EVA Report – December 18th

Crew 305 EVA Report 18-12-2024

EVA # 10

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Stream measurements, samples, rover observations, and media day.

Start time: 12:45 hr

End time: 15:00 hr

Narrative: Ian led the EVA with the accompaniment of Hunter, Spurha, and the media team. We took a bit more time than usual to get to our location south of Kissing Camel Ridge (KCR) for some great shots of Dhruv in the rover by the film crew. We departed from the Hab at about 12:55 hr with Perseverance, Spirit, and Opportunity at 296.2 hr, 258.3 hr, 197.8 hr (respectively), and 100% battery for all. We made our way south through the gap of KCR and stopped the rovers where the main stream cut through the road perpendicularly, a little east of Robert’s Rock Garden. We then disembarked the rovers and headed west towards the Rock Garden. Spruha and Ian began taking stream width measurements while Hunter took riverbed sand samples to see if they would match paleosol on cut banks upstream. As we conducted our field work, Dhruv asked us questions about why we were taking samples/measurements, where we were, and what we expected to find from our work, which we happily answered. After we took some samples and measurements west of the stream, we headed along it and got some measurements of tributaries to the northeast, this time with help from Dhruv. We then headed back to the rovers and drove them back through KCR. Dhruv’s film team got a good shot of him and Ian coming through the gap on Perseverance. Because we had enough time, we stopped a little north of the ridge to get a few more samples and measurements and stumbled upon someone’s used campfire circle. After we conducted all the field work we needed, we headed back to the Hab. At the end of the EVA, Perseverance was at 296.8 hr and 93% battery, Spirit was at 258.6 hr and 90% battery, and Opportunity was at 198.3 hr and 87% battery.

Destination: Robert’s Rock Garden & North of Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): As far west as 518189E, 4248992N; as far east as 518782E, 4249214N. Stopped at 518313E, 4249626N for sampling and measurements on the way back.

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Spruha Vashi, Hunter Vannier, Dhruv Khullar & Film Crew

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road south through Kissing Camel Ridge

Mode of travel: Rover to about 518522E, 4249136N & walking

EVA Report – December 19th

Crew 305 EVA Report 19-12-2024

EVA # 11

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Stream measurements, samples, and observations on rover improvements.

Start time: 10:00 hr

End time: 13:24 hr

Narrative: Ian led the rest of the Spool Kids (Rashi and Spruha) on the EVA today. We took Opportunity and Spirit out to Zubrin’s Head and White Rock Canyon. At the start of the EVA, the rovers had 198.3 hr and 258.6 hr, respectively and 100% battery each. We headed south through Kissing Camel Ridge and past Zubrin’s Head. We then got out of the rovers and took some observations on Herme’s tire performance in different terrains of the main ephemeral stream that flows nearby (note it was only with a single tire; Hermes is still not operational). As Spruha and Rashi took those observations, Ian took fine-grain sand samples within the stream for Hunter. We then headed SE along the main channel until we came to a large tributary that flows from the NE. The team climbed the shallow slope a good way up taking a few width measurements along the way. Whenever we took a measurement, Spruha wanted to time how long it took Ian to take one by himself (with a rock holding one end of the tape) vs how long it took with Rashi helping. This was done to better understand how a rover could help astronauts in the field. For meaningful, robust time comparisons, we had to spool up the measuring tape in between Ian taking a measurement by himself and doing it with Rashi’s help (hence the name Spool Kids). After a few measurements, we headed back to the rovers and drove them south to White Rock Canyon. We took some more timed measurements here as well as another fine-grained sand sample for Hunter. We did not have time to head to Barrainca Butte, so we returned to the Hab after collecting data at White Rock Canyon. At the end of the EVA, Opportunity had 198.8 hr and 58% battery; Spirit had 259.1 hr and 66% battery.

Destination: East of Zubrin’s Head; White Rock Canyon

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520459E, 4248598N; 520329E, 4247523N

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Rashi Jain, Spruha Vashi

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road south a little past Zubrin’s Head for stop 1. Stop 2 was even further south near White Rock Canyon. Head back north the same way we came down.

Mode of travel: Rovers & walking

EVA Report – December 20th

Crew 305 EVA Report 20-12-2024

EVA # 12

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Sand Sample and stream width measurements around Compass Rock.

Start time: 10:00 hr

End time: 11:40 hr

Narrative: Ian led the EVA accompanied by Monish and Hunter. Perseverance and Spirit started the EVA with 296.8 hr and 259.1 hr, respectively and each with 100% battery. We took the rovers north to Galileo Road and out to Compass Rock, where we dismounted. We noticed a lot of pieces of petrified wood on the ground on our way to the streams on the eastern side of the monument. We wanted to find two small streams that met and ran south towards the larger flow into Candor Chasma. Both streams were easy to find, and we were able to safely get into the small canyon they cut out of the landscape. There were many tracks from fauna in the area, and Hunter caught a bunny running into a tight overhang as we approached part of one of the streams. As we moved south down the larger flow, Hunter was able to find a large patch of cryptobiotic soil next to the stream. We took a measurement not far from this location as well as a sand sample for later analysis. After three width measurements and a sample collection, we headed back to the rovers. We considered trying to stop and find the lost camera from EVA 08, but we did not have time and headed straight back to the Hab. At the end of the EVA, Perseverance was at 297.1 hr and 68%, and Spirit was at 259.5 hr and 74%.

Destination: Compass Rock

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520250E, 4251800N

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Monish Lokhande, Hunter Vannier

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road North to Galileo Road until Compass Rock.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Perseverance and Spirit)

EVA Report – December 13th

Crew 305 EVA Report 13-12-2024

EVA # 05

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Ephemeral stream measurements in Eos Chasma

Start time: 10:05 hr

End time: 13:35 hr

Narrative: Ian led the EVA with Rashi and Monish. Spirit and Opportunity began the day with 257.2 and 197.0 hrs, respectively and 100% battery each. We took Cow Dung Road north until we arrived at a pull off near a tributary that flows into the main Eos channel. At first, we were unsure of our location as the GPS coordinates were not where I expected the entrance to the canyon to be, but we were able to contact the Hab, and Hunter was able to explain that we were at a smaller tributary south of the main channel thanks to our GPS trackers. Because of the support from the Hab, we were able to proceed.

The lithology of Eos Chasma allowed for the streams to create knickpoints (waterfalls) throughout the region. We were able to find a safe slope into the tributary at first, but quickly hit another knickpoint. We doubled back and found a way safely around the dead waterfall and continued along the tributary, getting some measurements along the way. There were some interesting cross bedding units that were exposed along this path; joints had split the rock and allowed another sandstone to lithify within the cracks. We also saw evidence of groundwater sapping along the tributary. Eventually, the stream met up with the main channel. We took some measurements at the junction and continued down the main Eos Chasma. However, we ran into another knickpoint. For this one, we didn’t have time to safely get down and back up, so we turned around and headed to the rovers. There was a slight comms issue with Rashi’s radio, but once she switched from channel 2 to 1, she came through clearly. We took some GoPro footage of our return trip to the Hab on the rovers for later social media use, and at the end of the day, Spirit had 257.9 hrs with 66% battery, and Opportunity had 197.3 hr with 68% battery.

Destination: Eos Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518750E, 4252750N (rover stop) and 518691E, 4252792N on foot.

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Monish Lokhande, Rashi Jain

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road north to a pull off near the stream.

Mode of travel: Rover & walking

EVA Report – December 14th

Crew 305 EVA Report 14-12-2024

EVA # 06

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Take measurements along the main channel running into Eos Chasma (a.k.a. Tank Wash) both west and east of Cow Dung Road.

Start time: 10:05 hr

End time: 12:50 hr

Narrative: Ian led the EVA accompanied by Monish and Peter. We planned on taking Curiosity and Perseverance to the Tank Wash but were informed by the Hab that Curiosity’s rear wheel was too low to be taken, so the team took Perseverance and Spirit. Both rovers began the day with 100% battery and had 295.4 hr (Perseverance) and 251.5 hr (Spirit). We took the rovers to the intersection of Tank Wash and Cow Dung Road and parked the rovers at the closest safe offshoot to the road. We then walked into the Tank Wash and headed east. We took some measurements along the stream and up some of the tributaries (which helps with Ian’s project). There were some interesting rocks in the tributary to the northeast that at first looked wood-like, but they did end up just being siltstones/fine grain sandstones (which are still interesting!). After we obtained enough measurements to the east of the road, we traveled to the western part of the wash. The tributaries here were much narrower, cutting into the clay-rich, loose soil they were found in. These canyons were so narrow and short that only one person went in to take measurements (though they were still visible by the other EVA team members). The crew’s method of taking normal-sized ephemeral stream measurements has been ironed out to high efficiency now; two people hold the tape measurer and read off the value, then they move down a few feet and take another measurement, then another. All the while, Ian is writing down the width values while taking the GPS locations and noting any other important geologic information. Because of our efficiency (and lack of canyons that took time getting into), the EVA team took all the measurements needed for the day before 13:00 hr and were able to head back early. We arrived at the Hab around 12:50 hr, with Perseverance at 63% battery and 295.8 hrs and Spirit at 62% battery and 257.9 hr.

Destination: Tank Wash (the main ephemeral stream running across Cow Dung Road into Eos Chasma)

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Eastern most point (518663E, 4253839N) and western most point (517815E, 4253709N).

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Peter Zoss, Monish Lokhande

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to the intersection of Tank Wash.

Mode of travel: Rover to the intersection of Tank Wash and Cow Dung Road. Then walk both east and west along the Tank Wash.

EVA Report – December 11th

Crew 305 EVA Report 11-12-2024

EVA # 04

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Gather paleosol samples and ephemeral stream width measurements in Candor Chasma.

Start time: 10:00 hr

End time: 13:45 hr

Narrative: Ian led the EVA, accompanied by Hunter and Rashi. When we departed from the Hab, Perseverance and Curiosity were at 294.8 and 290.8 hr respectively, and both had 100% battery. We checked the tire pressure of Curiosity before leaving, and it seemed fine (though for safety, Rashi drove alone in it). We took the rovers to Compass Rock via Galileo Road and down a rover-careful route until we were at a pull off to an ephemeral stream that connects to the main channel into Candor Chasma. We took a measurement where we disembarked and headed back into Candor. We passed the location where we took the measurements on EVA 03 quickly and got further into the canyon to take new measurements. On the way in, Hunter spotted a good outcrop with paleosols for later. We were able to get into the wider part of the canyon with many tributaries running down from the sides into the main channel (which was good for Ian’s measurements). After a few stream widths were taken, we headed back to the outcrop Hunter saw before. Rashi and Ian helped Hunter collect multiple samples of different paleosols there, but we couldn’t safely get a sample from the top strata. Luckily, as we exited Candor and were heading back to the rovers, we saw that same layer again exposed along the channel, so Hunter got the samples he was looking for (one of our daily images). We then returned to the rovers and headed back to the Hab. On the way, we saw a great view of Factory Butte (another one of our images). At the end of EVA, Perseverance had 295.4 hr with 63% battery, and Curiosity was at 291.4 hr with 70% battery remaining.

Destination: Compass Rock & Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 591800E, 4251450N (Compass Rock) & 521482E, 4250999N (interior of Candor Chasma).

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Hunter Vannier, Rashi Jain

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to Galileo Road, down to the Candor Chasma stream. Walk along the stream into Candor Chasma. Same route going back.

Mode of travel: Rover to Compass rock and a bit south of that, then disembark and walk into Candor Chasma.

EVA Report – December 9th

Crew 305 EVA Report 09-12-2024

EVA # 1

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: EVA training day: become familiar with the conduct on and protocols of an EVA.

Start time: 10:00 hr

End time: 11:00 hr

Narrative: EVA was led by Ian; Hunter and Peter accompanied. We started Perseverance and Curiosity with 100% battery (we forgot to take hour range measurements). We drove the rovers out to Marble Ritual. We then each found a “marble” of our choice and put one in each of the baskets. We walked a little east (~150 m) and then about 500 m south until we found the fossilized dinosaur bone exposed in the region. We looked at some cryptobiotic soil, small outflows (which were too small for my project), and some green alterations to carbon rich, black shale. We then turned around and headed towards the rovers and took them back to the Hab the way we came. At the end of the EVA, Perseverance had 94% battery with 294.8 hr, and Curiosity had 89% battery with 290.8 hr.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518800E, 4251000N to 518800E, 4250500N

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Hunter Vannier, Peter Zoss

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Rover to Marble Ritual and then walk south to dinosaur bone

EVA Report – December 9th

Crew 305 EVA Report 02 09-12-2024
EVA # 2
Author: Hunter Vannier
Purpose of EVA: EVA training day: become familiar with the conduct on and protocols of an EVA.
Start time: 1130 hr
End time: 1300 hr
Narrative: Hunter led the EVA, joined by Rashi and Monish. Opportunity started with 100% charge and 196.6 hours, and Spirit started with 100% charge and 256.9 hours. We drove the rovers out to Marble Ritual via Cow Dung Road. After parking, we took time finding a “marble” of choice and put one in each of the baskets. We walked ~500 m south until we found the green fossilized dinosaur (thigh?) bone exposed in a light-toned sandstone/conglomerate outcrop. We then traveled northeast for ~600 m, exploring different outcrops along the way. We observed widespread differential weathering, affecting both pebbles and boulders alike, though the boulders were more mushroom-like. Atop one large hill, a rock looked like a springboard perched for a Martian diver. Freeze thaw-altered boulders and outcrops embedded in the ground were observed, where the freezing and thawing cycles have taken advantage of faults in the rock, usually parallel to bedding planes, and pushed them apart through expansion of water that infiltrate cracks and freeze during winter. One boulder looked smashed by a large hammer, and some ground-level examples looked like spinal bones of a whale carcass. After returning to the rovers, we performed beautiful three point turns and drove directly back to the Hab the way we came. Opportunity finished with 94% charge and 196.4 hours, and Spirit finished with 95% charge and 257.0 hours.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518800E, 4251000N to 518800E, 4250500N
Participants: Hunter Vannier, Rashi Jain, Monish Lokhande
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rover and by foot

EVA Report – December 10th

Crew 305 EVA Report 10-12-2024

EVA # 03

Author: Ian Pamerleau

Purpose of EVA: Initiation for Spruha and then data collection near and in the western part of Candor Chasma.

Start time: 10:00 hr

End time: 13:05 hr approximately

Narrative: EVA was led by Ian; Hunter and Spruha accompanied. We started the Spirit and Opportunity rovers at 257.0 hr and 196.7 hr, respectively, both with 100% charge. We traveled to Marble Ritual where Spruha was able to find a nice pebble sized rock to complete her initiation. It didn’t take long before she was ready to go onto our next destination, the fork in the road of Cow Dung and Gateway to Candor. Hunter was able to use his GPS to make sure we were at the correct location, at which point we disembarked the rovers. Right next to where we parked along the ephemeral stream, we were able to take our first measurement of the mission! We measured the width of the dry stream 3 times at around the same location and marked down the GPS coordinates for later analysis. Measurements were taken with a 100 m tape I brought along. We also began dropping flags in the areas where we stopped to take data. This way, if we forgot to take some form of data, we could do it on the way back for the flags. We continued walking in the stream bed and took multiple data points using the same process as before. We got a little bit into the Canyon before we had to turn back. We were able to find some fun features that were not stream measurements. Hunter was able to find a piece of petrified wood and either another one, or a dinosaur bone stuck in a conglomerate. We also saw many beautiful shades of chert and different animal tracks coming from low, shaded points in the stream where there were some ice pools still melting. We got back to the rovers and drove them back to the Hab. At the end of the EVA, Spirit was at 257.2 hr and 76% charge, and Opportunity was at 197.0 and 90% charge.

Destination: Marble Ritual; Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): (518800E, 4251000N); (519100E, 4251490N) walk to (520199E, 4251403N).

Participants: Ian Pamerleau, Hunter Vannier, Spruha Vashi

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: drive MDRS driveway, Cow Dung Road to Marble Ritual. Then drive to the fork of Cow Dung Road and Gateway to Candor walking trail. Walk Gateway to Candor and a little bit of Watney Road, mostly following the river bed into the canyon itself.

Mode of travel: Rover to Marble Ritual (short stop) then rover to fork, walk river bed to the canyon.

EVA Report – October 22nd

Crew 301 EVA Report 10-22-2024

EVA # 1

Author: Jen Carver-Hunter

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 13:00

End time: 15:00

Narrative: Rachel, Alex, Steve, Jason, Mike, and Jen were prepped and ready for the EVA on time. EVA team loaded up in rovers to drive to the first EVA destination, at the intersection of Cow Dung Road and Brahe Hwy. They continued a short distance on foot, circling the area to look for selenite specimens. After collecting specimens to add to their collection and to use for the selenite experiment/investigation they plan to conduct in the science dome, EVA team loaded back up into the Hab car to drive to their second collection site, at the mounds by the balancing rock south of dry wash. They walked toward the west of Cow Dung Road, where they collected two more samples for their specimen collection. After collecting samples, the crew returned to the Hab car and drove back to the Hab.

Destination: Intersection with Brahe Hwy followed by mounds near the balancing rock south of dry creek wash

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000, 4254750 and 518000, 4254000

Participants: Rachel Johnson, Michael Ho, Steve Kirsche, Alex Grab, Jason Trump, and Jen Carver-Hunter

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Crew took rovers from the Hab to Cow Dung Rd, turned north onto Cow Dung Rd, and followed it to the intersection with Brahe Hwy. From there, they turned south on Cow Dung Rd to the second collection site south of dry creek wash. From the second site, they returned to the Hab on Cow Dung Rd.

Mode of travel: Spirit, Curiosity, and Perseverance Rovers

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