EVA Report #9 – May 13th

Crew 212 EVA Report 13-MAY-2019

EVA #09

Author: Vittorio Netti

Purpose of EVA:
Primary objective
Testing the first BVLOS mission of the "Palantir" fixes wing drone (Success)
Testing the flight attitude shifting capabilities of the "X-5" fixes wing VTOL drone (Partial Failure)

Measuring the Oxygen fluxus from the SpaceSuit under extensive stress (Partial Success)
Measuring the Oxygen level in blood after extensive stress in Spacesuit (Success)
Secondary objectives
Collecting aerial photos of the martian surface (Success)
Testing the assisting landing capabilities of the drone (Success)
Testing the ground control station during the auto mission mode (Success)

Start time: 16:00 AM

End time: 18:33 AM


The purpose of this EVA was to

The equipment was composed by:
– Palantir drone
– Ex Case 1 (pressurized)
– Ground Station Tripod

Since two experiments were foreseen for this EVA, two rovers were needed. Spirit presented anomalous battery consumption rates in the past days, so we decided to leave it at the Hab. Curiosity has always functioned nominally. Although Opportunity had overheating problems on last Sunday (Sol 0), it has been performing nominally in the past EVAs; while keeping the driving speed low, we decided to take it, as the EVA destination didn’t require a long drive (approx 15 minutes each way).

Opportunity departed from the hab with 100% of battery.
Curiosity departed from the hab with 100% of battery.

We departed from the Hab around 4:15 PM and drove towards north to free the mouse (captured last night) before Cowboy’s Corner; the speed was maintained low to avoid overheating problems with Oppi. After that, both rovers performed a U-turn and drove in the direction of URC North Site. At around 50 meters from the final objective, Opportunity stopped, and the battery overheating warning was on. Battery level at that point was 99%. We tried to start the engine many times, but the alarm was always on and didn’t let the engine start.

Since that we were on the experiment site, we decided to leave the rovers and start the experiment procedures, hoping that the Opportunity batteries can cool down during that time.

Together with Paolo we proceeded to assembly the drones and the GCS. At the same time, Zoe and Camilo proceeded to set a running track in order to perform their experiment under stress.

The "Palantir" drone has been hand-launched by Paolo and suddenly the control has been taken by the program, that started the automatic photosurvey of the area. During the mission "Palantir took more than 150photos, mapping more than 45 Hectare of terrain in 28 minutes.

Zoe and Camillo proceeded with the experiment, running through the track for 10 minutes with their suit on, on which they previously sealed the external openings.

After the landing, the Palantir has been recovered without damages. Together with Paolo we proceeded to assembly and arming the X-5 for his test.

The X-5 take-off happened at 17.45, but after the transition to the Plane mode the aerodynamic surfaces resulted not to be controllable enough from the software. We tried to perform a controlled soft landing without success. The plane suffered an impact to the ground that destroyed both the motor support plates.

At the end of experiments, since Opportunity was still off, we received authorization from the Director to use one rover to carry all four EVA crew members back to the Hab, leaving all the equipment in the overheated rover to have place for all the crewmember. The crashed drone has been left on his impact point in order to perform further analysis on the impact dynamic

Opportunity was retrieved later by the Director and an out-of-sim crew member. During the recovery, the X-5 has been photographed and then stored in the Opportunity trunk together with the rest of the equipment They were able to start the rover and drive to the Hab, where the rover stopped once again, luckily right in front of the Hab.

URC North Site

Coordinates: (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519012.00 E, 4251740.00 N, Zone 12S

EVA Participants: Vittorio Netti (Commander), Camillo Zorro (Medic), Zoe Townsend, Paolo Guardabasso

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: driving

Operations Report – May 13th

Crew 212 Operations Report 13-MAY-2019

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Paolo Guardabasso

Non-nominal systems: Rover Opportunity, Upper deck water pump, Kitchen sink.

Notes on non-nominal systems: rover Opportunity failed during EVA (on the way to the second EVA objective). For more details, look at the notes about the rovers and the EVA report for EVA #9.

The upper deck pump is now activating for rather long times (tens of seconds) with all the sinks shut. The kitchen sink is leaking.

Generator (hours run last night): 11:15

On (last night): 7:45 PM

Off (this morning): 7:00 AM

Solar— SOC 61% at 7:45 PM

Diesel Reading – 88 %

Propane Reading – 46%

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 4 gallons

Water (Axillary tank) – 0 gallons

Water (static tank) – 380 gallons

Axillary to Static tank transfer – no

Gallons transferred: ~200

Water in GreenHab – 137 gallons

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water Meter: 143583.1

Toilet tank emptied: No

Deimos rover used: no (out of order)


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 92.8h

Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 59.5h

Beginning charge: 100

Ending charge: 98

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 95.6h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 97%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Opportunity rover failed during EVA 9 because of overheating of battery (more details in EVA report); it was not possible to restart the engine until . Problem might be cause by lack of distilled water in radiator. Spirit rover battery has had anomalous consumption rates in the past days. A major rover check will be run tomorrow during an Engineering EVA.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use:

Oil Added?

ATV Fuel Used: Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today:

Notes on ATVs:

HabCar used and why, where? The HabCar was used to reach the location were Opportunity was left after it failed during EVA 9.

CrewCar used and why, where? Off Campus

General notes and comments: We captured another mouse last night, and it was set free today during EVA 9 at Cowboy’s Corner. EVA 9 presented several challenges (see EVA report).

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: some suits batteries are at end of life, they lose charge very quickly (see spacesuit engineer report).

Summary of Hab operations: The ceiling in the commander’s room is compromised by water and might have a localized collapse if weight is applied to it, a bucket had to be placed close to the bed. A mouse was found in the lower deck. Leaking of the sink in the kitchen has been found, and this could be the cause of the leaking reported in a previous report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: what is the level of usage of the potable water filter? It is quite brown at the moment (see photo attached). Should it be replaced together with the pump tomorrow night?

Spacesuit Report – May 13th

Crew 212-LATAM-III

Submitted by Spacesuit Engineer: Camilo Andrés Zorro Mendoza

Spacesuit report

Sol: 8

Sim suit used EVA: 1, 8, 3 and 5.
used for 2 and 1/2 hour

Sim suit: 1
Voltage level before EVA: 12.8 V
Voltage level after EVA:
12.7 V

Sim suit: 8
Voltage level before EVA: 12.8 V
Voltage level after EVA:
4.1 V

Sim suit: 3
Voltage level before EVA:
13 V
Voltage level after EVA:
12.8 V

Sim suit: 5
Voltage level before EVA: 13.2 V
Voltage level after EVA:
7.6 V

General commentaries

It is need get 10 new batteries for the radios. It was getting fake charge. 4 radios with good battery

Journalist Report – May 13th

Today was Sol 8.

Today started with a relaxed morning, the crew members worked on their own projects. There was the continuation of work on processing the photographs, more progress was made to recover the software of the rover with another 2am conference with the UK, and another batch of bacteria was mixed with soil to re-inoculate the seeds, the previous equipment has been sterilised and the bacteria has been killed.

An EVA was taken today which was 2 ½ hours long, it was an eventful EVA that was mixed with an engineering EVA. Firstly, we delivered another Mars mouse to the release point, after we went to the experiment site and started the two experiments. The first was to test the oxygen levels in the suits; a circuit was completed to show the differences in the oxygen levels. However, due to the air holes and lack of sealing a new experiment must be proposed. The drone experiment continued, with the testing the X-5 and the Palantir. A failure occurred in the Palantir during piloting, the damage seems unrepairable. Unfortunately, the EVA finished with a failure of Opportunity. Opportunity had to be towed back to the Hab during and engineering EVA.

Sol Summary – May 13th

Crew 212 Sol 8 Summary Report 13-MAY-2019

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Sun is really strong right now

Author’s name: Marlen Castillo Vilcahuaman

Mission Status: A-ok, one rover is down

Sol Activity Summary: For today, we had an EVA in the afternoon. Opportunity has overheated and had to be left on the road. Right now, one crew member and the director are going to retrieve it.

Look Ahead Plan: Right now, our priority is to a) discuss the issues in this EVA and b) retrieve the rover. We’ll probably be doing this.

Anomalies in work: Opportunity overheated and the crew members in EVA had to return without it. We’re also having trouble with the pump, because it has been leaking more water than usual.

Weather: Sun is strong.

Crew Physical Status: Although Opportunity overheated, crew members had water with them so they arrived from the EVA safe and hydrated.

EVA: 1

Reports to be file: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report, Daily Photo Report, EVA report, Astronomy report (please, wait while we’re trying to solve the trouble with Opportunity)

Support Requested: None.

Greenhab Report – May 13th

Crew 212 GreenHab Report – 13-May-2019: SOL 8

GreenHab Officer: Hector Palomeque

Environmental control: Ambient with the door open + fan turned up to 3 (max) from 12:00 to 19:00

Shade cloth 80%: on

Average temperatures:
Low: 20 °C
High: 43 °C

Hours of supplemental light: 0

Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 137 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 12:00

Changes to crops: All plants look healthy. All tomato plants continue blooming.

Narrative: The GreenHab fan had to be turned on because of the indoor temperature has reached +40 °C at noon. Plants were watered once at noon.

Basil harvested to add some flavor to the Crew’s lunch.

Harvested: Basil 20g

Support/supplies needed: None.

Astronomy Report – May 13th

Astronomy Report
Name: Mariona Badenas
Crew: 212
Date: 13 May 2019

Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one): MDRS-WF

** Object Viewed #1: IC5067 (Pelican Nebula) –> Observations completed.

Problems Encountered: N/A.

** Object Viewed #2: Veil Nebula

Problems Encountered: N/A –> Observations will continue tonight provided the weather is good.

** Object Viewed #3: Iris Nebula
Problems Encountered: N/A –> Observations will continue tonight provided the weather is good.

** (More objects to be Viewed): NGC6992, IC1396
Problems Encountered: N/A –> Observations of these objects have not begun yet.

** Solar Features Observed: Observed the sun through the eyepiece, but couldn’t identify features on the surface due to problems with the camera settings and the ICap software.

Problems Encountered: The camera driver used for ICap 2.3 was not correct. This problem has already been solved. I will try to take pictures of the solar corona tomorrow, following Peter’s new instructions (private communication).

Final Mission Summary – Crew 211

Mission Summary Report


Mars Desert Research Station Crew 211

UCL to Mars



Dr. Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist
Simon Collignon
Julien Amalaberque
Eléonore Lieffrig
Nathan Pechon
Chloé Peduzzi
Benjamin Flasse, Maxime Bernard


Scientific Program           

 Cubelanders swarm (Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist)

Mars presents a dynamical environment that cannot be fully described by measures taken by a small number of probes. In order to get a more comprehensive view of Mars climate evolution, we proposed to rely on miniaturized landers, called CubeLanders that could be deployed on large strand of Mars surface via drones. Those landers would include several scientific instruments to characterize the environment and provide new insights into its evolution. In contrast with CubeSats which could deploy large solar panels and antennas, CubeLanders have a single solar panel covering one of their sides. We, therefore, have to limit as much as possible power consumption especially regarding the information transfer. We relied on an ultra-low power RF transceiver for short range communication and on the creation of a lander communication network to transfer the information to the deployment unit using only nearest neighbors.

The proposed concept has been tested during this rotation 211. The CubeLanders structure has been 3D printed while we used the Arduino platform for the electronic system. An algorithm has been developed in order to transmit the information via the CubeLanders network. It has been successfully tested in the Science Dome before a field experiment near the MDRS campus. The deployment of the Cubelanders have been made via drone using a new fully mechanical capture system composed of a fork attached to the drone and a rail system on the sides of each Cubelanders. The field experiment was a success even if the iron rich soil challenged the communication system.


Simultaneous location and mapping algorithm using a depth camera (Julien Amalaberque)

On Mars, the lack of a global positioning system and the unreliability of the magnetic north means that other solutions needs to be found to provide positioning and orientation. To do this for our drones, rovers and EVA suits, we decided to use an innovative algorithm called Simultaneous Location And Mapping, also already used with autonomous cars, with a depth camera (Intel RealSense D435i, released earlier this year). The basis used was RTabmap, an open-source implementation of the algorithm maintained by the University of Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada). It works by creating a cloud of 3D points by extracting features from the image, and then by statistically computing the difference in position from the previous result.

The first step needed to be tweaked in order to allow feature extraction to work on a red, deserted environment which is very different from the classic urban use cases usually described in literature.

Once this was working well, another problem was that computing differences in position between images is an intensive task for a computer. Different image resolutions and frame-per-second settings had to be thoroughly tested to guarantee a reliable service. As a conclusion, the algorithm and the camera now work very well both inside the station and outside in the field. Its positioning ability can be used to automate the movements any kind of unmanned vehicle or as a tool for astronauts.


Study of Brownian motion of colloidale particles (Eléonore Lieffrig)

The Brownian motion of colloidal particles is the motion of tiny particles in a fluid at rest. Several experiences regarding to that field are currently running in the International Space Station, which offers the unique property of microgravity. The interest in studying the behavior of colloidal particles is that it finds applications in sectors such as environmental sciences, petrochemistry, chemistry and so on, including daily life. For example, we could be able to create a kind of plastics with better possibilities of recycling, or, a bit funnier, a vinaigrette that we would never have to shake for the components to be blended.

We first built hermetic enclosures containing colloidal particles in water. The chosen colloids had the property to absorb light at 540 nm et reemit it at 560 nm. Therefore, a fluorescence microscopy technology allowed us to observe the reemitted light by placing a camera on the trajectory of the beam. That way, we were able to get the course of many particles on camera and then track them one by one to verify certain properties we were expecting. For example, the motion of the colloids is independent with regards to gravity and the position distribution around the initial point is a gaussian curve.

Regarding the Musk observatory, the sun was very calm during our rotation, but we could observe little prominences on SOL 3. It was such a great opportunity to use this telescope.


Muon telescope (Maxime Bernard)

This project is based on the upgrading of a compact telescope based on small and gastight Glass Resistive Gas Chambers (“minigRPC”) build last year by Sophie Wuyckens and is aimed at performing a feasibility study of possible research on Mars geology. The first part of the project will be an improvement of the software used to to collect and analyse the data. The second part will be the eventual refinements we could perform on different parts of the detector to make sure the data we get are the most reliable possible. The third part will consist of the collection of in-field data at the MDRS, and its analysis. The goal will then be to make a study of the muon flux generated by interactions of primary cosmic rays and, if time allows to proceed to a radiography or tomography (3D) of the landscape (mountains, hills, etc.) of the Utah desert with “muography”. This technique is very interesting for planets exploration. For instance, we could radiograph Mars and characterize its interior and tell about the planet evolutionary state and history as well as even finding some places geologically well-adapted places for future colony implantation.

The idea of this year experiment was to compare the data I acquired right before coming to Mars with a brand new gaz mix in order to see if I could see a difference in the Muon count and therefore establish the efficiency of each detector to compare them and see if any modification were to be planed. Unfortunately, it appeared a problem occurred with the gaz mixed as I had way less Muons than expected. Despite a lot of effort to find the source of the problem, I could not find one.
It led me to the fact that it must be the gaz mix that was not efficient enough.


Martian constitution (Nathan Pechon)

Our research consisted in the drafting of a Martian constitution. As of today, no rules or legislation apply to Mars. However, law is necessary to organize the human society, as Martian missions are going to grow in scope.

We drafted it together with the crew because a text of such importance needs to gather all different opinions in order to be as democratic as possible. Nevertheless, Nathan played a central role in it. His project consisted in writing articles and submitting them to the crew for a vote. Of course, he took into consideration the crew’s opinions and he was very thankful for every idea coming from them.

Finally, we adopted 20 articles which are applicable on Mars. The Crew was very enthusiastic about debating them.


Geolocation with UWB antennas (Simon Collignon)

Here on Earth, GPS technology brought various tools to our society in a wide tech area. Up there on Mars, it might be as useful to implement GPS-like devices and keeping track of what’s going on in our new Martian civilization. Nowadays, there are different geolocation technologies for different purposes. In regard of the relatively small size of our facilities and the precise experiments undertaken, the most relevant setup is the one which maximize accuracy at the expense of the detection range. Using this configuration, we will be able to monitor near EVA, conducted by our astronauts and rovers.

The system required to meet those specifications is based on the emerging UWB (Ultra Wide Band) technology, brought by the IoT field. It will help us to develop an accurate geolocation system capable of tracking multiple devices of interest on our experiment site. In a further stage, the system could be extended for a wider UWB coverage.


In conclusion we achieved good results for tracking items in the science dome and in an outdoor environment. We collected a large amount of tracking data which will be further analyzed with more advanced post-processing technics. Moreover, we were able to visualize in real time the location of our tracked item during our experiments.


Sleep study (Benjamin Flasse)

A correct and regular sleep is essential for the recuperative power of the crew. For a long-term mission, the recuperative power is crucial for the preservation of the reflexes, the cognitive functions and the general health of the members of the crew. The harsh conditions of such a mission which are among others the stress, the confinement, the lack of privacy,  the seclusion and the closeness with the team 24 hours a day, could have a serious impact on the quality of the sleep and of the health of the members of the team.

This is why I analyzed the quality of sleep and the general health condition of the crew, through complete polysomnography (DREAM from MEDATEC), actimetry (E-tact from Bodycap), Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency (B-checkers), neuropsychometric tests (physiopad + MARES) and body parameters analysis (BiodyXpert).

Each morning and each night, each member of the crew went through a quick poll of tests enumerated here above, and 2 crew members were analyzed at night with a DREAM monitoring device. This machine allows to perform a complete polysomnography, they were wearing it every two nights. Since the DREAM analysis will be scored by a doctor in Belgium, I am not able to give any conclusion yet concerning the sleep quality. The other tests will continue in the few days following the mission, but some preliminary observations can be noted.

Firstly, every member of the crew can witness of an increasing fatigue during the mission, even so that naps had to be taken by some members. The weight and the measurements of the crew members does show a loose of body mass during the mission, even though this last one was probably affected by the unusual diet. The percentage of fat mass decreased while the percentage of muscle mass appeared to stay constant. Unsurprisingly, the stress and the brain fatigue appeared to be higher than in normal conditions. Some crew member experienced a water retention a few day after the beginning of the mission. No noticeable change was monitored concerning the cerebral arousal.


Spirulina as space food (Chloé Peduzzi)

As water is a limiting factor on Mars, lots of questions related to how to grow food on the Red Planet remain unsolved. On this purpose, current scientific researches focus on developing technologies to grow highly nutritive food requiring small amount of water. One possible option is spirulina! Indeed, those cyanobacteria are highly prospective for astronauts’ alimentation during future martian explorations. Not only can it be taken as a dietary supplement enriched in proteins, but it has also therapeutic properties. In that sense, we propose to establish a spirulina culture during our mission. The experiment will study the effect of space mission conditions on the culture system, including the small amount of space, materials and water available, the monitoring of the system and finally considering alternatives to improve the culture in such conditions.

10 spirulina cultures were prepared in 10 cell culture flasks. An artificial lightening made by white led was placed behind those culture flasks according to 2 different treatments (24h of light/day and 12h of light/day). The spirulina cultures were agitated manually each day. Cells were checked regularly using a microscope at various cultures’ stages. The cultures were observed at magnification 40X, 100X and 400X. Those observations confirmed the spiral shape of the spirulina’s trichomes. Resulting from HCO3 depletion through photosynthesis, the culture pH tended to rise continuously throughout the 2 weeks of simulation. This rise is positively correlated with the photosynthetic efficiency of the spirulina strain in the operational conditions of the experiment. The temperature variations throughout the 2 weeks of simulation were monitored continuously in the Science dome. The optimum temperature for spirulina growth is around 26°C-32°C (79F-90F) and should not exceed 38°C (100F). The contamination of the culture was monitored using axenicity tests in petri dishes. At the end of the 2 weeks of simulation, all spirulina cultures were harvested. Harvest occurred in the morning as temperature is the coolest and the proteins content (%) in the spirulina is the highest at this time of day. The filtration of spirulina cultures was easily accomplished by passing the culture through a PVC and polypropylene screen (40 microns in mesh size), using gravity as the driving force. The harvested spirulina was then washed with distilled water several times. Spirulina was carefully collected with a sterile spatula and stored on filter papers in petri dishes and was dried at 45°C during 5h. Finally, the wet and dry weight were measured for each of the 10 spirulina cultures. Further analyses will enable us to measure the protein content of the harvested spirulina.


Enhancing leguminous plant nutrition via mycorrhiza symbiosis in a Martian simulated environment ( Chloé Peduzzi)

As a one-way trip to Mars is estimated at 6 months at the shortest, a round-trip mission to the Red planet could last years. Therefore, setting up technologies to grow food in complete autonomy seems crucial. One main issue remains enhancing plant nutrition and increasing their resistance to stress and drought.

To elucidate that point, we propose to study beneficial mycorrhizal fungi connecting with plant roots and forming a network of fungal fibres, bringing water and nutrients to the plant. They support the plant for its entire life and improve yield. On one hand, we will study how this network develops in a Martian simulated soil. On the other hand, we will measure the effectiveness of the symbiosis with a leguminous plant in such conditions. Through this research, we aim to expand scientific knowledges on how Martian conditions affect symbiotic relationships between terrestrial organisms.

Seeds (bean + tomato) were soaked into water for 24h. Soil samples were collected in the Utah desert and were sieved. 16 treatments were repeated 4 times and placed into the GreenHab. The treatments were the followings: Irrigation (dry – Wet), Treatment (control – mycorrhiza – hydrogel – mycorrhiza + hydrogel) and Soil (50% Martian soil + 50% Compost – Compost). This part lasted 10 days. Then plants were harvested. Several crucial measures were taken. Further analyses with the harvested plants will enable us to quantify the mycorrhizal colonisation of the roots.

Treatment : Treatment Soil : Humidity
N°1 Control 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°2 Control 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°3 Control Compost Humid
N°4 Control Compost Dry
N°5 Mycorrhize 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°6 Mycorrhize 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°7 Mycorrhize Compost Humid
N°8 Mycorrhize Compost Dry
N°9 Hydrogel 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°10 Hydrogel 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°11 Hydrogel Compost Humid
N°12 Hydrogel Compost Dry
N°13 Mycorrhize + Hydrogel 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°14 Mycorrhize + Hydrogel 50% Mars +

50% Compost

N°15 Mycorrhize + Hydrogel Compost Humid
N°16 Mycorrhize + Hydrogel Compost Dry

Table 1: 16 treatments testing Mycorrhiza-Leguminous plant symbiosis in martian condition


Mission Overview

Crew 211 is the 9th crew of the UCL to Mars project. UCL to Mars is a non-profit organization that sends researchers and students from the Université de Louvain to the Mars Desert Research Station. The objective of UCL to Mars is twofold, organize annual research stay at the MDRS and promote science to a younger audience through publication in the press and on social media as well as conferences in universities and schools. Both objectives have been fulfilled during this rotation 211, as we have had the opportunity to welcome schoolchildren on the 24th of April and a PBS crew on the 29th of April to increase awareness of the MDRS and its mission and more broadly to promote Science.  Beyond these visits, we conducted successfully nine scientific experiments in various fields of Sciences to answer concrete problems that future space travelers may encounter. Thanks to the variety of profiles we had in our team this year, we adopted an interdisciplinary approach to many problems, bringing added values for several experiments.

Operations Report- May 12th

Crew 212 Operations Report 12-MAY-2019

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Paolo Guardabasso

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Generator (hours run last night): 11:15

On (last night): 8:15 PM

Off (this morning): 7:30 AM

Solar— SOC 61% at 7:45 PM [From Director, a
check will be run earlier in the afternoon from now on, to
avoid crossing the 80% limit again).


Diesel Reading – 90 %


Propane Reading – 46% [correcting the 45% of

Ethanol Free Gasoline – 4 gallons

Water (Axillary tank) – 0 gallons

Water (static tank) – 100 gallons

Axillary to Static tank transfer – no

Gallons transferred: No

Water in GreenHab – 140 gallons

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water Meter: 143547.8

Toilet tank emptied: No

Deimos rover used: no (out of order)


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 92.8h

Beginning charge:

Ending charge: 79%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 59.1h

Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 95.1h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 78%

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Curiosity was taken for the Engineering EVA that was performed to free the mouse (see general notes and comments)

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3)

Reason for use:

Oil Added?

ATV Fuel Used: Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today:

Notes on ATVs:

HabCar used and why, where? Nothing to report

CrewCar used and why, where? Off Campus

General notes and comments: During the night, a small mouse was captured with one of the two traps in the Hab. The morning, after a scheduled EVA was concluded, an Engineering EVA was organised to free the mouse close to Cowboy’s Corner. Crew Engineer Paolo and Crew Journalist Zoe travelled for about 20 minutes with Curi to the location and freed the mouse in a bush. On the way back there was a small problem with the radios, but it was solved as it was determined that a button was incidentally pushed while mounting the rover. Today was a resting day for most of the crew, and we had birthday cookies for our Spacesuit engineer Camilo.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: Nothing to report.

Summary of Hab operations: A mouse was found on the upper deck around 1:45AM; it was inside one of the rooms and then moved to another, passing under the doors. A trap was placed and the mouse walked into it. An Engineering EVA was performed in the morning to release it. Other points: it was not possible to fix the oven; the Space chess board is missing a pawn; the leak from the pump has now penetrated the roof in the commander’s room through the loft floor plywood.

Summary of GreenHab operations: some sage was collected for lunch. A lizard was found inside, but it escaped once it saw a crew member.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: cleaning was performed by the crew.

Summary of RAM operations: Drone cleaning, repairs and testing were performed.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: we need a static water tank refill. We have run out of kitchen paper.

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