Crew Photos Dec 31st
Daily Photos – December 30th
Crew Photos – December 27th
Hi MS,These are the pictures we took today. The pic from today is "Hard weather at Mars"
Crew Photos – December 26th
The pic of the day is "The dome under the mist"
Crew Photos Dec 25th
Crew 201 Photos:
Receive our pictures. The one we choose as picture of the day is “Christmas Surprise”
Crew Photos – December 24th
Picture of the day is "Merry Christmas"
Crew Photos – DECEMBER 23rd
Dear Mission support,
We are sharing with you the pictures of this our Sol 8. The picture of the day is named HERE COMES THE SUN taken at Musk Observatory.
Crew Photos – December 22nd
The picture of the day is “On toy”
Editors note:
In Spanish, Donde estoy? (Where am I? ) is sometimes shortened to ‘On ‘toy?
Crew Photos – December 21st
These are our pictures. Pic of the day "Report of the day".
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