Crew 311 EVA Report 22-02-2025
EVA # 04
Author: Célyan Ferret, HSO
Purpose of EVA: Installation of sign to deter tourist from touching LOAC
(aerosol counter), MegaArès/Field Mill (electromagnetic field sensors)
and the weather station.
Collect data from LOAC and MegaArès/Field Mill. Then collect geological
data with a drone along 1103 road by foot and then along Hab Ridge road
direction North if we have the time.
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 11:58 AM
Narrative: EVA Crew entered the HAB Airlock at 08:55 AM and left the
station at 09:00 AM. Somaya and Quentin took the Curiosity rover and
Célyan and Meddi took the Perseverance rover. We arrived all together at
9:18 AM at the atmospheric instruments (518250 E, 4250750 N). We
collected the data, plant the signs and take pictures. We left to go
back to the station in the rovers. We arrived at the station and started
to walk for the stratigraphy experiment at 10:30 AM. Once at sufficient
high we started the drone (3.4076453465201, -110.7928409212195 :
coordinate of the location tracker at the lower deck) and took pictures
and videos. We walked all the way up to Hab Ridge and we arrived at
11:19 AM.
Once all the pictures and videos taken for the stratigraphy and the
communication we went back by foot to the station. We entered the HAB
Airlock at 11:58 AM.
Destination: Marble Rituals, Going back to the MDRS and then Hab Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N (Atmospheric
Instruments) then 518100 E, 4251600 N (Stratigraphy)
Participants: Célyan Ferret (HSO and EVA Leader), Meddi Moumouni (Green
Hab Officer and having the legal papers to fly the drone), Quentin
Berlemont (Crew Astronomer), Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 for the atmospheric
instruments part. Then, between Hab Ridge road and 1103 road.
Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity and Perseverance
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 90%
Start hours: 297
End hours: 297
Perseverance :
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 91%
Start hours: 305.6
End hours: 305.7