[category astronomy-report]
Astronomy Report
Name: Quentin Berlemont
Crew: 311
Date: 02/26/2025
Robotic Telescope Used (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF RCOS-16
Objects to be Imaged this Evening:
Images submitted with this report:
Problems Encountered:
Solar Features Observed: Sunspots, prominences
Images submitted with this report: 0
Problems Encountered: No problems, only solutions! I found the issue in
my observations, now I have the same quality as yours, and have observed
cool prominences. I have not yet had the time to process the images,
I’ll send some tomorrow. I want to make an animation of the sun surface
features and prominences (500 images every 15 seconds for 1 hour), do
you have advice for this? I plan on using Autostakkert!3, IMPPG, NAFE
and Lightroom but if you have other suggestions they are welcome!