EVA Report – February 14th

Crew 240 EVA Report 14-02-2022

EVA #15

Author: François Vinet

Purpose of EVA: taking drone shots of specific areas in Moon Overlook.

Start time: 9:40

End time: 12:36

Narrative: We firstly changed the batteries of our experiments (LOAC, Weather station, Wind mill). This took approximately 20 minutes because of small problems. Then we drove to Moon Overlook (approximately 15 minutes) and walked a little bit among the Yellow Moon and to the Snake River. Everything went right and the drone shots are amazing. Before going back to the Hab, we freed a mouse but it directly hid in the wheel of a rover and we couldn’t remove it from there. Too bad…

Destination: Moon Overlook

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 516500, 4254500

Participants: François Vinet, Marion Burnichon, Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110, Brahe Hwy 1572, Brahe Hwy 1575

Mode of travel: by rover and by foot

EVA Report – February 17th

Crew 240 EVA Report 17Feb2022

EVA # 18

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Standard battery replacement for our atmospheric experiments. Following 3D mapping of the area near Hab Ridge a little North of North Ridge, two EVAs will be performed to check the performance of crew members based on the use of these 3D maps for EVA prep to ascend the mapped area.

Start time: 9:50

End time: 11:43

Narrative: Battery replacements went well as usual, and then the EVA team proceeded to attempt a climb of Hab Ridge as part of an experiment to assess the value of 3D mapping to EVA preparation. Climb went well, and team returned early after all objectives had been met.

Destination: Hab Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518500 4251500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, François Vinet, Julie Levita, Marion Burnichon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 16th

Crew 240 EVA Report 16Feb2022

EVA # 17

Author: François Vinet

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries of our scientific equipment, exploring the Kissing Camel area, with a particular objective of observing, photographing, and possibly collecting samples of petrified wood on the Western part of the area.

Start time: 9.45
End time: 11.45

Narrative: We finally had the EVA happen without one member. Battery change on the atmospheric experiments went nominally. The EVA went well, we found some beautiful pieces of petrified wood. Then we walked a little bit on Kissing Camel where the view was beautiful despite the wind that blew a lot. The headset of one member fell but we still were able to communicate easily with gestures, and we were home early with all objectives fulfilled.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000, 4249500

Participants: François Vinet, Clément Plagne, Maxime Jalabert

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: by rover and by foot

Crew 240 EVA Report February 15th

Crew 240 EVA Report 15Feb2022

EVA # 16

Author: Maxime Jalabert

Purpose of EVA: Drone flights over Candor Chasma, changing batteries of atmospheric experiments.

Start time: 9h30

End time: 12h30

Narrative: After changing the batteries of the atmospherics experiments, we went to Candor Chasma to do some drone shots. We ended the EVA one hour before planned time because of some aches from crew members, general fatigue, and because objectives had been satisfactorily met.

Destination: Candor Chasma, Exploration Zone G

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 522000 4251000

EVA Participants: Maxime Jalabert, Julie Levita, Pierre Fabre, Clément Plagne

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road by rover, followed by Stream Bed Connector and onward by foot

Mode of travel: Rover, Foot

EVA Report

Crew 240 EVA Report 13Feb2022

EVA # 14

Author: Clément Plagne

Purpose of EVA: Replacement of batteries for scientific experiment and installation of two others that weren’t functional at the beginning of the mission.

Start time: 11:05

End time: 12:00

Narrative: All events occurred according to plan, and experiments are well installed and stable but may need to be retrieved in coming days in case of very high winds.

Destination: Crossing between Cow Dung Road and Entrance Road

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 300, 425 0500

Participants: Clément Plagne, Marion Burnichon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers

EVA Report – February 12th

Crew 240 EVA Report 12Feb2022

EVA # 13

Author: Maxime Jalabert

Purpose of EVA: 3D Mapping, drone shots of the EVA area, and changing batteries for experiments.

Start time: 9:35

End time: 13:20

Narrative: This EVA was surely one of the best for us. The 3D Mapping went well (approx. 30 mins) and we took some drone shots of the area while we were on the crest (see photos). There were a lot of martians with human shapes on the road but we avoided any contact.

I noticed that the battery of Perseverance was running out quite quickly compared to Spirit and Curiosity last time, so if we need to go to an other position that far from the station we will surely use Spirit and Curiosity.

Destination:Special Region, exploration zone D

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000, 425600

Participants: Maxime Jalabert, Marion Burnichon, Pierre Fabre

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 11th

Crew 240 EVA Report 08-02-2022

EVA # 12

Author: Julie Levita

Purpose of EVA: Exploration and looking out for interesting features for 3D mapping. Changing batteries on atmospheric experiment

Start time: 9:40

End time: 12:05

Narrative: Everything went great! The landscape was beautiful and very interesting. We think it is a good spot to try some 3D mapping with the drone. We were able to change out the battery for the atmospheric experiment without any problem.

Destination: Lillith Canyon, Exploration zone D (through Special Region, Exploration Zone C)

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 000, 425 600

Participants: Julie Levita, Clément Plagne, Francois Vinet, Maxime Jalabert

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 10th

Crew 240 EVA Report 08-02-2022

EVA # 11

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Replacing batteries for atmospheric experiment, performing climb of North Ridge with updated 3D mapping data, this time with the remainder of the crew for additional data from our biometrics tools

Start time: 10:26

End time: 12:15

Narrative: Everything was fine, no issues were noted when replacing batteries. Climb occurred nominally, except for one crewmember with poor ventilation in their suit. Crew returned early thanks to more efficient climbs than planned.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 500, 425 0500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, Marion Burnichon, Julie Levita, François Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 9th

Crew 240 EVA Report 09Feb2022

EVA # 9

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Change of batteries for the atmospheric experiment, and carrying out EVA based on 3D maps for summiting of the North Ridge

Start time: 10:01 am
End time: 11:22 am

Narrative: Battery change was carried out nominally. The ascent went extremely well, aided by the 3D maps, which have proved a very valuable asset, and allowed us to return much earlier than previously estimated.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 500, 425 0500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, Maxime Jalabert, Clément Plagne, Marion Burnichon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 07th

Crew 240 EVA Report 07-02-2022

EVA # 8

Author: Marion Burnichon

Purpose of EVA: Battery change on atmospheric experiment, Exploration for Hab view

Start time: 9:30am

End time: 11:30

Narrative: Changed the batteries on the atmospheric experiment and checked it was behaving as expected. Brought back the rovers to the Hab. Started walking towards North Ridge and turned left to go up to Hab Ridge. Walked along to have nice views of the Hab. Captured some nice photos with camera and drone. Habcom also managed to take pictures of us from the kitchen window while on the Hab Ridge.

Destination: North and South Hab View

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000 425000

Participants: Marion Burnichon, Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita, Francois Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road, Cow Dung Road
By foot : 1103, Hab Ridge Road

Mode of travel: Rovers (Perseverance and Curiosity) and foot

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