EVA Report – February 22nd

Crew 311 EVA Report 22-02-2025
EVA # 04
Author: Célyan Ferret, HSO
Purpose of EVA: Installation of sign to deter tourist from touching LOAC
(aerosol counter), MegaArès/Field Mill (electromagnetic field sensors)
and the weather station.
Collect data from LOAC and MegaArès/Field Mill. Then collect geological
data with a drone along 1103 road by foot and then along Hab Ridge road
direction North if we have the time.
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 11:58 AM
Narrative: EVA Crew entered the HAB Airlock at 08:55 AM and left the
station at 09:00 AM. Somaya and Quentin took the Curiosity rover and
Célyan and Meddi took the Perseverance rover. We arrived all together at
9:18 AM at the atmospheric instruments (518250 E, 4250750 N). We
collected the data, plant the signs and take pictures. We left to go
back to the station in the rovers. We arrived at the station and started
to walk for the stratigraphy experiment at 10:30 AM. Once at sufficient
high we started the drone (3.4076453465201, -110.7928409212195 :
coordinate of the location tracker at the lower deck) and took pictures
and videos. We walked all the way up to Hab Ridge and we arrived at
11:19 AM.
Once all the pictures and videos taken for the stratigraphy and the
communication we went back by foot to the station. We entered the HAB
Airlock at 11:58 AM.
Destination: Marble Rituals, Going back to the MDRS and then Hab Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518250 E, 4250750 N (Atmospheric
Instruments) then 518100 E, 4251600 N (Stratigraphy)
Participants: Célyan Ferret (HSO and EVA Leader), Meddi Moumouni (Green
Hab Officer and having the legal papers to fly the drone), Quentin
Berlemont (Crew Astronomer), Somaya Bennani (Crew Scientist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 for the atmospheric
instruments part. Then, between Hab Ridge road and 1103 road.
Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity and Perseverance
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 90%
Start hours: 297
End hours: 297
Perseverance :
Start battery: 100%
End battery: 91%
Start hours: 305.6
End hours: 305.7

Operations Report – February 22nd

Crew 311 Operations Report 22/02/2025
SOL: 6
Name of person filing report: Robin GORIUS
Non-nominal systems: Robotic observatory, toilet alarm
Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June
Spirit rover used: No
Opportunity rover used: No
Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 297
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 90%
Currently charging: ?
Perseverance rover used: Yes
Hours: 305.7
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 91%
Currently charging: ?
General notes on rovers: Working as expected
Summary of Hab operations: Sport, EVA support, Experiments, 3D printing
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 6:30 pm
1) Per formula (see notes): 10.29gl
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes):14.68gl
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 411gl
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off) : on
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): yes
Summary of internet: used from 7 pm to 9 pm for reports
Summary of suits and radios:
Suits :
1 -> 100%, not used
2 -> 100%, not used
3 -> 100% , not used
4 -> 100%, not used
5 -> 100%, not used
6 -> 100%, not used
7 -> 100%, used
8 -> 100%, used
9 -> 100%, used
10 -> 100%, used
Radios : radios were all ok
Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants were watered
WATER USE: 9.5 gallons
Heater (On or Off): Off
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5 to 10 pm
Harvest (name, weight in grams): None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: None
Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On Heat
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): None
Summary of any observatory issues: None
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Sol Summary – February 22nd

Crew 311 Sol Summary Report 22-02-2025
Sol: 6
Summary Title: The sky is no longer the limit!
Author’s name: Erin Pougheon, Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: This morning, Crew HSO, Crew Astronomer, Crew Scientist and Crew Astronomer went out on an EVA. The aim of the EVA was to retrieve data from the atmospheric instruments and to change their batteries, and then for the EVA crew members to walk around the station, towards Hab Ridge. The EVA was successful, except for some problems with the atmospheric instruments: it seems that they didn’t take data for all the time they were outside on Mars… We’ll analyze the data and see!
Meanwhile, inside the station, Crew Journalist was HabCom for the EVA and took time to cook and copy files from the EVOLSAN recording session of yesterday. Crew Engineer worked on debugging AMAIA and helped Crew Commander with Core Data handling.
After a well-deserved lunch, everyone accomplished some tasks in the beginning of the afternoon, and then stopped around 4:00 PM and enjoy the beginning of the weekend in the station! LEGO building, crocheting, reading… The activities are restful!
Look Ahead Plan: On Sol 7, Crew 311 will enjoy a little more sleep in the morning and wake up at 8:30 AM. The crew will take advantage of the weekend day to have a larger sport session of an hour and then clean the station deeply. The afternoon is planned to be restful for everyone.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny, Temperature 45 F / 55 F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report #04, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos.
Support Requested: None

Astronomy Report – February 21st

Crew 311 Astronomy Report 21Feb2025
Name: Quentin Berlemont
Crew: 311
Date: 02/21/2025
Robotic Telescope Used (choose one) MDRS-14 MDRS-WF RCOS-16
Objects to be Imaged this Evening:
Images submitted with this report:
Problems Encountered:
Solar Features Observed: Sunspots, prominence
Images submitted with this report: 3
Problems Encountered: Thanks for your previous message. I am getting
better with the tuners. I am however frustrated with how better the sun
appears on your tutorial with only a good focus compared to what I can
see even after tuning, changing the exposure etc. I linked a screenshot
of your video so you can see the difference with exactly the same
parameters. I need an good amount of post processing with gimp to get to
the level of your raw image. Is there something I am missing here?

Journalist Report – February 21st

Crew 311 Journalist report 21Feb2025
SOL 5: Enjoying the Sweetness of Silence
Author: Isolde Louzier-Ricalens

2:10 PM: Today was the calm after the storm. The wind has subsided, and the morning was relatively quiet in the HAB. Célyan, Quentin, and Robin were making card signs in the RAM, which will be placed near the atmospheric instruments to keep “aliens” from getting too close and interfering with the measurements. Meanwhile, Meddi and Somaya launched the HUMANISE experiment in the Science Dome. Eventually, it was just Erin and I left in the HAB, and the calm was refreshing. When Somaya returned, Erin and her started writing a scientific article about our analogue mission. In the meantime, I sketched drawings of the station for an experiment in collaboration with an engineer architect from KTH University in Sweden. Then, as we finished installing the lamps for the LättaLL experiment, Célyan and Somaya measured the light intensity in different parts of the Upper Deck.

For lunch, we enjoyed the freshness of the parsley harvested at the GreenHab! Enjoying a bit of green on your plate isn’t unpleasant when no trees are visible for miles around.

The clouds also left us, and Quentin was able to make new observations of the sun at its zenith.

4:00 PM In the early afternoon, we started a recording session for the Evolsan lab. As I write my report, Meddi is teaching Somaya and Célyan how to use our drone loaned by Parrot to take our first aerial videos. On her side, Erin is assessing the water we have used this week. On Mars, water is a rare and precious resource, but let’s not forget that it is also on Earth. Keeping a very close eye on our water consumption allows us to realize how much we take this resource for granted, which is not the case everywhere on the blue planet. I challenge you to wash dishes for 7 with just 4 liters of water!

GreenHab Report – February 21st

Crew 311 GreenHab Report 21-02-2025
GreenHab Officer: MOUMOUNI Meddi
Environmental control (fan & heater): Yes
Average temperatures (last 24h): 82F
Maximum temperature (last 24h): 100F
Minimum temperature (last 24h): 75F
Hours of supplemental light: 5hrs
Daily water usage for crops: 7 ½ gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 250mL
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 152 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 11am 4pm
Changes to crops: None
Narrative: Normal day in the greenhab except for the electricity shortage that occurred during the day and is the reason the temperature went up to 100F
Harvest: 21g Parsley
Support/supplies needed:

Operations Report – February 21st

Crew 311 Operations Report 21/02/2025
SOL: 5
Name of person filing report: Robin GORIUS
Non-nominal systems: Robotic observatory, toilet alarm
Notes on non-nominal systems: Maintenance of the observatory planned for June
Spirit rover used: No
Opportunity rover used: No
Curiosity rover used: No
Perseverance rover used: No
General notes on rovers: None
Summary of Hab operations: Sport, Experiments, 3D printing
Water Use (please use both methods to estimate water usage)
Time of measurements (collect data for the same time window): 6:00 pm
1) Per formula (see notes: 18 gl
2) Smart Home Dashboard (see notes):15.51gl
Water (static tank, remaining gallons): 421gl
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off) : on
Toilet tank emptied (no or yes): No
Summary of internet: used from 7 pm to 9 pm for reports
Summary of suits and radios:
Suits :
1 -> 100%, not used
2 -> 100%, not used
3 -> 100% ,not used
4 -> 100%, not used
5 -> 100%, not used
6 -> 100%, not used
7 -> 100%, not used
8 -> 100%, not used
9 -> 100%, not used
10 -> 100%, not used
Radios : All good
Summary of GreenHab operations: plants were watered
WATER USE: 7.5 gallons
Heater (On or Off): On
Supplemental light (hours of operation): 5 to 10 pm
Harvest (name, weight in grams): 21g parsley
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Humanise experiment
Dual split (Heat or AC, On or Off): On Heat
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): None
Summary of any observatory issues: None
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:
A burnable trash has been placed in the RAM Airlock

Sol Summary – February 21st

Crew 311 Sol Summary Report 21-02-2025
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Enjoying the sweetness of silence
Author’s name: Erin Pougheon, Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: This morning sports session was the first one in the last three days with every crew member participating in it! It was a good start to a calm morning. Crew Engineer, Crew Astronomer and Crew HSO created signs to place near the atmospheric instruments and discourage “aliens” to approach. Meanwhile, Crew Commander and Crew Scientist worked on the writing of scientific abstracts and Crew Journalist sketched the station, as an additional activity to the Orbital Architecture experiment. Before lunch, we also took some luminosity measurements with a specific sensor to know if the lights we finished installing yesterday were well calibrated or not.
After a good lunch and a little break, everyone went back to scientific activities. GreenHab Officier explained to other crew members how to use the drone in preparation for the EVA of tomorrow, while Crew Commander was monitoring water usages since the beginning of simulation and Crew Engineer worked on a system to monitor the atmospheric instruments’ batteries from the station. Crew Astronomer enjoyed the sunny weather to take some beautiful sun pictures.
It was a calm day in the station, full of little (but essential!) scientific activities!
Look Ahead Plan: On Sol 6, Crew 311 will perform its fourth EVA, in order to go to the atmospheric instruments and then to walk around the station to take some drone pictures and videos, as well as for communication purpose than for the stratigraphy experiment. We plan to finish activities early in the day in order for the Crew to start enjoying the weekend and rest.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny, Temperature 35 F / 45 F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request #04, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos.
Support Requested: None

Journalist Report – February 23rd

SOL 7: The Cherry on the Top
4:30 PM: SOL 7 is a rest day at the station. Today is Sunday, and the entire crew is taking advantage of this day to recharge. The wake-up call is later, but that doesn’t mean the crew is any less active. First, many experiments are routine and continue daily, such as Orbital Architecture, LättaLL, Core Data, or Twins2. As we do every day, we had to take measurements, answer questionnaires, adjust the intensity of our lights, put on our daily sensors, etc.

Next, since we have more time, the workout session is longer and more intense than on other days. Cardio, strength training, or core exercises—all eight workouts prepared by Célyan made us sweat this morning! But there’s no time to rest; after breakfast, everyone starts a deep cleaning and organizing session.

The desert sand gets everywhere in the station, and without noticing it, living with seven people in this confined space is messier than it seems. After that, everyone goes about their business. We have more time to cook, and Meddi and I took advantage of it to prepare colorful cupcakes while Erin cooked tortillas for tonight.

We are all very busy and use our free time to work on personal projects. This week was challenging, but it was the first week of our incredible adventure, and this rest day concluded it beautifully—like the cherry on the top or the frosting on our cupcakes!

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