Sol Summary – March 7th

Crew 311 Sol Summary Report 07-03-2025

Sol: 19

Summary Title: Happy Birthday Célyan!

Author’s name: Erin Pougheon, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today was a special day in the station because it was the birthday of our Crew HSO! So, in the morning, while our GreenHab Officer kept him away from the Hab, the rest of the crew worked hard to transform the Upper Deck to surprise him. Balloons, lights, a brownie, … everything was perfect for his birthday! He was very happy, so were we.

The afternoon was calm. Work started again, and Crew Scientist and Crew Engineer worked on the rover we 3D-printed for the SUPAEROMOON experiment. At the end of the day, Crew Scientist and Crew Journalist prepared they EVA of tomorrow thanks to a 3D map of Sea of Shells. Tomorrow, they’ll have to find 10 checkpoints and try to have a better chrono than the 2D team who performed the EVA earlier this week!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we will perform the last EVA of photogrammetry at Sea of Shells, with the team having a 3D map to search for the checkpoints. In the afternoon, we plan to gather all the crew to discuss the architecture of the station for the third time, talking about the Science Dome.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, Temperature 45 F / 50 F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request #11, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos.

Support Requested: None

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