Mid-Mission Research Report – december 30st

[category science-report]

Crew 289 – Deimos
Dec 24th, 2023 – Jan. 6th, 2023

A logo of a planet with planets and stars Description automatically generated

Crew Members:
Commander: Adriana Brown
Executive Officer and Crew Journalist: Sara Paule
Crew Geologist: Eshaana Aurora
Crew Engineer: Nathan Bitner
Health and Safety Officer and Crew Astronomer: Gabriel Skowronek
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj

Crew Projects:

Title: Remote Station Monitoring
Author: Nathan Bitner
Objectives: Demonstrate usefulness of supplying on-site crew and mission control with real time habitat data
Current Status: We have created a prototype air quality monitor that successfully sends data to an online dashboard. Right now, this board stops functioning after any WIFI connection issues, requiring a manual reset, and quickly drains battery power. In the next two days we plan to fix these issues by putting the raspberry pi into idle mode when not in use and having the board automatically reset itself after any runtime errors. After our prototype is robust enough to function on its own we plan to create four more identical modules for other station rooms and then monitor airlock status on the same dashboard using magnetic reed switches.
EVAs: None

Title: Recording Dust Levels in the HAB
Author(s): Gabriel Skowronek
Objectives: Qualitatively determine the dust levels before and after cleaning procedures
Current Status: Several swab observations have been made throughout the Habitat to understand how much dust was present prior to arrival. In the lower deck of the Hab, swabbing was done underneath the First Aid station and on top of the shelf that holds the comms equipment. In the upper deck, swabbing was done on top of Pantry 3 and the top of the cabinet that has the comms equipment. After initially swabbing, the surfaces were cleaned and wiped down of any dust with a Clorox wet wipe to get a ‘clean’ baseline. In the coming days, swabbing will be done to track subsequent dust accumulation. Only one swab has been conducted thus far, 24 hours after surface cleaning and it was found that there was negligible dust accumulation with only a few dark fibers and fine light colored particles found on the cotton swabs. Swabbing will continue to see how much dust accumulates in the four chosen spots and will be compared against each other to see where dust settles the most.
EVAs: None

Title: Astronomy on Mars
Author(s): Gabriel Skowronek
Objectives: Determine the period of variation for SW Tauri, a Cepheid variable. Furthermore, it will be helpful to make impressive pictures of the Crab and Orion nebulae.
Current Status: Three photometry measurements have been taken of SW Tauri thus far. One has been taken per night but over the coming days, measurements will be taken twice per night at 4-hour intervals to acquire more data points for the light curve. The light curve will begin to take shape over the coming days as intensity measurements will begin to be plotted over time. The initial two measurements were slightly over exposed, so adjustments were made in the exposure time to get proper exposures. There have been some delays in imaging the Crab Nebula as the MDRS-WF seems to image several days after making the initial request. One set of images has been completed but came out to be over exposed, so a new request has been put in with adjusted exposure times and we are currently awaiting images to be taken. In the coming days, the Orion Nebula will also be imaged but further research will need to be done into the proper exposure times.
EVAs: None

Title: Comparison of Self-selection Traits versus Skill Utilization by Mars Colonists
Author(s): Sara Paule
Objectives: Examine the skills (e.g., flexibility, leadership, communication, problem-solving, domestic skills, etc.) most used by “colonists” in their day-to-day activities at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) versus their ratings of importance pre- and post-mission.
Current Status: Pre-mission data has been downloaded from Qualtrics. The crew has completed 5 days-worth of daily surveys from Sol 1 (December 25, 2023) through today, Sol 6 (December 26, 2023). These were completed at the end of the mission day as planned. Paper survey results have been entered into an Excel database in preparation for post-mission data analysis. The crew will continue to complete daily surveys throughout mission and paper data will be converted to digital format. Post-mission surveys will be sent out after return to Earth.
Title: Establishing Best Practices in Mission Reporting from Prior Crew Reports
Author(s): Sara Paule
Objective 1: Establish the average word length of the various report styles.
Objective 2: Examine whether crew members are most often referenced by surname/family name, given name, or both.
Objective 3: Determine common subject matters within reports, such as references to meals, sleep, showering, etc.
Current Status: Pre-mission all the reports for the past calendar year were downloaded from the MDRS Reports webpage. A sample from each mission of the last year uploaded to the reports repository for both the Journalist Report and Sol Summaries have been randomly selected for analysis. Additionally, random samples of the Journalist Report and Sol Summaries were pulled from the emails of the prior crew (288) received pre-mission. In total, 15 crews were identified during that time period and 14 Journalist and 13 Sol reports were acquired using the aforementioned methods. Word length and character length have been calculated for each. Next steps will be to begin flexible qualitative coding to assess content.
EVAs: None

Title: Martian analog paleotemperature reconstruction
Author(s): Adriana Brown
Objectives: (1) Sample a measured section of sediments up the side of Hab Ridge and (2) identify the percent of carbonate present in sediments, (3) collect Pycnodonte fossils from the Tununk shale near Hab Ridge for carbonate clumped isotope analysis, (4) identify bentonite presence and frequency within the Tununk Shale, and (5) catalog and prepare samples for drilling.
Current Status: Progress on all objectives has been made. 36 fossils have been collected from Hab Ridge, cleaned, and catalogued. They are ready to return to Earth for geochemical analysis. The carbonate percent weight experiment is up and running with initial sediment samples from fossil collection sites dissolved in 0.1 M HCl and currently drying. 93 1.0 mL sediment samples from two measured sections of Hab Ridge have also been collected, and selected samples from these sections will be added to the percent carbonate experiment this upcoming week. These samples will be fully catalogued at MDRS and then will be ready to return to Earth for stable carbon isotope analysis at the University of Michigan. Lastly, several bentonite “swarm” locations have been noted, with beds documented at Barrainca Butte and sampled at Hab Ridge.
EVAs: Two EVAs to Hab Ridge to collect fossils and sample two measured sections, one EVA to Barrainca Butte to evaluate Pycnodonte presence and bentonite swarms.

Title: Mars Exploration by Origami Robot and Drone Scouting or Transportation
Author(s): Aditya Arjun Anibha
Objectives: Apply the concept of transformable origami robots that can exhibit multiple types of locomotion and test their ability to supplement exploration. Investigate feasibility of transporting robot using drone and scouting locations of interest prior to exploration.
Current Status: During EVA 3, the drone was tested for its carrying capacity within stability limits with cardboard box container carrying rocks with a suspended transparent fishing line harness to avoid sensor interference and keep payload at safer proximity than taping it onto the drone. It was able to carry up to 350 grams but wobbled due to swinging or when directly underneath the drone’s height sensor. The drone would therefore be better used to support the robot rather than carry it due to weight limits.
During EVA 7, the robot was tested for its ability to traverse mild rocky, uneven and sloped terrain. It was successfully made to travel at a speed of 0.3 m/s for 8 meters in its closed wheel configuration and 57 meters in its open wheel configuration, while supported by a tugging string to lighten its weight closer to Martian conditions. This was across uneven offroad terrain with varied distributions of rocks between 1 cm to 3 cm in diameter. It climbed three mounds with slope angles varying upto a maximum of 20 degrees. The robot’s total scale-measured mass on Earth is about 1.5 kg. Its effective scale-measured mass reduced to around 0.9 kg when vertically tugged or supported, which is higher than its expected scale-measured mass on Mars of 0.6 kg. Therefore, we can determine that it would operate freely without the tug on Mars.
The robot will now undergo maintenance before executing another EVA in Candor Chasma to test it with diverse terrain environments, where testing its jumping and peristaltic motion capabilities will be a priority. The drone will be used in place of a tugging string to support the robot’s motion and lighten its weight such that it experiences motion similar to that which it would on Mars
EVAs: EVA 3 for Drone Capacity Testing with Suspended Payload Harness and Drone Scouting of Candor Chasma conducted from Pooh’s Corner, EVA 7 for Origami Robot Exploration Testing at Cowboy Corner

Title: Miniaturized Martian Agrivoltaics
Author(s): Eshaana Aurora
Objectives: To comprehensively test the impact of solar and artificial irradiation on crop yields within an enclosed, module-like environment. To understand the feasibility of a miniaturized agrivoltaic farm within the MDRS Greenhab.
Current Status: The mini farm has been successfully assembled in a discreet corner of the Greenhab, addressing the low humidity issue caused by a few open spots with a makeshift solution—cling wrap placed on top of pots secured by rubber bands. Notably, the preliminary results indicate that the fully shaded Kale sapling has sprouted the first few shoots, while the non-shaded ones are yet to show signs of growth. Following successful troubleshooting and error management, the arduino and sensors, including temperature, IV Tracer, and Solar irradiation sensors, are now fully operational. The next phase involves attaching these sensors to the mini farm for real-time data collection. Over the coming days, a routine will be established, wherein data will be read and uploaded to Google Drive during the communication window, and plants will be watered and monitored for continued sprouting and growth.
EVAs: 0

Title: LiDAR Scanning of Terrain
Author(s): Riya Raj
Objectives: Will use phone apps to provide accessible scans of the terrain.
Current Status: I have been using Polycam on IOS to help me get more visuals on the structures that are near the MDRS campus. The most important thing to keep in mind is to include efficiency if you want to expand. For example, our recent crew EVAs were helpful in showing me large terrain and flat terrain that could potentially be used for solar farming or other habitats! Since MDRS is a growing program, we should look into things that will help with further research! I took an image scan and LiDAR scan of Hab Ridge and the MDRS campus. This lets us know what exists and what things could be improved for development. I have been loading 150+ scans during our COMMS windows to see how we can effectively image all structures. Most scans showcase layering, formations, and structure of the terrain!
LiDAR also helps with hazard assessments to scan what large rocks could pose a threat in areas of frequent visitors. As someone who is in Civil, I would like my work to reflect in what ways we can help the Earth and people. We need to learn to adapt and mitigate solutions to the current climate change issues. Expanding the campus with more renewable sources such as solar would be helpful!

Title: Radiation on Kale:
Author: Riya Raj
Objectives: Work on sustainable methods of growing veggies using simulations in hydroponics to provide fresh nutrients for the body.
Current Status: Hydroponics is a good example of controlled agricultural practices that can help increase plant growth time rates and heath. During my time at MDRS, I have been using 12-hour intervals with a control vs. variable experiment. The variable experiment includes the addition of H2O2 with the hydroponics module to compare the plant roots and leaves. I will be conducting image scans of the roots/leaves while monitoring the water pH/temp, surrounding temp/humidity, and plant cell structure with microscope views.
Hydrogen peroxide and radiation are distinct in their effects on plants. Radiation, such as ultraviolent (UV) radiation or ionizing radiation, can lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within plant cells. Similarly, hydrogen peroxide is a reactive oxygen species. When plants are exposed to stressors like radiation or hydrogen peroxide, they may experience oxidative stress, which can cause damage to cellular components such as proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Space exploration cannot happen without understanding what makes humans thrive. Learning from many agricultural practices here on earth has helped us look into sustainable ways to support human living for long term space missions. Bioregenerative life support systems are the way to include efficiency and optimization in human health. We should look further into how the extreme microgravity environment can impact plant growth. With bioregenerative life support systems, we can learn to regenerate water, oxygen, and food needed by the astronauts. I hope to help in the field of controlled agriculture practices to help countries in regions that are unable to produce proper crops.

Title: Indoor Air Quality
Author: Riya Raj
Objectives: Use sensors to monitor air quality
Update: This project will include basic air quality sensing with an EPA Dust Particle Sensor to analyze the intensity of PM2.5 within the air. The crew was successful in changing the air filter for the hab so I will be using the old filter to test the sensor. I am still waiting for other parts for the sensors to come in. I will also be building another sensor that will help detect the CO2, Ozone, TVOC, Relative Temp/Humidity, and PM 2.5 based on a specified time frame.
The importance of air quality is imperative for life support systems here on Earth, ISS, and future life support systems maybe on the Moon or Mars. Maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial for promoting a healthy, comfortable, and productive indoor environment, as well as preventing potential long-term health effects associated with exposure to indoor pollutants. An excess of compounds or particles in the air could cause dizziness, nausea, respiratory diseases, and many other dangerous health issues.
There are many countries suffering from the impact of climate change. Some are experiencing toxic smog due to inadequate transportation methods and other sources as we know of. Learning to properly ventilate areas and keep the air clean will not only keeps us healthy, but also make the Earth happy!

End-mission Research Report – December 22nd

[category science-report]

Mars Desert Research Station
Final Research Report

Crew 288 – Phobos
Dec 9th, 2023 – Dec 23rd, 2023

Crew Members:
Commander and Crew Astronomer: Dr. Cesare Guariniello
Executive Officer: Riley McGlasson
Crew Geologist: Hunter Vannier
Crew Engineer: Jesus Adrian Meza Galvan
Health and Safety Officer: Jilian Welshoff
Green Hab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Crew Journalist: Lipi Roy


Research Projects:

Title: Noninvasive search for water
Author: Riley McGlasson
Description, activities, and results: GPR observations were taken at Watney Road, Compass Rock, Brahe Highway, and Hab Ridge. During EVA 3 two 3D GPR grids were taken at the turnoff to Watney Road (WR). One of these was a smaller 15’x15’ grid with 3’ spacing above the dry stream bed, which we used to train the rest of the EVA crew in how to conduct GPR surveys. The second WR grid (WR02) was 36’x36’ with 3’ spacing. WR02 encompassed the dry stream bed and adjacent sandy material. Six total 2D transects were also taken at three sample sites at Kissing Camel Ridge. Unfortunately, there was an error with the radar’s survey wheel, so none of these observations are usable. After EVA 3, this error was fixed, and more data was able to be collected during the remaining 3 GPR EVAs. During these, 100’ x 100’ 3D grids were taken with 10’ spacing at the survey sites, along with an additional 2D transect was taken across ~300’ of material in the same region for quicker analysis. We confirmed that the survey wheel error was fixed, and initial analysis of the 2D transect of the Compass Rock site produces reasonable velocity values for a damp sandy material. The 3D grids will be analyzed back on Earth and compared with spectroscopy data taken at the same sites.


Title: Refining orbital data with in-situ analysis
Author(s): Hunter Vannier
Description, activities, and results: Major objectives of this study were to compare grain size predictions from orbital data to in situ observations, and assess effectiveness of boulder sampling at the base of Kissing Camel Ridge in obtaining representative samples of the often out of reach stratigraphy. Both of these objectives can improve our ability to define realistic science goals and predict terrain morphology when planning missions to other planetary bodies with orbital data. Another goal was to obtain and determine origin of volcanic rocks in southern field area.
Through EVAs to Barainca Butte, Kissing Camel Ridge (east and west), Hab Ridge, Somerville Overlook, and Compass Rock, we worked to achieve these objectives. Boulder and grain size analyses were conducted during two EVAs atthe Kissing Camel Ridge, which have been compared to orbital estimates. Some grain-size estimates were accurate (ex. prediction of 1-3 cm cobbles on gravel bar), but as expected, subtleties in the orbital data were not appreciated until on foot, such as disproportionate darkening of orbital images due to cobbles on a largely light-toned sand-dominated stream bed. The effectiveness of sampling boulders at base was variable at Kissing Camel and Hab Ridge; often, the top stratigraphic unit dominated and boulders from other lithologies were not present because most of the layers had been converted to soil. When found at the base of sheer ridges, boulders from multiple units were not observed in orbital data. Additional samples of paleosols were obtained near the base of Kissing Camel W to provide further point of comparison to orbital data. Overall, sampling boulders was useful in obtaining samples from layers otherwise unreachable, but picking sites with less vs. more diversity of boulders was not accurately predicted.
We obtained spectra and samples of at least three, possibly four different igneous units (basaltic andesite, andesite, diorite) transported fluvially to the Barainca Butte area from both Henry Mountains and Capitol Reef. Near Barainca we identified a very high concentration of volcanic rocks in that area that were generally absent in regions north of Zubrin’s head. The samples are identifiable based on phenocryst population and tied to igneous units described in the Geology of Selena Quadrangle, Utah (Williams and Hackman, 1971). The more mafic extrusive rocks are most plentiful and likely sourced from Capitol Reef, and the intrusive intermediate from Henry Mountains. The fluvial pathway from source to MDRS is still not understood, along with why this area of MDRS has so many more igneous cobbles than others. We observed two 0.75 m rounded basaltic boulders, so presumably the deposition required significant energy.
Spectra and samples have also been obtained within GPR grids to complement the radar data set with spectral and geologic characterization of the top ~5 cm of unique units within each grid. Preliminary spectral analysis of a site atop Hab Ridge within grey soil devoid of plants yielded a surface crust that appeared like significantly hydrated clay, yet the subsurface that yielded the majority of material appeared to have little hydration. There was also diversity in forms and depths of gypsum, some of which showed signs of oxidation. Not only does this compliment the science goals of radar, but is an important consideration when evaluating hydration of soils at depth for in-situ resource utilization.


Figure 2. (A): Obtaining spectrum of large rounded vesicular basaltic boulder. Red arrows points to abundant igneous rocks in the vicinity, Barainca Butte in the background. (B): Sampling station containing igneous rocks with multiple lithologies.

Title: Remote sensing for ISRU
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Description, activities, and results: The goal of this project is to test the use of remote sensing performed in various locations to support advanced In-Situ Resource Utilization. In particular, assessment of mineralogy via remote sensing will provide information about material abundance. Laboratory study of thermal inertia and its correlation with bulk size (sandy vs. rocky) will add one more variable to the study. Thermal Inertia is correlated to particle size and cohesiveness of the material, which in turn suggests the most appropriate tools to effectively collect the material for processing. Water content is assessed via the analysis of the depth of absorption bands in the spectra. This year’s focus has been on consolidated clay rocks. Samples have been collected for this project in the vicinity of Barainca Butte, at the foot of Skyline Rim, and along Galileo Road between Compass Rock and Somerville Overlook. These samples will be subject to experiments related to water content.

Title: Semiconductor processing
Author(s): Jesus Meza-Galvan
Description, activities, and results: The project was focused on the feasibility of basic semi-conductor manufacturing at the station. Two main experiments were conducted to explore silicon-oxide growth, and photolithography. The goal of the first experiment was to determine if oxide growth is possible in one of the lab ovens. A set of silicon samples were placed inside Oven #1 as shown in Figure 4a. A graduated flask with 1 liter of water was placed inside the oven just beneath the samples to maintain a high moisture environment. A thermocouple was placed approximately 2 inches above the samples to read the local oven temperatures. The samples were then annealed at a maximum oven temperature of 250 °C for a total of 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Quantitative analysis of the oxide films will be performed using ellipsometry at Purdue. Qualitatively, there is no visual distinction between the samples indicating little to no oxide was formed. This is as expected given the temperature of the oven was lower than the typical growth temperature of silicon-dioxide in the range of 400 – 800 °C. In order to reliably grow oxide at the station, the oven temperatures must be increased. For the second experiment, a set of silicon samples with a photo-sensitive polymer (photoresist) was prepared prior to coming to MDRS. The laminar flow hood was outfitted to perform UV-exposure of photoresist as shown in Figure 4b. A set of UV-safety goggles was used as a filter for the overhead lamp of the hood to prevent unwanted exposure of the resist. A Dremel stand was used as a makeshift photo-aligner to hold a handheld UV lamp at a constant distance away from the sample and perform controlled UV exposures of the resist as shown in figure 4c. A set of samples with varying exposure time, and varying working distance were made. Qualitatively, the experiment produced several good exposures of a microscope calibration pattern onto the photoresist layer. The success of the procedure will be determined quantitatively by measuring the dimensions of the samples produced against a calibrated microscope at Purdue.


Figure 3. Semiconductor Processing at MDRS. a) Silicon-oxide growth experiment in Oven #1. b) Photolithography set up inside laminar flow hood. c) Photolithography exposure.

Title: Reducing stress in isolated environment

Author(s): Lipi Roy, Ryan DeAngelis, Jilian Welshoff
Description, activities, and results: The crew consulted some of the sensors brought to MDRS for this project. However, formal research was not conducted, and test surveys were not administered, because IRB approval was not received in time for the mission.

Title: Astrophotography with the MDRS WF and Solar Observatory outreach
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Description, activities, and results:
Solar Observatory: visual observations on one day with the Crew Engineer and the Journalist. Various small problems with the telescope (modified Home Station, and some components left out of place by previous crews) were solved. The observatory bottom shutter also had to be troubleshot. All days not spent on EVA were at least partly cloudy during the day, thus preventing further solar observations.
Astrophotography: MDRS-WF was used to produce high-quality photos of M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula), Leo Triplet, M42 (Orion Nebula), M1 (Crab Nebula) and some photos of smaller galaxy with quality that could be improved in postprocessing. Further WCS data are necessary to align images from the MLC-ROS16 telescope.


Title: Station monitoring
Author(s): Jesus Meza Galvan and Jilian Welshoff (proposed by Nathan Bitner – MDRS 289)
Description, activities, and results: The goal of this project is to study what information is most useful to analog astronauts during missions, as well as how this information is leveraged for day-to-day mission planning. A prototype of the sensor payload was completed which integrates temperature, humidity, VOC, CO2, and dust particle sensors with a raspberry-pi and battery package. The sensors have been coded by Purdue mission support who will remotely collect environmental data. Crew 289 will continue the project and create additional sensor payloads to place one monitoring station in each of the MSRS modules, as well as sensors on the air locks to determine if they are closed.

Title: Samples transportation with drones
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Description, activities, and results: In past missions at MDRS, drones have been used to prospect potential areas of geological interest. This conceptual project had the goal to prove the feasibility and usefulness of using a drone to transport payloads from the station to astronauts in EVA and vice versa. The capability of the drone to carry small payloads while maintaining maneuverability and safety was successfully tested before the mission. During the mission, part of the EVA to Skyline Rim (EVA #5) was spent in surveying the Hab Ridge for suitable locations for this experiment. Later, two crew members were trained in drone piloting, so as to be able to operate the small drone under the supervision of a crew member who holds a drone pilot license. During EVA #9, the drone was launched from the station with a small rock sample and a message onboard. Both items were received by the EVA astronauts, that successfully used the drone to return a rock sample to the station. The drone was then sent back with a food sample (representative of potential use of a drone to provide tools or support to astronauts on EVA), used by the EVA crew to record footage of the GPR experiment, before being flown back once more to the station.

Title: Chez Phobos
Author(s): Lipi Roy (et al.)
Objectives: Creating new recipes with shelf-stable food at MDRS
Description and Results: Crew 288 members proved that it was quite possible to create healthy, tasty recipes from shelf-stable food items at MDRS habitat. Many new recipes were successfully implemented and very much appreciated by the MDRS members. Riley’s Hab-burger, Ryan’s Pad-Thai and carrot cake, Cesare’s Italian pizza and baked ziti, Jilian’s Mujadara, Hunter’s spam fried rice and tuna-tomato pasta, Jesus’s Spanish rice, and my chickpea curry, kidney beans curry, and potato parathas; all created with minimal outside ingredients! For example, our ‘meal of the mission’ – spam fried rice was prepared using rice, dehydrated eggs, spam, dehydrated onions, dehydrated tomatoes, soy sauce, chilli peppers, salt, garlic powder, black pepper; all available in the hab!


Mid-Mission Research Report – December 16th

[category science-report]

Mars Desert Research Station
Mid-Mission Research Report

Crew 288 – Phobos
Dec 9th, 2023 – Dec 23rd, 2023

Crew Members:
Commander and Crew Astronomer: Dr. Cesare Guariniello
Executive Officer: Riley McGlasson
Crew Geologist: Hunter Vannier
Crew Engineer: Jesus Adrian Meza Galvan
Health and Safety Officer: Jilian Welshoff
Green Hab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Crew Journalist: Lipi Roy

Crew Projects:

Title: Noninvasive search for water
Author(s): Riley McGlasson
Objectives: Assess near-surface moisture in the top 10 cm of material
Current status: GPR observations were taken during EVAs 3 and 6. During EVA 3 two 3D GPR grids were taken at the turnoff to Watney Road (WR). One of these was a smaller 15’x15’ grid with 3’ spacing above the dry stream bed, which we used to train the rest of the EVA crew in how to conduct GPR surveys. The second WR grid (WR02) was 36’x36’ with 3’ spacing. WR02 encompassed the dry stream bed and adjacent sandy material. Six total 2D transects were also taken at three sample sites at Kissing Camel Ridge. Unfortunately, there was an error with the radar’s survey wheel, so none of these observations are usable. After EVA 3, this error was fixed and more data was able to be collected during EVA 6. During EVA 6 one 100’ x 100’ 3D grid was taken with 10’ spacing just NW of Compass Rock. An additional 2D transect was taken across ~300’ of sandy material in the same region. We confirmed that the survey wheel error was fixed, and initial analysis of the 2D transect produces reasonable velocity values for a damp sandy material. The 3D grid will be analyzed in the coming days.
EVAs: EVA 3 to Watney Road and Kissing Camel Ridge and EVA 6 to Compass Rock

Title: Refining orbital data with In-Situ analysis
Author(s): Hunter Vannier
Objectives: Obtain and determine origin of volcanic rocks in southern field area. Compare grain size predictions from orbital data to in situ analysis. Assess effectiveness of boulder sampling at base of Kissing Camel Ridge in reconstructing its lithology.
Current status: We have obtained spectra and samples of multiple volcanic units (basaltic, andesitic) transported fluvially to the Barainca Butte area and identified a very high concentration of volcanic rocks in that area. Now the samples need to be further characterized (phenocryst populations) and tied to volcanic units in the closest proximity to MDRS, and spectra needs to be obtained for each sample. Boulder and grain size analyses were conducted during two EVAs to the Kissing Camel Ridge, which have been compared to orbital estimates. Some grain-size estimates were accurate, but as expected, subtleties in the orbital data were not appreciated until on foot. The effectiveness of sampling boulders at base was variable, and boulders representing more variability were not observed in orbital data. Additional samples of paleosols were obtained near the base of Kissing Camel W to provide further point of comparison to orbital data.
Spectra and samples have also been obtained within GPR grids to complement the radar data set with spectral and geologic characterization of the top ~5 cm of unique units.
EVAs: Three EVAs have been performed: one to Barainca Butte (volcanic samples), and two to Kissing Camel (boulder, fluvial, paleosol samples)

Title: Remote sensing for ISRU
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Objectives: Demonstrate the use of instrumentation for structural analysis of potential locations for building on Mars
Current status: Since multiple spectra and samples have been collected in past missions, this year I am focusing on the search for kaolinite or other non-swelling clays. The largest abundance of these materials has been reported on Skyline Ledge, therefore some samples have been collected from the scree slopes of Barainca Butte and of Skyline Rim. Spectra will be collected at a later time. Another location that will be explored is the Northwestern Region (Brahe Highway to Sea of Shells).
EVAs: Samples for this project specifically collected in two EVAs: Barainca Butte (scree slope from Barainca) and Skyline Rim (material from the upper layers, Mancos Shale)

Title: Semiconductor processing
Author(s): Jesus Meza-Galvan
Objectives: Feasibility study to establish procedures for semi-conductor manufacturing at the station.
Current status: A plan of execution has been established. The project will have two main experiments. The first experiment will determine if oxide growth is possible in one of the lab ovens. Oven #1 has been identified as the best candidate for the experiment. Two sets of silicon samples will be baked at maximum temperature for a total of 8 hours. One set of samples will be baked in the atmosphere, while the second set of samples will be baked in a high moisture environment. To raise the moisture in the oven, a large pan of water will be placed on the bottom rack and will be replenished as needed. For each experimental run, a section of silicon will be broken off after 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours of growth. The oxide thickness will be measured out of sim at Purdue. For the second experiment, a set of silicon samples with a photo-sensitive polymer (photoresist) has been prepared prior to coming to MDRS. A small photolithography set-up is being prepared to expose a microscope calibration pattern onto the photoresist layer. The success of the procedure will be determined by measuring the dimensions of the test pattern against a microscope.

Title: Reducing stress in isolated environment
Author(s): Lipi Roy, Ryan DeAngelis, Jilian Welshoff
Description: IRB approval not yet received

Title: Astrophotography with the MDRS WF and Solar Observatory outreach
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Objectives: Produce high-quality photos of deep sky objects and train the crew to the use of solar observatory.
Current status:
Astrophotography: MDRS-WF produced high-quality photos of M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula) and some photos of smaller galaxy with quality that could be improved in postprocessing. WCS data are necessary to align images from the MLC-ROS16 telescope.
Solar Observatory: visual observations on Wednesday with the Crew Engineer and the Journalist. Troubleshot the telescope and the observatory. Following days spent on EVA, with return after suitable time for solar observation.

Title: Station monitoring
Author(s): Jesus Meza Galvan and Jilian Welshoff (proposed by Nathan Bitner – MDRS 289)
Objectives: The goal of this project is to study what campus information is most useful to analog astronauts during missions, as well as how this information is leveraged for day-to-day mission planning.
Current status: The sensor payload is being constructed. Temperature, humidity, VOC, CO2, and dust particle sensors have been integrated with raspberry-pi and battery package. The sensors are being coded by Purdue mission support who will remotely collect environmental data.

Title: Samples transportation with drones
Author(s): Cesare Guariniello
Objectives: Test the use of drones for transportation of samples and instruments
Current status: The transportation has been tested before the mission. During the mission, on Sol 0, the drone automatic homing system did not work. The commander will train a crew member to fly the drone, so as to be able to perform the experiment with one pilot commanding the drone from the habitat to the Hab Ridge, and the other pilot flying the drone back.
EVAs: Exploratory EVA to Hab Ridge.

Title: Chez Phobos
Author(s): Lipi Roy (et al.)
Objectives: Creating new recipes with shelf-stable food at MDRS
Current status: Three new recipes were tried with the shelf-stable food: fried rice with a twist of parmesan, Indian chickpea curry, and potato parathas. Fried rice included rice, freeze dried onions, eggs, bell peppers, oil, soy sauce and a range of spices. Chickpea curry included chickpeas, tomato powder, freeze dried onions, and a range of Indian spices. Potato parathas were a definite hit with the crew, especially as I served them after they came back from a long walking EVA yesterday. They were made by stuffing a mashed potato mixture (with spices) into whole wheat dough balls. They were then flattened and fried in minimal oil. Though leaning towards more calories, the frying adds to the taste of the potato stuffing inside the dough.
Problems faced – The potato parathas, though really liked by everyone, were very difficult to prepare with freeze-dried mashed potatoes. This was because water needed to be added to them and the extra moisture made it very difficult to roll the dough. I had to leave the rolling pin alone and start doing it by hand.
What next? – I will be trying out new recipes and adding on to the list!

Astronomy Report – December 4th

[category  astronomy-report]

Name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Crew: 287

Date: 04 December 2023


Solar Features Observed: Sunspots. I’ve spent the morning and afternoon getting used to the observatory. I’m so impressed with the capabilities of the telescope. This was my first time working with SharpCap, and I’ve managed to capture an image of a few sunspots.

Images submitted with this report: See attached.

Problems Encountered:

1. The telescope was not turning at first at all. I’ve changed the motor speed to 7 and it started moving. My guess is that motor speed 5 is not strong enough to move the telescope around, and I may need to loosen some screws first. Requesting support on this.

2. I can’t seem to find the Gamma on SharpCap. It is supposed to be under “Image Controls” but all I see is the Brightness option. Maybe the SharpCap 4.0 is different from what is in the Quick Guide, or I need to add it onto the Image Option from somewhere else. Requesting support on this.

Astronomy Report – December 5th

[category  astronomy-report]

Name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Crew: 287

Date: 05 December 2023


Solar Features Observed: Sunspots. Solar flare/prominence—I’m not completely sure which one it is. I’ve had a very good view of it on the live feed of the camera, but I haven’t managed to capture a good image of it as a .jpg file. I’ll try out the other programs tomorrow and get a better look.

Images submitted with this report: See attached.

Problems Encountered: I am not able to bring out the granules no matter what I try. It seemed simple enough looking from the video tutorials. I’ve tried tweaking the exposure, gain, brightness, and the tuners in a variety of ways. I’ve also tried tweaking the focus with each option. Any advice and directions on this?

Astronomy Report – December 7th

[category  astronomy-report]

Name: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

Crew: 287

Date: 07 December 2023


Solar Features Observed: Sunspots.

Images submitted with this report: See attached.

Problems Encountered: I still was not able to bring out the granule details. These will be my last observations at the Musk Observatory since our sim is ending today, and we’ll be receiving a documentary crew on station tomorrow. I have not had much experience on telescopes prior to this rotation, and this has been a valuable experience for me. I will continue to improve my knowledge and proficiency with telescopes from here on out. Special thanks to Peter! Cheers!

Crew 287 Mid-mission Research Report – 03Dec2023

[title Midmission Research Report – December 3rd]
[category science-report]

MDRS Rotation #287: Alpha Crew

· Commander: Enkhtuvshin “Dono” Doyodkhuu

· HSO & Green Hab Officer: Dulsaikhan “Duluu” Zorig

· Engineer: Munkh-Erdene “Muggi” Altankhuyag

· Geologist: Davaa-Ochir “Davaa” Dashbaatar

· Psychologist & Microbiologist: Tungalag “Tungaa” Baterdene

· Journalist: Munkhnaran “Sunny” Davaatseren

Date: November 27th, 2023 – December 3rd, 2023. Sol 1 up to Sol 7.

Mission Goals:

· Development of MARS-V Training Program

· Experimentation with Mars Analog Food

· Testing MARS-V Analog Suit

· Improving Mars Analog Station Structure

· Learning from MDRS Operational Structure

1. Training Program Development:

Crew members have engaged in various EVAs, showing adaptability and proficiency in Mars-simulated conditions. EVA reports indicate successful completion of set objectives, with a focus on geological and microbiological explorations.

Team dynamics and psychological resilience have been tested through diverse tasks, reflecting the ‘Challenge Takers’, ‘Science Takers’, and ‘Experience Takers’ aspects of the program.

2. Mars Analog Food:

A mix of station-provided and freeze-dried Mongolian food has been used, with crew members creatively preparing meals. Feedback on packaging, cooking instructions, and quality will contribute to improving the food system for future missions.

3. Analog Suit Testing:

Crew members have tested the MARS-V analog suits, noting ergonomic aspects and suggesting improvements, particularly in helmet design and life support systems.

4. Mars Analog Station Structure:

Daily operations have highlighted the importance of power and water management. The crew’s adaptation to station life provides valuable insights into the living conditions and necessary resources for an effective Mars station.

5. Learning from MDRS:

Crew has been closely monitoring and learning from MDRS protocols and mission support systems, which will be instrumental in developing the MARS-V station.


· Rover battery management—addressed promptly.

· The need for more efficient water usage and conservation strategies.

Physical and Mental Health:

Crew members report good physical health and high morale. Regular exercise, meditation, and team bonding activities have been beneficial.


Generally sunny with some cloud cover, aiding in EVA operations.

Next Steps:

· Continued exploration and documentation using the drone.

· Focus on geological and microbiological sample collection.

· Testing of aeroponic equipment in the Greenhab.

· Further development of MARS-V training program elements and station design.


As Crew Rotation #287 approaches the midpoint of its mission, the team has shown remarkable adaptability, teamwork, and scientific rigor. The experiences and data gathered so far are not only contributing to the immediate mission goals but also laying a solid foundation for the future development of the MARS-V analog station in the Gobi, enhancing training programs, and refining Mars analog food and suit systems. The crew remains enthusiastic and committed to maximizing the outcomes of the remaining mission days.

P.S. Attached are the EVA map tracking we have done the past week, and two edited drone videos for entertainment.

Post excursion.mp4
Drone Footage.mp4

Research Report – November 24th [status draft

[category science-report]


The CO2PROT project aims to develop an efficient, sustainable and reliable Bacteriological Life Support System for manned space exploration using purple bacteria.
Purple bacteria are known for their metabolic heterogeneity, which allows for different compounds, like wastes or in situ resources, to be envisaged as substrates.
Among these, carbon dioxide remediation is by far the most attractive option, as it traps waste into potentially edible biomass. With the carbon source defined, multiple electron sources are available, but no comparative data has ever been accumulated to rule out the better option, would it be for space exploration or terrestrial applications.
In this study, three main metabolisms leading to CO2 fixation will be compared by studying the growth of purple bacteria model Rhodospirillum rubrum in:
Photoheterotrophy: High-electron-content volatile fatty acids (Butyrate/Valerate).
Photoautohydrogenotrophy: Hydrogen.
Photoautoelectrotrophy: Electron flux (current).
The bacteria will be grown inside low-cost bag photobioreactors to assess the possibility of mass-production in altered gravity, while reducing costs of terrestrial downfalls of the study. Analog missions are therefore ideal platforms to test if such installations are feasible on other planets. Since photoheterotrophy was already studied in another analog (AATC, Poland), photoautohydrogenotrophy will be tested at MDRS as a follow-up.

Figure 1: Cultivation chamber & electrolyser. Five bag bioreactors were inoculated with purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1. The carbon source used is baking soda, and the electron source is hydrogen produced via electrolysis. The bags are constantly agitated by a rocking platform, which helps solubilize the gas phase within the freshwater media. Green (525nm), Orange (592nm) and infrared (850nm) LED strips are used to supply photons to the anoxygenic photosynthesis pigments.

In the science dome, the 5 bags inoculated with purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 are continuing their growth steadily. Turbidity (optical density), measured by spectrophotometry, increased in all photobioreactors, indicating nominal conditions. One sample is taken each 24h for each bag, centrifugated, and the supernatant is separated from the pelleted bacteria, then stored at -20°C. H2 is produced using water electrolysis (300 g of NaOH in 3 L of H2O were used). H2 is supplied ad libitum daily, since the expected consumption of H2 cannot be estimated easily.
Here is a graph showing the evolution of OD (measured at 680nm) for all 5 bioreactors.

Figure 2: OD measurements between SOL 3 and 5. Growth is visible and follows known trends. Similar experiments will then be performed at the University of Mons to check the results that were obtained.

On day 9 of the experiment, the bacteria finally showed a stationary phase, indicating that the growth of the bacteria reached its peak. Final ODs oscillate around 1.2 and 1.4, with bag n°9 showing higher growth than the others. This could be due to better lighting, better agitation, or errors in measuring the OD and contamination.

Table 1: Low-cost bag photobioreactors sampling schedule.

Mid-mission Research Report – November 19th

[category science-report]



Mars Desert Research Station Crew 286

Sunday November 12 to Saturday November 25, 2023

Report Date: 19-Nov-2023 – Sol: 07

Roger Gilbertson Commander
Donald Jacques Executive Officer, Crew Engineer
Liz Cole Health & Safety Officer, Crew Journalist
Guillaume Gégo Crew Scientist
Scott Beibin Crew Astronomer, Artist In Residence
Hugo Saugier Documentary Filmmaker

The six person crew of MDRS 286 came from individual applicants and invited people. We represent a range of cultures, talents, experiences, backgrounds, and varied interests.

Since our arrival we have received habitat orientation, EVA training, conducted extended training for radio communications, and have performed six EVAs to date.

We have started our broad range of science, technology, and art projects including:

• Bacterial growth experiment helpful for creating closed-loop life support systems
• Planning for an extended range EVA using the MASH (Mobile Analog Space Habitat) vehicle
• Technology demonstrations collecting and studying some in situ resources
• LiDAR scanning of local geological features
• Extensive videography of all aspects of habitat and EVA operations
• Daily media updates
• Daily monitoring of the environmental and life systems aboard the MASH

In general, we have proceeded efficiently and effectively. However rain began on Sol 6, cutting short our EVA #6, and introducing uncertainty for the timing of future planned exterior activities.

Additionally, we are currently hosting two visiting photographers sent by the New York Times, Andrea Orejarena and Caleb Stein. They arrived the morning of Sol 4, and have remained fully “in sim” with us for their entire stay. They successfully adapted to many challenges of using their professional camera equipment while constrained by space suits while on EVA. They plan to depart tomorrow, the morning of Sol 8.


Visiting photographers Caleb and Andrea on EVA at Marble Ritual.

PROJECT 1: CO2 Fixation by Purple Bacteria for Space Food Production: A Comparison of Three Electron Sources & Terrestrial Applications.

Lead: Guillaume Gégo

Background: Master degree in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology at UMONS, BE.

Process: The CO2PROT project aims to develop an efficient, sustainable and reliable Bacteriological Life Support System for manned space exploration using purple bacteria. Purple bacteria are known for their metabolic heterogeneity, which allows for different compounds, like wastes or in situ resources, to be envisaged as substrates.

Among these, carbon dioxide remediation is by far the most attractive option, as it traps waste into potentially edible biomass. With the carbon source defined, multiple electron sources are available, but no comparative data has ever been accumulated to rule out the better option, would it be for space exploration or terrestrial applications.

In this study, three main metabolisms leading to CO2 fixation will be compared by studying the growth of purple bacteria model Rhodospirillum rubrum in:
• Photoheterotrophy: High-electron-content volatile fatty acids (Butyrate/Valerate).
• Photoautohydrogenotrophy: Hydrogen.
• Photoautoelectrotrophy: Electron flux (current).

The bacteria will be grown inside low-cost bag photobioreactors to assess the possibility of mass-production in altered gravity, while reducing costs of terrestrial downfalls of the study. Analog missions are therefore ideal platforms to test if such installations are feasible on other planets. Since photoheterotrophy was already studied in another analog (AATC, Poland), photoautohydrogenotrophy will be tested at MDRS as a follow-up.

Left: Cultivation chamber & electrolyser. Five bag bioreactors were inoculated with purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1. The carbon source used is baking soda, and the electron source is hydrogen produced via electrolysis. The bags are constantly agitated by a rocking platform, which helps solubilize the gas phase within the freshwater media. Green (525nm), Orange (592nm) and infrared (850nm) LED strips are used to supply photons to the anoxygenic photosynthesis pigments.
Right: Hydrogen electrolysis system.

In the science dome, the five bags inoculated with purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 are growing well. Turbidity (measurable optical density), measured using spectrophotometry, increased in all photobioreactors, on average from 0.12 to 0.25, an approximate doubling in 12 hours. One sample is taken each 24h for each bag, centrifugated, and the supernatant is separated from the pelleted bacteria, then stored at -20°C. H2 is supplied ad libitum daily, since the expected consumption of H2 cannot be estimated easily.

Another shipment from the University of St. Louis of Rhodospirillum rubrum SH1 inocula arrived on Sol 4. Looking ahead to the week’s progress with the experiment, the plan is for the Rhodospirillum rubrum SH1 to be inoculated in five photobioreactor bags and fed freshly generated hydrogen.

Tables 1 & 2: Sampling schedule and spectrophotometry measurement results (OD).

Figure 2: OD measurements between SOL 3 and 5. Growth is visible and follows known trends. Similar experiments will be performed at the University of Mons to confirm these results.

– # –

PROJECT 2: Performing Extended Extra-Vehicular Activities Using a Mobile Analog Space Habitat

Lead: Donald Jacques

Background: EVA’s at MDRS are constrained by the range of the rovers, time necessary to recharge the batteries, as well as the physical strain on participating crew members, exposed to the elements during travel, much less being able to replenish food, air, water during an extended EVA.

Update: We have defined the logistics of preparing the MASH for the excursion, and are developing the EVA Requests to execute during the second half of our mission. Seating for the EVA team members in the cockpit has been completed. A preparation EVA the day before will be necessary to retract the solar panels, for departure. Then on the day of departure, suits, radios, chargers, and personnel will board. The plan is to traverse to the destination, suit up, execute the first EVA, then return to the MASH for a sack lunch and suit/radio charging time; then execute a second EVA, followed by a return to the hab in the afternoon. This is of course dependent on weather conditions.


Command section of the Mobile Analog Space Habitat (MASH)

– # –

PROJECT 3: Creating High Resolution Interactive Digital Assets of MDRS and Local Geological Sites Using 3D Scanning techniques.

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and other techniques can be used for accurately creating detailed high resolution digital twins that can be utilized for remote study of objects and landscapes. This can include examining equipment that has undergone stresses (rocket motors, fuel tanks, protective shielding) and looking at geological features. The advantage of having high resolution scans is that there can be coordination of examinations between explorers on Mars as well as remote support teams on Earth and elsewhere. Currently I have been using a variety of LiDAR devices for my own archaeological explorations.

Update: So far on the mission I have had three successful outings where I’ve used LiDAR to scan geological features. To do landscape LiDAR scanning of outdoor locations I’ve been a custom built jib consisting of a two meter long extendable pole fashioned from a modified monopod upon which is mounted are two pulleys. At the end of the far pulley I mount an iPhone 14 which is used for scanning. This enables me to have a greater reach where I am able to capture more details.

So far LiDAR scanning has happened in 3 locations on 3 separate EVAs:

• Sol 1 – EVA 1 Marble Ritual: Reconnaissance done using iPhone 14 for test scans – accompanied by 360 video.

• Sol 2 – EVA 3 – Mailbox Rock: Detailed scanning of a large area containing many interesting and colorful geological features and surface textures in the proximity of Zubrin’s Head.

• Sol 4 – EVA 4 – Clay Gathered on MDRS campus: Clay was gathered and geotagged near the Science Dome from a dry streambed. Samples will be prepared for 3D clay printing on the Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2 Goostruder.

Various technical problems were identified and solutions will be implemented on future scans, including the use of a drone camera for improved scanning results.

Image 1. Marble Ritual features. Scan by Scott Beibin

Image 2: Mailbox Rock. Scan by Scott Beibin.

Image 3. Scan of stream bed near Science Dome. By Scott Beibin.

Image 4: MDRS 286 Crew Member Scott Beibin LiDAR scanning a stream bed. Photo by Liz Cole.

– # –

PROJECT 4: Producing Functional Artifacts Using Local Clay Resources and a 3D Extrusion Printer

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: This project proposes collecting local clay and gypsum from the vicinity of MDRS and processing it into 3D printed objects intended for either durability or ecologically minded disposability. I have designed a 3D plotter/printer that will be used for this project (Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2 Goostruder).

Update: Some equipment was damaged in transit and needed some soldering and structural repairs. All is working fine now. On Sol 4 EVA #4 we gathered and geotagged the locations of clay samples taken from stream beds around MDRS near the Science Dome.

Next I will begin to crumble the samples into a powder and separate the clay from the sand, then suspend the sifted material in water and wait for it to settle. Once settled, I will pour off the water and put the remaining material into a cloth bag. I will squeeze out all of the moisture to reveal the clay. I will experiment with various thicknesses of the clay then insert into 60ml syringes which I will insert into the Goostruder on the Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2.

Geotagged soil samples

– # –

PROJECT 5: Using Local Gypsum Resources to Produce Molds for Metal Casting

Lead: Roger Gilbertson

Background: Residents of Mars will utilize local resources as much as possible. After fulfilling their original purposes, metal items brought from Earth can be melted and reformed into other useful items. The age-old techniques of mold making and metal casting will find new uses on Mars.

Update: The project originally proposed collecting local gypsum from the vicinity of MDRS, however since previous missions have located, collected and processed gypsum into plaster, in order to conserve EVA and lab time, I decided to use commercially prepared plaster instead of creating it here.

The “original” of the test component was 3D printed in PLA plastic, then pressed into a mold form containing thickening plaster. When dried, the original was removed, and the resulting plaster mold half cleaned and baked in a science dome oven at 250 °F for two hours. Next steps include: preparing the second half of the mold, then filling it with low-melting temperature non-toxic bismuth metal to make a component. If time allows, three identical pieces will be cast and assembled.

Left: Mold form with thickening plaster and PLA original. Right: Dried first mold half.

– # –

PROJECT 6: Mars Academy – A Documentary Film About ESA Scientist Claude Chipaux and the Past, Present and Future of Mars Life Sciences

Lead: Hugo Saugier

Background: When my grandfather Claude died in 2010, I discovered that he was the founder of a research program of the European Space Agency, dedicated to the question of the autonomy of the crews of long journeys in space. I then understood that the popular figure of the high-tech astronaut is gradually changing, being replaced by a new kind of galactic explorers: astronaut-farmers. For a while, I didn’t know what to do with such a heritage, until I recently decided to write a movie about Mars dreamers in which my grandfather would be one of the characters.

Update: I’ve been shooting great images of people in sim, doing their work and during their daily routine. One thing that specifically hit me up is how the group members have really different backgrounds but are complementary. In these conditions, I need to be particularly quick, organized and reactive as things go fast and people are always doing interesting things. Sound is not always easy to handle but recording walkie talkies sound is surprisingly easy and provides good results. My goal for the second part of the stay is to continue to collect as much footage as I need, which is pretty much a challenge regarding the time remaining.


Hugo filming and recording audio.


Sunrise viewed from the RAM.


Guillaume in the Science Dome.


Setting out on an EVA in a two-person electric rover.


Roger, Hugo and Guillaume rest and converse at Marble Ritual.

– # –

PROJECT 7: Simulating Acoustics of Mars for an Outdoor Martian Music Performance

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: Using recordings from the electret microphone mounted on the Supercam on the Perseverance Rover a ground truth for the modeling of acoustic processes in the environment on Mars was characterized for the first time in the audible range and beyond (20 Hz to 50 kHz). SuperCam’s microphone recorded air pressure fluctuations from 20 Hz to 12.5 kHz or 50 kHz, at sampling rates of 25 kHz or 100 kHz. Recordings of the Ingenuity rotorcraft and laser-induced sparks were used as reference sources of sound.

It was discovered that:
• The acoustic impedance of the martian atmosphere results in approximately 20 dB weaker sounds on Mars than on Earth – if produced by the same source.
• The acoustic attenuation range on Mars was discovered to be roughly between 20Hz to 20kHz.
• Two different speeds of sound were observed on Mars. Low-pitched sounds travel at about 537 mph (240 meters per second), while higher-pitched sounds move at 559 mph (250 meters per second) because of the low-pressure 96 percent CO2-dominated atmosphere (compared to 0.04 percent CO2 on Earth).
• The atmospheric pressure on Mars is about 0.6 kPa (170 times lower than on Earth).

Process: Using the data that was published in Journal Nature [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04679-0] and on the Nasa website [https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/participate/sounds] I collaborated with audio engineer John Knott to create a filter in a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that accurately simulates the way sound travels on Mars.

Update: All music, audio recording, video and other sensor gear has been assembled and tested for the Ptelepathetique musical performance. The reconnaissance EVA on Sol 6 to scout for a suitable location for the Ptelepathetique Martian Music performance located has been delayed due to dangerous conditions created by rain resulting in slippery mud around MDRS.

Because of this we will need to delay the outdoor performance which was to take place tonight (Sol7).

We plan a Ptelepathetique music performance in the science dome tonight demonstrating the simulation of sounds as would be heard in the atmosphere of Mars via the custom software filter that I created with audio engineer John Knott.

If conditions allow, we plan to do an early morning EVA tomorrow (Sol 8) for a “sunrise” music set.

Planning diagrams for the technical setup of all the gear necessary for the performance.

– # –

PROJECT 8: Documenting the MDRS Mission 286 Adventure in Words and Images

Lead: Liz Cole

Background: Life in the constraints of the Martian environment requires a shift to more sustainable life support systems such as vegan and plant based food production and building with local resources. Crew 286 of MDRS is developing various technologies to support life on Mars while addressing Earth’s most pressing environmental problems. Documenting the crew conducting their research, EVAs and life throughout the course of the mission will highlight the work of researchers at MDRS.

Update: So far I have produced posts for each Sol, giving a narrative of what happened on each Sol, documenting the progress of the crew’s experiments and projects thus far into the mission, and documenting the crew’s experiences conducting EVAs, learning comms protocols, developing resource conservation protocols inside the simulation, and other activities inside the simulation.

I have recorded interviews with Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo who explained the progress of his experiment exploring CO2 fixation by purple bacteria for space food production, and recorded interviews with Crew Artist Scott Beibin on his progress creating high resolution interactive digital assets of the MDRS habitat and facilities and local geological sites using 3D scanning techniques, and simulating the acoustics of Mars for an outdoor Martian music performance. Many crew meetings, including the practice drills of EVA communications, have also been recorded.


Looking ahead to the second half of the mission, I plan interviews with Crew Commander Roger Gilbertson, Crew Executive Officer and Engineer Donald Jacques and Crew Documentary Filmmaker Hugo Saugier. Follow up interviews with Guillaume and Scott on the progress of their experiments and projects will be done in the second half of the mission.


Interview with Mars Society Belgium, where they will host Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo, for a live conversation on the Mars Society Belgium Facebook page on Thursday November 23rd at 9am MST.

Interview with Journal des Enfants (https://www.jde.fr/) and Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo on Monday November 20th at 9am MST. This is a publication for kids aged 8 to 12, so this interview seeks to inspire young people to dream of becoming astronauts and scientists.

– # –

PROJECT 9: Evaluating Performance of Biological Life Support Components Installed within the Mobile Analog Space Habitat

Lead: Donald Jacques

Background: A Biological Regenerative Life Support System needs to provide not only environmental support for a team, but a variety of food, water processing, and waste processing. The Mobile Analog Space Habitat is equipped with a min-farm containing many species that interact in order to process a circular economy of nutrients, water, wastes, and air.

Update: Upon arrival and docking at MDRS, the MASH mini-farm was equipped with two (2) operating PhotoBioreactor with spirulina culture medium; a fish pond containing a population of approximately 55 blue nile tilapia, twelve (12) quail residing above a marsh area, 100 meal worms, 100 red wiggler worms, and a garden partially planted with food crops. This experiment represents the first time the MASH has integrated all these species in a semi-closed environment.

During the first few days of the mission each population continued to thrive, while a third PhotoBioreactor was being prepared for inoculation, additional crop seedlings were transferred from the seed trays into the media bed, and kitchen wastes were introduced to the worm bins. A noticeable odor began to appear at Sol 3, as well as increased turbidity in the fish pond. Closer evaluation revealed that the both the quail and tilapia populations were too large, and generating greater guano than anticipated for the system to absorb. A cascade failure, increasing ammonia far beyond the ability for the media bed to remediate, precipitated the loss of a total of 65 tilapia. At Mid-Mission, the quail continue to thrive, as are the crops, the worms, and the spirulina. Additionally, at Sol 4, the amount of kitchen wastes from the hab exceeded the capacity of the system to absorb.

Future remediation will begin with 1) 50% reductions in both tilapia and quail populations, 2) Increase in both worm populations by at least 200%, 3) addition of the population of Black Soldier Fly Larvae to the toilet as additional composters, 4) the addition of a two chamber sump between the marsh and the garden to facilitate transitioning the guano to the compost bins, 5) additional water volume in the sumps to increase bacterial load for ammonia processing.


Three PhotoBioreactor tubes aboard the MASH.


Enclosures for tilapia (lower left), mealworms, (middle left), and quail (upper right).


Planting beds aboard the MASH.

– # –


We look forward to continuing and completing our projects in the remaining sols we have at MDRS.

# # #

End Of The Mission Research Report – November 10th

[category science-report]

Commander: David Mateus
Executive Officer and Astronomer: Luis Díaz
Health and Safety Officer: Andrea De La Torre
Crew Engineer: Tomás Burroni
Green Hab Officer: Andrés Reina
Crew Journalist: Marina Buqueras

A team comprising individuals of Hispanic descent from various countries in Latin America, including Spain, undertook an expedition to the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). This venture holds critical significance, as it exemplifies the global nature of space exploration and marks a progressive stride toward diverse representation in astronautics. Integrating Hispanic individuals in such endeavors promotes inclusiveness and broadens the scope of talent, leveraging distinct insights and skills that varied backgrounds contribute. Additionally, this initiative acts as a beacon of motivation for traditionally underrepresented communities, spurring their participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and human space flight, thus propelling innovation and reinforcing the enduring pursuit of interplanetary exploration.

Project 1: Early Fault Detection in Power Generator Systems
The continuity of the power supply in a Martian station is critical for crew survival. This preventive and predictive maintenance for all single-point failure components within the power generation system. This strategy seeks to detect and isolate possible faults before they cause unrecoverable failures. Focusing on the critical propane power generator at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), we address the inherent challenges posed by constant vibration loads on combustion engines that degrade the parts over their lifetime. Leveraging a sensor kit comprising accelerometers and ultrasonic microphones, we capture and analyze the vibrations to construct a characteristic signature. Monitoring this signature over time enables early fault detection, providing timely alerts for necessary maintenance and preventing potential power outages.

The sensor kit was successfully placed in the generator during an Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA). This allowed the engineer to assess their fine motor skills in full EVA suit. Subsequent nightly data collection, with minor interruptions due to now resolved software errors, facilitated data collection and analysis scripts debugging. Variations in sensor kit placement on the generator during the last two nights aimed to evaluate how the position impacts results. This analysis was necessary as the largest loads on the original position could exceed the sensors’ dynamic range.

The images below show the original placement of the sensor kit in the generator, and some preliminary results of the data analysis. Figure 1.4 in particular uses a digital peak detector on the microphone data and shows the frequency of bursts in the signal, i.e. loud short-lived noises. The pronounced deltas in that plot correspond to characteristic frequencies and harmonics of specific parts and assemblies. Knowing for example the rotation speed and number of balls in the bearings, one could easily identify which of these correspond to the bearing and therefore pinpoint changes in this graph to a specific issue.

While ongoing data analysis is imperative, this experiment validates the viability of integrating such sensor devices into critical systems, offering valuable insights into performance. The collected data establishes a baseline for the generator’s behavior, serving as a foundation for future failure detection and prediction with the potential installation of permanent sensors.

Project 2: Drone-Aided Martian Geolocation through Image Recognition
During the early stages of Martian settlements, the absence of a global navigation system akin to those on Earth requires the development of robust geolocation methods. These methods serve as vital backups to ensure the safe return of crewmembers to the base after exploration missions. This proposal addresses scenarios wherein a crew is stranded beyond the reach of a drone’s operational range, rendering autonomous search and rescue impractical.

Anticipating that the vicinities surrounding the base will be meticulously photographed and mapped by satellites pre-settlement, the crew should possess a database of georeferenced images. The proposed solution entails deploying a drone from the crew’s location to capture an aerial image of the site. Subsequently, an image recognition algorithm is employed to compare and match this drone-captured image with the existing satellite image database. This process facilitates the precise determination of the crew’s location and their relative orientation with respect to the station.

The image recognition script was developed in Python using OpenCV. The first step of the process is to detect the keypoints in both images and compute their descriptors with the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. That is followed by the Brute-Force matcher to find the matches between both sets of keypoints, and Lowe’s ratio test to filter them. The next step is Homography, in which the optimal perspective transformation is calculated such that the error in the best matches is minimized. The final processing to estimate the position and heading uses the warp matrix returned by the homography step.

The first iteration of the image recognition script, designed to identify the drone image within the broader satellite imagery, underwent successful testing using data gathered during Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs) at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). The dataset comprises observations from two EVAs to Candor Chasma, one to El Dorado Canyon, one to Tharsis Montes, and one to Hab Ridge, offering diverse landscapes and lighting conditions at various times of the day to assess the robustness of the algorithm. The reference satellite images were sourced from Google Earth.

Illustrated below is an example of the algorithm’s functionality in aligning the drone image with the corresponding satellite image. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 depict the original images, while figures 2.3 and 2.4 showcase the outcomes of the processing algorithm. In Figure 2.3, the images are side by side, the drone image on the left has an arrow indicating North, and the satellite image is on the right. Green lines connect the matched keypoints between the two images. Given Mars’s lack of a uniform magnetic field for determining direction, accurate calculation of the North direction is critical for heading estimation. Figure 2.4 demonstrates the superimposition of the two images, validating the algorithm’s accurate matching and warping of the drone image. Additionally, an arrow denotes the original heading of the drone.

The primary objective of this project has been accomplished with success, affirming the efficacy of the proposed tool. Looking ahead, the subsequent phases entail the formulation of metrics aimed at quantifying the precision of the calculated fit. This leads to the implementation of an optimization algorithm to fine-tune the input parameters. This progression marks an important step towards enhancing the overall robustness and reliability of the geolocation method, ensuring its efficacy in different terrains and contributing to the safety and navigation protocols for future settlements.
Project 3: Drone search and rescue
In order to ensure the safety and effective rescue of crews facing critical situations on Mars, it is essential to enhance exploration methods and implement reliable contingency plans. Our proposed solution addresses potential issues such as crew members getting lost or trapped, or the need for alternative routes due to unforeseen obstacles. We advocate utilizing drones for crew searches and facilitating communication between the base and the crew. By incorporating drone technology, we can ensure efficient and safe exploration, even in remote and hazardous areas.

Our successful trials at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing drones for crew searches. Notably, the captured aerial images provide compelling evidence of their effectiveness. Moreover, our experiments have shown that drones can effectively navigate the Martian terrain, providing alternative routes to the crew during emergency situations like landslides. We have confirmed that both manual and automatic drone control modes are viable options, catering to the specific needs of different scenarios.

By utilizing GPS points and coordinates expressed in latitude and longitude, we have successfully charted safe routes for navigation. These coordinates were obtained through GPS waypoints and validated using Google Earth and QField during our exploration missions to Candor Chasma, El Dorado, and Hab Ridge. Examples of these routes are shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.3 shows an image of the crew during an EVA taken by the drone sent from the Hab.

The incorporation of drone technology for crew searches and the delivery of alternative routes in Martian environments represents a critical step towards enhancing the safety and security of future settlements on the Red Planet.
Project 4: Building materials for future Mars civilizations
The construction of infrastructure in space poses significant economic and technical challenges, making it imperative for future space missions to rely on simple and readily available materials for astronauts. During our stay at MDRS, a construction materials project was conducted for future civilizations, guided by studies from the University of Manchester indicating that combining Martian soil with basic materials such as starch and water can produce highly resilient concrete for use in upcoming missions. In an article published in the Open Engineering journal, they demonstrated that starch can act as a binder when mixed with simulated Martian dust, resulting in a material with properties akin to concrete.

To verify this, soil samples were collected from various areas around MDRS, as their chemical and mineralogical content closely resembles that of Mars. These samples were then combined with homemade rice starch to act as a binder when mixed with simulated Martian dust, resulting in a material with similar properties to concrete.

The rice starch was initially prepared as follows:

  1. 500 g of rice were soaked in water overnight.
  2. The water was discarded, and the rice was washed.
  3. The rice was blended with 150 ml of water.
  4. The resulting mixture was placed on filter paper to remove excess water.
  5. Once the mixture dried, it was baked at 50°C for 1 hour.
  6. The dried mixture was ground in a mortar and sifted using a 125-micron sieve.
  7. Once the starch is ready, each sample is sieved using the 125-micron sieve until 100 g of each sifted sample is obtained.

Sample number 1 was collected from Marble Ritual, at coordinates (UTM 518606,4251022), and is a whitish sample, indicating the presence of gypsum and calcium.

Sample number 2 was obtained from Marble Ritual at coordinates (518684.50, 4250937.20). The sample exhibits the presence of clods, with a mix of medium, small, and fine particles. The soil comprises approximately 50% of dense, firm clods and friable, fine aggregates. Its reddish color suggests a high iron oxide content.

Sample number 3 was taken around the HAB in front of the ScienceDome with coordinates (518204.30, 4250908.40). It consists of reddish-brown clays and shales, reddish-brown sandstones, and cemented nodules of anhydrite or carbonate, exhibiting cracking clays. In the MDRS field area, montmorillonite and nontronite clays are mostly oxidized, lacking diagenetic pyrite. Erosion has led to limited formation of large, clear fragments of regolith gypsum.

Sample number 4 was taken at Candor Chasma at coordinates (UTM 520500,4251000). It consists of thin-bedded red-brown shales with beds of nodular gypsum and cross-cutting gypsum veins. Its color suggests a low iron oxide content.

Sample number 5 was taken within the Dorado Canyon at coordinates (UTM 519371, 4248609). This sample contains very moist sand with coarse grains, rich in minerals, as it was collected from what appeared to be a water deposit. This type of soil terrain is typical in canyons.

Sample number 6 was collected in Candor Chasma at coordinates (UTM 520920,4251060), and it consists of clayey sand that readily absorbs water, with a lower quantity of iron oxide.

A pH test was conducted on all samples, and the results ranged between 4 and 5, indicating that the soil was acidic.

The process for creating the concrete bricks was as follows:
5.90 g of starch, 100 g of soil, and 25 ml of water were combined. Subsequently, the mixture was placed in a mold and microwaved with a glass of water for 3 minutes and 30 seconds for its initial drying. Finally, it was oven-dried and hardened at 125º C for 4 hours. Once the time was completed, the Martian concrete brick was removed from the mold and deemed ready. The same procedure was repeated for each of the samples.


Several concrete bricks were obtained, each crafted from one of the samples, as depicted in the following images:

As can be observed, the majority of the samples resulted in resilient concrete, except for sample number 2, which broke upon exiting the oven, and sample number 5, which, due to its characteristics, was impossible to create. The best concrete samples were 1 and 4, exhibiting notable strength upon touch.

The study of the concrete samples will continue in Mexico, where further tests on strength, hardness, compression, and rebound hammer, among others, will be conducted.
In conclusion, the characteristics of the MDRS soil are suitable for creating construction materials using simple and readily available ingredients. The combination of simulated Martian dust, starch, and water has proven to produce a robust material with properties akin to conventional concrete. This innovative approach can potentially simplify and reduce the cost of future space missions, paving the way for infrastructure construction on the red planet.

Project 5: Methodology for the Characterization of the Social Implications of Confinement and Isolation in Analog Martian Missions: A Theoretical Approach
With the aim of conducting a sociological and anthropological analysis of the written material, the approach to the ethnographic immersion was based on the conceptualizations of Émile Durkheim and Michel Foucault regarding the sacred and the profane and power-knowledge relationships, respectively. These theoretical perspectives were considered relevant as they explain essential elements that gain significant meaning in the review of "everyday" processes, and through their review and understanding in the context of analogous missions, they allow for the consolidation of approaches on how upcoming processes these factors must be considered essential in reviewing the success or failure of a mission. Moreover, in long-term space travel projects they will provide insight into how norms, laws, hierarchies, punishment systems, and various elements that contribute to the organization of human groups in extraplanetary scenarios may be established.

The construction of such categories occurred as patterns of regularities and singularities in the rutine of the crew could be identified. Considering the differences and similarities in the composition team according to the origin of the participants, their professions, their affinity for each other, mission objectives, and other diverse factors, we established that the study of social processes within these scenarios could be conducted using basic cross-cutting variables that organize what occurred within a specific reference framework identified by us.

Accordingly, the categorization exercise was carried out through the establishment of two essential elements present during the mission, which will be called basic categories, which are in turn detailed in light of seven specific variables that will be placed as subcategories, as they are encompassed in the definitions of a larger set. Thus, the scheme of variables used for analysis can be presented as follows:

• Basic category: group cohesion.
o Subcategories: unofficial activities; adverse situations.
• Basic category: sacred-profane.
o Subcategory: ritual; routine; celebration-festivity; normativity; symbolic.

The categorization of social processes into basic and subcategories has proven to be a robust analytical framework, particularly effective in the context of space missions, which are akin to high-stakes, isolated societies. The variables identified – including unofficial activities, adverse situations, rituals, routines, celebrations, normativity, and symbolic elements – serve as fundamental building blocks for understanding and shaping the social fabric of long-term space travel.

Project 6: Techniques for increasing the Signal-Noise ratio in the processing of Deep Space Images
Capturing deep space objects through telescopes and dedicated astrophotography cameras has faced challenges due to inherent restrictions. Objects emit in various wavelengths, requiring extensive light accumulation. This project addresses these limitations, proposing innovative methods to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
The project introduces three key methods:

Inclusion of Satellite-Traced Photos: Photos with satellite traces are not discarded if they don’t interfere with the object of interest. Stars are separated, and digital correction of trails preserves valuable information.

Luminance Channel Switch: In nebulas with high hydrogen alpha concentration, this channel replaces conventional luminance. This technique provides a broader detail base, enhancing the final image quality.

Variant of Method 2 – Hydrogen Alpha Channel Use: The hydrogen alpha channel is used instead of the red channel or both combined, avoiding luminance. This combination offers greater detail and a wider contrast range in specific celestial objects.
The proposed methods underwent intensive testing over a two-week period, capturing diverse deep space objects. Results were highly successful, demonstrating a significant signal-to-noise ratio improvement and enhanced astronomical detail representation.

Targets captured and processed using the methods explained above:
Veil Nebula
Orion Nebula
Pacman Nebula
Helix Nebula
Horsehead and Flame Nebulas
Rosette Nebula
Triangulum Galaxy

* Extra pictures: Sun, taken with the Musk Solar Observatory

This project identifies effective strategies to overcome traditional limitations in deep space object capture. The inclusion of satellite-traced images, selective channel switching, and luminance method variants prove promising. Findings open new perspectives for the astrophotography community, providing practical and efficient solutions to enhance image quality in challenging light conditions or situations in which very little light time was accumulated.

Project 7: Generation of 3D maps and orthomosaics of explored canyons to obtain geographic information and identification of access routes in EVA’s using Drones
Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) are integral to analog simulation missions like those at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). However, navigating canyons during EVAs poses challenges due to unclear access routes. To address this, we proposed leveraging advanced technologies, including drones and 3D modeling, to map and optimize these routes.
The project utilized drones to capture images for creating 3D models, orthomosaics, and digital elevation models. Areas of interest were programmed from a habitat-based web platform, establishing a route plan for automated drone flights. Post-capture, images underwent processing for stitching and point cloud generation, forming the basis for 2D and 3D graphics. The resultant graphics were then used for succeeding EVAs performed by the team, carrying with them digital maps previously generated and carefully planned.
Results and Conclusions:
The project successfully mapped three canyons, Candor Chasma, El Dorado, and Tharsis Montes, providing detailed views and essential data for estimating distances and travel times. This approach enhances safety by identifying optimal access routes. The automated flight plan execution from the web platform proved efficient and easily applicable. The integration of geospatial analysis tools facilitated planning and demonstrated the potential of these technologies in analog environments, supporting efficiency and safety in rugged terrain exploration during EVAs.

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