Crew 310 Astronomy Report 13-02-2025
Name: Helena Arias Casals
Crew: 310
Date: 13-02-2025
Robotic Telescope Used: RCOS-16
Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Any from the list (depending on the visibility)
Christmas Tree Cluster
Rosette Nebula
Thor’s Helmet
Albino Butterfly Nebula
Monkey Head Nebula
Wizard Nebula
Letter Y Cluster
Skull and Crossbones Nebula
Blinking Planetary Nebula
Cat’s Eye Nebula
Cigar Galaxy (M82)
Images submitted with this report: ngc 2174_12222083, ngc 2237_12221969, ngc 2359_12222073, ngc2264_12220933
Problems Encountered: guidance on how to improve the quality of some of the images
Solar Features Observed: cloudy day, we could not observe.
Images submitted with this report: SunSpots021225_11h44m33, SunSports02122025_A_T11h50m53, SunProminiece02122025_A_T11h50m53, SunProminiece02122025_B_T11h50m53
Problems Encountered: not able to see any prominence while processing the images.