EVA Report – February 5th

Crew 310 EVA Report 05-02-2025

EVA # 05

Author: Mònica Roca i Aparici

Purpose of EVA: Installing and fixing the Corner Reflector plates on the already installed structure. Install the GNSS antenna centred within the reflector and connected to the coaxial cable set on EVA # 02.

Start time: 08:15

End time: 12:00

We exited the base from the RAM and walked slowly uphill to the concrete patch, with the Corner Reflector plates. It was very windy so we began checking the structure, bolts and screws that we installed yesterday. We fixed one extra bolt and proceeded to prepare the tensors that will be attached to the plates ensuring its robustness.
Then we proceed assembling the plates upside down to finally mount the reflector on top of the structure mounted yesterday.
Later we fixed the tension pegs to the ground.
While we were working on the tensor pegs, Helena went to take pictures of the solar panel experiment located east of the observatory.
Finally we mounted the GNSS antenna, attached to a stick, on the corner reflector vertex, to measure its position. And we connected it to the coaxial cable that we set on EVA # 02.
Then the four of us entered the RAM. Overall, the EVA was a success and the reflector will likely be finished in the next EVA.

Destination: 20 meters NW the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 5185000 E, 4252000 N

Participants: 4: Mònica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) (EVA Leader), Helena Arias (Engineer), Ari Farrés (Commander), Marta Farrer (Documentary Filmmaker).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Walk up the little hill behind the HAB (20 meters NW).

Mode of travel: walking.

EVA Report – February 5th

Crew 310 EVA 06 Report 05Feb2025

EVA # 06

Author: Dr. Marina Martínez (Geologist and GreenHab Officer)

Purpose of EVA:

  • Collect geologic samples (Marina Martínez, Geologist and GreenHab Officer).
  • Explore the Valles Marineris area (Marina Martínez, Geologist and GreenHab Officer).
  • Take pictures and make drawings of landscapes and rock formations to better document the children’s book’s illustrations (Anna Bach, Artist and Executive Officer).
  • Download sensor data for solar power (Estel Blay, Health and Safety Officer).
  • Around the base: Take pictures for future optical analyses of the hotspots of the structural solar panel experiment (Estel Blay, Health and Safety Officer).

Start time: 14:15

End time: 16:45

Though our EVA request detailed 4 crew members, one of our crew members decided to stay in the HAB because she was feeling tired and preferred to rest. This was cleared with Mission Support beforehand, and approved. We took the Perseverance and Curiosity and drove the main road to the north direction (Cow Dung Corner 0110) until we found the intersection with Brahe Hwy 1572. We parked there and explored the area over a radius of 300 meters approximately in the west direction.

Due to a failure in the batteries of the Vanta X-ray Fluorescence analyzer, we were not able to test the instrument during the EVA. Therefore, we brought regular geologic tools, such as a hammer, a small shovel to collect soil, a magnet, a scale, and other tools. We collected a variety of lithologies that will be analyzed tomorrow in the science dome using the two instruments that are installed over there, the Vanta and the Spectroscout.


  • 300 meters W Valles Marineris
  • 20 meters E the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4255000 E, 519000 N

Participants: Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer), Anna Bach (Executive Officer), Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: We drove Curiosity and Perseverance north the Cow Dung Road, up to the intersection with Brahe Hwy 1572. We parked there and walked around the west of the area, in a 300 meters radius.

Once back to the Base, Estel Blay walked south the HAB where the solar panels are located (20 meters E).

Mode of travel:
We used the rovers Perseverance (Marina Martínez and Estel Blay) and Curiosity (with Anna Back). We walked around Valles Marineris and the Base.

EVA Report – February 6th

Crew 310 EVA Report 06-02-2025

EVA # 08

Author: Estel Blay

Purpose of EVA: The goal of this EVA is to create a large-scale art piece, which will be captured by two different satellites on the morning of February 8th.

Start time: 1:30pm

End time: 4:15pm

Narrative: The crew depressurized through the main entrance to the Hab. They also used the RAM to extract some of the materials needed for the deployment of the art piece. The crew utilized two rovers to travel to the Kissing Camel Ridge area, which was scouted during the morning EVA. Due to high winds, it was not possible to deploy the large-scale art piece in a single EVA. Following the morning scouting exercise and considering the challenges encountered during EVA #1 in creating the large-scale art piece, the crew decided not to proceed with extending the fabric of the art piece, as recommended by mission control. The crew instead focused on understanding the structural concept of the large-scale art piece and will finalize the work on the same day that the satellites overfly the area.

Destination: Before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge W.

Coordinates: 518000 E , 4249550 N

EVA Participants: Estel Blay (HSO & Scientist) (EVA Leader), Ariadna Farres (Commander & Astronomer), Anna Bach (Executive officer & Artist) and Helena Arias (Engineer).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: driving.

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Spirit (Ariadna Farres and Anna Bach) and Perseverance (Estel Blay and Helena Arias).

EVA Report – February 6th

Crew 310 EVA Report 06-02-2025

EVA #: 7

Author: Helena Arias Casals

Purpose of EVA: Installation of guy wires in the Corner Reflector (wind is expected on Friday so this should be done for safety). Scouting the Kissing Camel area for the large-scale art piece.

Start time: 8:50 am

End time: 11.45 am

Narrative: The crew depressurized through the main entrance to the Hab. They first added two guy wires to the Corner Reflector and tried to attach the third one without success due to a size issue. The crew utilized two rovers to travel to the Kissing Camel Ridge area, which was scouted during the EVA. After tedious analysis of the situation, they failed to install a test line of fabric for the large-scale art piece due to the wind gusts. Then, further observations and measures were taken to understand and simplify the large-scale art piece, continuing this work during EVA #8.

Destination: Destination: 20 meters NW the HAB. Then the north area of the Kissing Camel Ridge W.

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 5185000 E, 4252000 N, and 518000 E, 4249550 N

EVA Participants: Mònica Roca i Aparici (Mission Specialist) (EVA Leader), Helena Arias (Engineer), Ariadna Farrer (Commander), Estel Blay (Health and Safety Officer).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Walk up the little hill behind the HAB (20 meters NW). After the wires installation, drive on Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: walking to the first destination, then driving.

EVA Report – February 7th

Crew 310 EVA Report 07-02-2025

EVA #: 9

Today’s Date: 07-02-2025

Author: Dr. Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker)

Purpose of EVA:

  • Install the third guy wire in the Corner Reflector (Mònica Roca, Mission Specialist).

  • Take images of the solar panel experiment located east of the observatory to check the state of the dust.

  • Map the geologic layers around the MDRS station and collect samples in Marbel Ritual with regular geologic tools (Marina Martínez, Crew geologist).

  • Take images of Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer) collecting samples for one of her projects (Jennifer García, Crew Journalist).

  • Take images of windy landscapes and the EVA’s crew members working for their purposes (Marta Ferrer, Crew documentary filmmaker)

Start time: 09:15

End time: 12:40


First, we went up to the hill next to the station where the reflector is located. Mònica Roca installed the third guy wire, while Marina Martinez collected some geological samples of Butte. Jennifer García made an interview with Mònica Roca about the reflector.

After that, we took the images of the solar panel experiment located east of the observatory to check the attached dust. Later, we walked towards Marble Ritual and we explored this location over a 200 meters radius approximately in the north direction. Marina Martinez collected more geological samples to be studied in the Science Dome.

Marta Ferrer, the documentary filmmaker, took images of the landscapes around and the crew working and exploring.

Destination: MDRS station, Marble Ritual

Coordinates: 425100 N, 518700 E

EVA Participants: Mònica Roca (Crew Engineer), Jenny Garcia (Crew Journalist), Marina Martínez (Geologist and Greenhab Officer), and Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker).

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: No Rovers

Mode of travel: walking

EVA Report – February 8th

Crew 310 EVA Report 08-02-20205

EVA #10

Author: Anna Bach

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to finalise the macro piece of art right before the satellite passed at 11:30 AM. We also wanted to record it with a drone from above.

Start time: 7:40AM

End time: 11:55AM

Narrative: We arrived early in the morning to the location we were planning to unfold the macro piece of art. In the previous days we had set up the references so that the unfolding was straightforward. Fortunately, there was no wind at all, and we could unfold the fabric without a problem. By 10:00AM everything was ready for the 1st satellite pass, at 10:08AM. The next satellite pass was set at 11:30AM. Between 10 and 11:30, Mònica flew the drone above the piece of art and recorded it. Marta also recorded many parts of the process. At 11:30AM there was still no wind, so the piece of art stayed still without incident. At 11:40 we started packing and came back to the base.

Destination: before crossing Kissing Camel Ridge W.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000 E , 4249550 N

Participants: Anna Bach (Executive officer & Artist) (EVA Leader), Estel Blay (HSO & Scientist), Marta Ferrer (Documentary Filmmaker), Mònica Roca (Mission specialist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road 0110.

Mode of travel: driving

EVA Report – January 2nd

Crew 306 EVA Report 02-01-2025
EVA # 12
Author: Elizabeth Howard
Purpose of EVA: The first purpose of this EVA was to collect data for Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt’s DRONE project. Flight tests were planned and carried out for the Drone/Li-DAR system during this EVA. Additionally, this EVA allowed Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard to continue taking EMF meter readings during the time the crew was out.
Start time: 10:02 AM
End time: 13:18 PM
Narrative: After driving over to the EVA location, the EVA crew headed to the White Rock Canyon area, where Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt and Crew Engineer Keegan Chavez made four DRONE flight tests to take data. After this, the crew began walking in the direction of Barrainca Butte. Along the way, Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard set up the EMF meter, took a soil sample for reference, and left the instrument to log data for the duration of the EVA. The EVA crew stopped partway to Barrainca Butte, where five more flight tests were conducted with the Drone/Li-DAR system. Finally, the crew made their way to the base of Barrainca Butte, where they set up for DRONE flight tests; however, after beginning the first flight at this location, the DRONE experienced a hardware failure that terminated flights at this location. Following this, the EVA crew headed back to MDRS, picking up the EMF meter along the way. Crew Health and Safety Officer Ryan Villarreal acted as CAPCOM.
Destination: White Rock Canyon, Barrainca Butte
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): White Rock Canyon (4247500, 520500) and Barrainca Butte (4247500, 519000)
Participants: Rodrigo Schmitt, Keegan Chavez, Elizabeth Howard
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: The team drove south along Cow Dung Road and parked the rovers near (4247500, 520000), between Barrainca Butte and White Rock Canyon. The team first went east to White Rock Canyon, attempted to take Li-DAR scans, then traveled west on foot to the base of Barrainca Butte to perform more scans.
Mode of travel: Driving and walking

EVA Report – December 27th

Crew 306 EVA Report 27-12-2024
EVA # 06
Author: Elizabeth Howard
Purpose of EVA: The first purpose of this EVA was to collect samples for Crew Commander Jesus Meza’s in-situ resource utilization project and take magnetic readings for Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard’s project. The other goal was so Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt could perform flight tests of the Drone/Li-DAR system.
Start time: 9:40 AM
End time: 13:00 PM
Narrative: The EVA crew headed out towards Skyline Ridge, trying to make good time in order to flight test before the wind picked up too much to fly. About a third of the way down Sagan Street, Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt and Crew Health and Safety Officer (HSO) Ryan Villarreal began setting up the Drone/Li-DAR system for flight testing just off the side of the Sagan street. Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard walked to a spot slightly further down Sagan Street to set up the EMF meter, leaving it to log data. At the first location, the DRONE performed three flight tests before the EVA crew packed up and headed down to the base of Skyline Ridge. At Skyline Ridge, Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard collected and labeled samples for Crew Commander Jesus Meza’s research project. Meanwhile, Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt and Crew HSO Ryan Villarreal began setting up and flight testing the DRONE. After performing two flight tests at the base of the Ridge, the crew had exactly enough time to get back the MDRS by the designated EVA end time.
Destination: Skyline Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 4251500E, 515000N
Participants: Ryan Villarreal, Rodrigo Schmitt, Elizabeth Howard
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: EVA team left the HAB and traveled on foot towards North Ridge, then took the collapsed road upwards to Hab Ridge (4251500, 517750). Instead of following the trail all the way to Hab Ridge, the crew traveled west along Sagan Street towards Skyline Ridge (4251500, 515000) to place the EMF meter for datalogging and collect soil samples along the planes at the base of the cliff. The Drone/Li-DAR system was flight tested about a third of the way down Sagan Street and at the base of Skyline Ridge.
Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – December 28th

Crew 306 EVA Report 28-12-2024

EVA # 07

Author: Ryan Villarreal

Purpose of EVA: Search for iron in the Eos Chasma for Crew Commander Jesus Meza’s project, as well as scout potential drone launch sites for EVA #08 on 29/12/2024.

Start time: 10:00

End time: 13:46

Narrative: The EVA Crew stepped into the airlock at exactly 10:00 and proceeded to drive Perseverance and Opportunity North along Cow Dung Road until reaching the starting location just north of Cowboy Corner. The crew dismounted the rovers and began traversing through the long and winding ravine for approximately 2.5 miles. During this trek, the crew continuously scanned for potential iron-containing rocks along the waterway and marked coordinates of feasible drone launch locations to be used in EVA #08. The crew managed to hike 3/4 of the way to the destination before turning around due to time constraints. The crew returned to the parked rovers and drove back to MDRS, arriving prior to the requested time. From this EVA, multiple drone sites were marked for EVA #08. Further, 10 hematite-type samples were collected for evaluation back at the science dome to determine the feasibility of extracting iron from the iron oxide within them, and soil samples from the rich riverbed were collected to extract raw iron.

Destination: Eos Chasma at (521750E, 4256000N), however, turned around at (520712E, 4255411N) due to time.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Rovers were parked at (518250E, 4253750N), and the crew hiked to (520712E, 4255411N) before turning around due to time constraints.

Participants: Crew Commander Jesus Meza, Crew Engineer Keegan Chavez, and Health and Safety Officer Ryan Villarreal

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road taken North past Cowboy Corner. Rovers were parked on the road at (518250E, 4253750N) and the crew proceeded on foot Northeast through a riverbed to the chasma at (519500, 4254000).

Mode of travel: Rovers along Cow Dung Road from the MDRS campus until disembarking at (518250E, 4253750N) and proceeding on foot.

EVA Report – December 29th

Crew 306 EVA Report 29-12-2024
EVA # 08
Author: Elizabeth Howard
Purpose of EVA: The first purpose of this EVA was to perform flight tests on DRONE for Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt’s research. Additionally, Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard took EMF meter readings from Eos Chasma, and a sample was taken from the base of the chasma to bring back to Crew Commander Jesus Meza.
Start time: 10:00 AM
End time: 14:32 PM
Narrative: After heading towards the chasma following the same route that yesterday’s EVA team took, the EVA crew eventually stopped at a flat enough area for flight testing the DRONE system. Here, the Drone/Li-DAR was flight tested twice by Crew Journalist Rodrigo Schmitt and Crew Engineer Keegan Chavez. During this time, Crew Geologist Elizabeth Howard found a location to leave the EMF meter, allowing it to log data for several hours while the crew carried on with the EVA. Along the way to the base of the chasma, the EVA crew stopped at two more locations to flight test the DRONE, flying it for one and two tests respectively. The chasma base proved difficult to reach due to the depth of the (currently dried up) riverbed, which cuts back and forth across the terrain, adding switchbacks to the distance that had to be traveled the closer the crew got to the base. However, the EVA crew was able to get to the base of Eos Chasma to collect a sample for Crew Commander Jesus Meza before heading back. Crew Health and Safety Officer Ryan Villarreal acted as CAPCOM.
Destination: Eos Chasma
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 521750E, 4256000N
Participants: Rodrigo Schmitt, Keegan Chavez, Elizabeth Howard
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: From MDRS, the crew drove north up Cow Dung Road to coordinates (518250, 4253750). The rovers were parked there along the side of the road. EVA crew then walked east along the creek bed that feeds into the entrance of Eos Chasma at (519500, 4254000). They walked along the inside of the canyon, reaching the base of the chasma (521750, 4256000) and taking a sample before heading back along the same route
Mode of travel: Driving and walking

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