Last report, 9:00 PM, we had no power, and we broke the Sim so that Mission Support could come and work with us. We had connected the Hab, space heater in the GreenHab, and Mission Support trailers to the spare generator in the RAM. Ben, from mission support, made a run to the town to get some more fuel. Eventually, we were able to get the generator to generate power to have the furnace in the Hab running and the space heater in the GreenHab. With no power to the trailers, the Mission Support at 10:00 PM, decided it was best for them to sleep the night at the Hab where the furnace was on to keep everyone warm. After coordinating with the Crew 305, we helped them move two mattresses in the Hab and made sleeping accommodations. We had Jules make a pleasant guest appearance in our Hab. With a non-functioning fridge, we kept all the food in the fridge in one of the airlocks. Everyone went to bed between 11:30 PM to midnight. Morning of Sol 4, the crew and Mission Support woke up between 7:00 – 8:00 AM. Between 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Mission Support with help of the crew cleared the Hab of any extensions. Power was transitioned to solar, and the Habitat returned to full functionality. With power back, the Mission Support had the crew enter back in the Sim between 10:45 AM and 11:00 AM. Sol 4 was no EVA Day! The crew decided it was best to have Sol 4 focus on organizing and documenting the research that’s been made so far and make progress on the research that can be done within the Hab. Spruha and Ian made breakfast. Rashi made lunch, and Hunter made dinner. Spruha made progress on the Rover. Monish was able to get the temperature sensor working and is looking for places to place his sensor in the Hab. Rashi documented research from previous days EVAs, and constructed functionality diagrams for EVA and the power systems in the Hab. Peter got his PC back up and running for the crew’s cognitive tests tomorrow. Hunter made progress in setting up his research in the Green Hab. Ian reported on the previous EVAs and made plans for the next EVA. Everyone got some of their schoolwork and research done as well. After dinner, we opened Day 12 of the Advent calendar, before turning in our reports to the Mission Support.
Sol Summary – December 12th
Crew 305 Sol Summary Report 12-12-2024
Sol: 4
Summary Title: Let There Be Light
Author’s name: Peter Zoss
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:
The day started off a little slower than usual, but then the solar power was switched on a little earlier than normal. This allowed us to enter back into sim a little before 10 AM. The broken generator was fixed during the day thanks to the tireless work from mission support, securing the rest of our mission timeline. The day saw more personal time throughout, with crew members catching up on missed reports from the previous night in the late morning today. Today was the first designated “shower” day for the crew members at the HAB, so water usage should be slightly higher than typical.
Spruha and Ian made a big serving of pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Rashi made lunch for everyone in the afternoon. Hunter then made dinner. Rashi, Spruha and Monish worked on their projects out in the RAM and Hunter cultivated the GreenHab further. Ian worked on his computer and used the HAB maps and weather data to plan tomorrow’s EVA. Peter worked on his equipment in the lower HAB.
Look Ahead Plan:
The next EVA will be tomorrow, Sol 5. Ian will lead Rashi and Monish to Eos Chasma for stream width measurements. Spruha, Peter, and Hunter will stay back at the HAB to monitor comms and work on their research. Spruha will continue to assemble her rover. Peter will prepare for the afternoon performance testing. Hunter will continue to set up his work in the GreenHab.
Anomalies in work:
After the generator was fixed, operations returned to normal.
Cloudy skies hindered solar power generation throughout the day.
Crew Physical Status:
Everyone appears in good health.
No EVA was conducted today. EVA 05 will be tomorrow on Sol 5.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, and EVA Request
Support Requested:
Crew Photos – December 14th
EVA Report – December 14th
Crew 305 EVA Report 14-12-2024
EVA # 06
Author: Ian Pamerleau
Purpose of EVA: Take measurements along the main channel running into Eos Chasma (a.k.a. Tank Wash) both west and east of Cow Dung Road.
Start time: 10:05 hr
End time: 12:50 hr
Narrative: Ian led the EVA accompanied by Monish and Peter. We planned on taking Curiosity and Perseverance to the Tank Wash but were informed by the Hab that Curiosity’s rear wheel was too low to be taken, so the team took Perseverance and Spirit. Both rovers began the day with 100% battery and had 295.4 hr (Perseverance) and 251.5 hr (Spirit). We took the rovers to the intersection of Tank Wash and Cow Dung Road and parked the rovers at the closest safe offshoot to the road. We then walked into the Tank Wash and headed east. We took some measurements along the stream and up some of the tributaries (which helps with Ian’s project). There were some interesting rocks in the tributary to the northeast that at first looked wood-like, but they did end up just being siltstones/fine grain sandstones (which are still interesting!). After we obtained enough measurements to the east of the road, we traveled to the western part of the wash. The tributaries here were much narrower, cutting into the clay-rich, loose soil they were found in. These canyons were so narrow and short that only one person went in to take measurements (though they were still visible by the other EVA team members). The crew’s method of taking normal-sized ephemeral stream measurements has been ironed out to high efficiency now; two people hold the tape measurer and read off the value, then they move down a few feet and take another measurement, then another. All the while, Ian is writing down the width values while taking the GPS locations and noting any other important geologic information. Because of our efficiency (and lack of canyons that took time getting into), the EVA team took all the measurements needed for the day before 13:00 hr and were able to head back early. We arrived at the Hab around 12:50 hr, with Perseverance at 63% battery and 295.8 hrs and Spirit at 62% battery and 257.9 hr.
Destination: Tank Wash (the main ephemeral stream running across Cow Dung Road into Eos Chasma)
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Eastern most point (518663E, 4253839N) and western most point (517815E, 4253709N).
Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Peter Zoss, Monish Lokhande
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to the intersection of Tank Wash.
Mode of travel: Rover to the intersection of Tank Wash and Cow Dung Road. Then walk both east and west along the Tank Wash.
Operations Report – December 14th
Crew 305 Operations Report 14-12-2024
Name of person filing report: Spruha Vashi
Non-nominal systems: None!
Notes on non-nominal systems:
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: (before EVA): 251.5
Beginning charge: (Before EVA) 100
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging) 62
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Curiosity rover used: No, was intended for EVA06 but switched to Sprit
Hours: 291.4
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: 295.4
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 62
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: Curiosity’s leak on the driver’s side rear tire was visibly deflated, after contacting Mission Support EVA06 team was instructed to switch to another rover.
Summary of Hab operations: Operations were standard.
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements: 5:45pm
1) Per formula: 19.6 gallons
2) Smart Home Dashboard: 16.38 gallons
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 394.79
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): Yes, emptied on Sol 05 late night.
Summary of internet: No internet issues
Summary of suits and radios: Suit #2 charging cable is very finicky and did not charge properly last night, regardless of being plugged in. I have found that the best way to ensure it is charging is to keep it in tension in an upwards direction, will keep an eye on it to ensure the suit is adequately charged for EVA07. Mission support identified an anomaly with the TPS link devices, it seems like even though only 3 crew members are on EVA, there is a fourth device shown to be travelling with the group, it seems like Astro_10 is the device that is unknown, as all other devices were assigned to the EVA crew.
Summary of GreenHab operations: No major greenhab operations, Hunter spent some time harvesting and checking on the crops.
WATER USE: 5 gallons
Heater (On or Off): On
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5-10pm
Harvest (name, weight in grams): Scallions, 4 grams
Summary of Science Dome operations: No science dome operations.
Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): Automatic functions running.
Summary of RAM operations: Spruha spent her morning and late evening in the RAM today working on some rover troubleshooting, Monish did some quick soldering visits throughout the day. Monish and Spruha’s work is still out on the tables in the Hab as there will be continued work for the following days.
Summary of any observatory issues: No issues.
Summary of health and safety issues: No issues.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Is Curiosity cleared for EVA driving? We have not gotten confirmation post rover maintenance today.
GreenHab Report – December 12th
Crew 305 GreenHab Report 14Dec2024
GreenHab Officer: Hunter Vannier
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatically.
Average temperatures (last 24h): 88 F
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 91.8 F
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 73.6 F
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 142 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 8:55 am, 2:30 pm
Changes to crops: Transplanted and thinned tomatoes; only one tomato per pot now. Thinned scallions.
Narrative: Today there was no wilting in the cucumbers. When the high temp in the GreenHab is lower than 95 and it’s overcast, it seems that the cucumbers are much less stressed. I added another string that hangs from the bar on the ceiling so ambitious cucumbers grow up rather than into the tomatoes. Since their transplant yesterday, the sunflowers are doing great and show no signs of stress. The broccoli microgreens began to sprout today, the second of the crops during Crew 305’s stay. Today I spent an hour thinning, transplanting, and adding cages to the tomatoes. All of the tomatoes in there are rainbow cherry varieties, so I thinned them to one per pot, transplanting the more mature plants. Though it pained me to uproot some of the tomatoes, they were crowded, and it would not have been sustainable water-wise to have that many tomato plants. Given the volume of the pots, they need to be one per pot in order to bear any fruit down the line. Scallions were thinned and used for dinner tonight, SPAM fried rice.
Harvest: 4 g scallions
Support/supplies needed: none
Crew Photos – December 11th
GreenHab Report – December 11th
GreenHab Officer: Hunter Vannier
Environmental control (fan & heater): Heater and fan on automatically.
Average temperatures (last 24h): 78
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 93.4 F
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 63.0 F
Hours of supplemental light: 1700 – 2200
Daily water usage for crops: 3.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 159.5 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 745, 1615
Changes to crops: Thinned/pruned cucumbers and tomatoes
Narrative: Everything is looking less wilted this morning and it is 83 F which the plants seem happiest at. By 4:15 the cucumbers and half arugula were wilted. Today I pruned and thinned the tomatoes, and pruned dead leaves from the cucumbers. I observed some stunted cucumbers (1 cm) but they were withered. I removed flowers on some lower stems to encourage stronger fruiting. I prepped pots with soil to begin my experiments. Around 5:00 PM we lost power and exited the sim. We attempted to find solutions to plug the GreenHab heater into the portable generator, but could not. By ~9:00 PM the temperature in the GreenHab was ~45 F, but this was with no less than 10 times entries and exits from the GreenHab which undoubtedly caused loss in heat. The space heater from the RAM was set up in the GreenHab and the plants survived the night well. More details to come in the next report.
Harvest: 5 g cilantro, 160 g carrot greens, 20 g radish greens
Support/supplies needed: none
Crew Photos -December 12th
EVA Report – December 11th
Crew 305 EVA Report 11-12-2024
EVA # 04
Author: Ian Pamerleau
Purpose of EVA: Gather paleosol samples and ephemeral stream width measurements in Candor Chasma.
Start time: 10:00 hr
End time: 13:45 hr
Narrative: Ian led the EVA, accompanied by Hunter and Rashi. When we departed from the Hab, Perseverance and Curiosity were at 294.8 and 290.8 hr respectively, and both had 100% battery. We checked the tire pressure of Curiosity before leaving, and it seemed fine (though for safety, Rashi drove alone in it). We took the rovers to Compass Rock via Galileo Road and down a rover-careful route until we were at a pull off to an ephemeral stream that connects to the main channel into Candor Chasma. We took a measurement where we disembarked and headed back into Candor. We passed the location where we took the measurements on EVA 03 quickly and got further into the canyon to take new measurements. On the way in, Hunter spotted a good outcrop with paleosols for later. We were able to get into the wider part of the canyon with many tributaries running down from the sides into the main channel (which was good for Ian’s measurements). After a few stream widths were taken, we headed back to the outcrop Hunter saw before. Rashi and Ian helped Hunter collect multiple samples of different paleosols there, but we couldn’t safely get a sample from the top strata. Luckily, as we exited Candor and were heading back to the rovers, we saw that same layer again exposed along the channel, so Hunter got the samples he was looking for (one of our daily images). We then returned to the rovers and headed back to the Hab. On the way, we saw a great view of Factory Butte (another one of our images). At the end of EVA, Perseverance had 295.4 hr with 63% battery, and Curiosity was at 291.4 hr with 70% battery remaining.
Destination: Compass Rock & Candor Chasma
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 591800E, 4251450N (Compass Rock) & 521482E, 4250999N (interior of Candor Chasma).
Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Hunter Vannier, Rashi Jain
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to Galileo Road, down to the Candor Chasma stream. Walk along the stream into Candor Chasma. Same route going back.
Mode of travel: Rover to Compass rock and a bit south of that, then disembark and walk into Candor Chasma.
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