EVA Report – February 28th

Crew 311 EVA Report 28-02-2025

EVA # 7

Author: Meddi MOUMOUNI (GreenHab Officer, Habcom of the EVA)

Purpose of EVA: Atmospheric experiments data collection and battery change then going to Candor Chasma to find checkpoints with a 3D map. We’ll also have the drone in front of the Science Dome while the drone pilot will control it from the inside of the Science Dome.

Start time: 9h00

End time: 12h00

Narrative: Started of the EVA by hopping in the rovers and deploying the drone for some mid-mission video shoots, then stopped at Marble rituals to change the batteries of atmospheric insrtuments & gathering the collected data. Finally went to Candor Chasma to do this week’s third photogrammetry experiment session. Went back to the base 1hour in advance thanks to their efficiency and picked up the drone.

Destination: Marble Rituals then Compass Rock (Candor Chasma)

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):518250 E, 4250750 N then 520000E, 4251750N

Participants: Robin Gorius (Crew Engineer), Célyan Ferret (Crew HSO), Erin Pougheon (Crew Commander and EVA leader)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Galileo road 1104

Mode of travel: Driving to Marble Rituals, walking to the experiments site and coming back to the rovers. Then, driving to Compass rock and walking again to explore Candor Chasma. Walking to get the drone back before entering the MDRS.

Vehicles used:


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 71%

Start hours: 297.6

End hours: 298


Start battery: 100%

End battery: 58%

Start hours: 206.1

End hours: 206.6

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