Crew 311 Astronomy Report 21Feb2025
Name: Quentin Berlemont
Crew: 311
Date: 02/21/2025
Robotic Telescope Used (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF RCOS-16
Objects to be Imaged this Evening:
Images submitted with this report:
Problems Encountered:
Solar Features Observed: Sunspots, prominence
Images submitted with this report: 3
Problems Encountered: Thanks for your previous message. I am getting
better with the tuners. I am however frustrated with how better the sun
appears on your tutorial with only a good focus compared to what I can
see even after tuning, changing the exposure etc. I linked a screenshot
of your video so you can see the difference with exactly the same
parameters. I need an good amount of post processing with gimp to get to
the level of your raw image. Is there something I am missing here?
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