf number 05.
Author’s name: Jesus Meza
Mission Status: Active. All systems are nominal.
Sol Activity Summary:
The day began at 07:00 with Rod making breakfast burritos. The morning coms widow was very active with most of the crew needing to look up material for projects. At 09:00 the crew started prepping for the day. Adriana tended to the GreenHAB and harvested some cucumbers. At 10:00 the crew observed a stretching session before gearing up for EVA 05 to HAB Ridge and Skyline Rim. Elizabeth, Adriana, and Jesus were the EVA team, while Ryan and Keegan ran CAPCOMS. The EVA team had a nice long walk up the ridge, finding a disposable Fiji camara along the way, possibly the one lost by crew 305? The crew then traveled southward along the ridge in the direction of Kissing Cammel to look for an outcrop of rocks thought to contain Hematite Concretions. Samples were taken along the way for analysis at the HAB. The site had a few interesting minerals that may be the iron containing rocks that Jesus needs for his project. At approximately 13:00 the crew travel back north towards the HAB, then west along Sagan Road toward Skyline Rim. The crew took samples along the road, about halfway to the rim, to analyze the iron content. The HAB team baked yet another loaf of bread. We have now baked the same number of loafs as we have had EVA’s… five. At 14:15, the EVA team was back to the HAB. At 15:00 the crew had BBQ chicken for lunch with a side of rice, curtesy of Ryan. The evening saw the crew catch up on Ryan’s VR assessments, and prepping DRONE for EVA 06. Adriana made mediterranean style quinoa for dinner using the cucumbers she harvested this morning!
Look Ahead Plan:
Elizabeth will lead Rod and Ryan back up to HAB ridge towards Skyline Rim. The EVA team will take samples of the soil at the base of the cliff and perform Li-DAR scans along the dirt planes. Meanwhile at the HAB, Jesus, Adrian, and Keegan will work on their research.
Anomalies in work: None.
Weather: Morning was cloudy with light wind and temperatures around 31 degrees F. The sky’s were clear by the late afternoon and the temperature warmed up to 46 degrees F.
Crew Physical Status: Crew is happy and well.
Jesus, Elizabeth, and Adriana completed EVA 05 atop Hab Ridge with Ryan and Keegan running CAPCOM. The EVA objectives were to take EMF measurements and collect Hematite Concretions for the in-situ photovoltaic project. Two sites were chosen for this EVA. First the team headed to a rocky outcrop along the top of HAB ridge at 4250250E, 518000N. Here the EVA team collected a few samples that may be Hematite concretions. This will be confirmed with the help of Purdue Mission Support. Elizabeth performed magnetic readings atop of HAB ridge. The EVA team then made their way towards Skyline Rim, stopping about 1/3 of the way to the rim to collect sand from a dry stream, and gray soil from the plains. These samples were brought back to the HAB to analyze their iron content. The objectives of the EVA were met.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report. EVA request.
Support Requested: None.